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'Pakistan army explosive used in Varanasi blast'

Tell me India doesn't use TNT or C4, the global standard for explosives.

Didn't know Indians were that dumb.
leave everything yaar...chalo we have blamed pakistan. one more rope tightened of showing pakistan a terror exporter.
now what ?

well u can say, u dont care..... but ur country's condition says otherwise !:azn:

She racked her brain for words
scathing enough to convey her
opinion of their actions. When
nothing came to her, she settled
for the one unanswerable
accusation. "Men!"
?Dallas Schulze

Proof or get lost.

Ur username tells about ur i.q nd mentality.
The authenticity of the email was still being verified, Home Minister P. Chidambaram said.Just because of this unknown e-mail whole indian media hype with their own sensational stories.What a waste of time.
At Least the best the media source can do is to make an apology for publishing such false report...!
'Pakistan army explosive used in Varanasi blast'

LUCKNOW: The forensic examination of the samples collected from the blast site in Varanasi last Tuesday has revealed that the explosive used by terrorists is mainly used by the Pakistan army in making grenades.
Police sources said that terrorists had used ammonium nitrate in combination with either TNT or C-4 as the blast left a plume of smoke and not fire. C-4 is closer to RDX in its formation and is difficult to detect.
Police believe that terrorists had apparently planned to cause a stampede which would have resulted in bigger casualties.
According to investigating agencies, terror outfit Indian Mujahideen was responsible for the blast.
The forensic revelation also confirms reports that Pakistan is fully involved in the patronage of Indian Mujahideen cadres to keep the security forces on their toes and, if possible, create communal tension and violence, police sources said.
Reports suggest that since the ban on the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) in 2006, most of the active members of the outfit have joined the Indian Mujahideen.
“While the primary focus of Pakistan remains on Kashmir, it has a vested interest in India’s instability; security, political and economic. There is a clear pattern … from the Parliament attack, to the Mumbai attack and to the blasts at religious places, over the past one decade,” a senior Intelligence officer said.

There is nothing in this post/article which says Pak made explosives were used in the blast, it only says the same explosives ARE USED BY PAK TO MAKE GRENADES, and further says Pak is supporting IM (obvious).:hitwall:

There's a catch in this article n all u Pakistanis couldn't CATCH it.:no: This is the yellow journalism prevalent in India unfortunately.:undecided:
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Pakistan Ordnance Factories is licensed manufacturer of Infamous Arges grenades, See no one can say what formula is used... because there are different grenades for different purpose with the same physical appearance... so there are different Combination, in which C4 is also a Combination... and even c4 have various variants... some shock, some like a hell fire... & Smoke... The Shock one is most effective and powerful for close combat operations in open terrain.

They are all available for Pakistan Army so if some type of combination even matches 101% you can never say that just because it matched with the combination "Its Origin is the same as of matched combination"

But yes the Potassium samples found inside Pakistan recovered from many terrorist activities including the one in which the terrorist burned the whole market after the attack on Shia persecution, was definitely from India because that particular variant of potassium chlorate can only be found and produced in India.

Pakistan Ordnance Factories is licensed manufacturer of Infamous Arges grenades, See no one can say what formula is used... because there are different grenades for different purpose with the same physical appearance... so there are different Combination, in which C4 is also a Combination... and even c4 have various variants... some shock, some like a hell fire... & Smoke... The Shock one is most effective and powerful for close combat operations in open terrain.

They are all available for Pakistan Army so if some type of combination even matches 101% you can never say that just because it matched with the combination "Its Origin is the same as of matched combination"

But yes the Potassium samples found inside Pakistan recovered from many terrorist activities including the one in which the terrorist burned the whole market after the attack on Shia persecution, was definitely from India because that particular variant of potassium chlorate can only be found and produced in India.

Pottasium cholarate is KClO3 if i am not wrong. Or its formula was KClO3(Indian). Can you be bit more specific?
i have been following all media reports on the varanasi blast and nowhere not on any chanel or news paper was it said the explosives came from pakistan . so this whole post seems like a bash india with false reports . similar like the wiki fiasco you guys had there a week ago .
Your fellow countrymen posted the news , we are not so free to do India bashing we have many many positive things to discuss.
And iam totally amazed at the news of ORANGE media they just keep bSing and never get tied of that.
If one day, in India a leady gave birth 3 or 4 girls at a time,
I am afraid- Indian will say,
This is ISI Job.
Much like indian explosives have been used in terrorism around Baluchistan and North Pakistan. India must link pakistan with every terrorist attack save itself from embarrasment of failed ideas as well saving face of "world largest democracy"
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