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Pakistan Army enters in the list of top ten powerful armies


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Pakistan Army enters in the list of top ten powerful armies​

January 23, 2022
Global Defense Insight

According to the 2022 World Military Strength Ranking, Pakistan’s military is the ninth most powerful in the world.

The rating was released by Global Firepower, which used over 50 separate elements to calculate a nation’s Power Index (‘PwrIndx’) score, with categories ranging from military force and finances to logistical capabilities and location.

The Global Firepower ranking compares and examines a wide range of elements, not only the number of soldiers or weapons deployed by a country, to assess the armed forces of 138 countries.
Pakistan moved up one spot in the annual ranking this year, reaching ninth place out of 140 nations.
Read More: The Mysterious Death of India’s CDS General Bipin Rawat
The Pakistan Army was named the 10th most powerful army in the world last year, up to five spots from 2019.
“In terms of the yearly GFP evaluation, Pakistan is placed 9th out of 140 nations for 2022. GFP announced in a statement that it had a PwrIndx* score of 0.1572 (a score of 0.0000 is deemed ‘perfect’).
Pakistan has surpassed Turkey, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and other nations in the rankings. Pakistan has an estimated total of 1,204,000 military troops, according to Global Firepower’s rating.
The elevated Power Index score is 0.0000, which is an impossible aim for any country to achieve. However, the closer a country gets to this figure, the greater military strength it has.
The US army is the most powerful in the world, according to Global Firepower’s rating, followed by Russia and China.
The list indicates how countries have been increasingly looking for options to modernize their forces. With renewed tensions between US-China and US-Russia, the world is once again facing fierce great power competition.
With China and Russia ready to confront the US and its allies at any point in any part of the world. The smaller countries are now forced to make choices while many are again voicing for “no camp politics”, however, with tensions increasing day by day the smaller nations will have to take any side.
this is only field we cared we invested and we are in top 10 too . sometime i wonder if south asia was peaceful and we have invested in HR we may be like singapore today . sadly this shitty part of world where we live is hell and we must stay armed to teeth .
this is only field we cared we invested and we are in top 10 too . sometime i wonder if south asia was peaceful and we have invested in HR we may be like singapore today . sadly this shitty part of world where we live is hell and we must stay armed to teeth .
peaceful Pakistan would have been in top 10 economies, I have no doubt
Pakistan army has numbers but is not very advanced. You can compare photos of Pakistan army with armies of western and east Asian countries if you don't believe
a poor country liek pakistan have did her best sir . what else you expect from us . west and east asia have huge money . while here we are starving and making fighter jets tanks ships subs missiles and nukes .
Pakistan army has numbers but is not very advanced. You can compare photos of Pakistan army with armies of western and east Asian countries if you don't believe
We have strong Artillery
Modern tank fleet ( VT 4 and AK series
Modern defence systems (HQ 9P ,Hq 16, CAMM ER)
Strong fighter jet fleet (4th&4.5 gen.fleet)
Good fleet of submarines
Good fleet of surface warships
Modern Ballistic Missiles
Modern Cruise missiles

We have enough man power to fight.
And we have nuclear weapons man.
Why you think why are not strong militarily just because you saw some random pics of soldiers.
Pakistan army has numbers but is not very advanced. You can compare photos of Pakistan army with armies of western and east Asian countries if you don't believe
If it were merely numbers then I guess China would be ahead of both US and Russia.
You don't compare an army through photos.....training , capability, battle experience , dedication and professionalism can't be displayed or judged through pictures.
If it were merely numbers then I guess China would be ahead of both US and Russia.
You don't compare an army through photos.....training , capability, battle experience , dedication and professionalism can't be displayed or judged through pictures.
It is not merely numbers. Both quality and quantity is taken into account. Had it been only numbers North Korea would be in top 10. It is not. In fact it is not even in top 20.
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Pakistan Army enters in the list of top ten powerful armies​

January 23, 2022
Global Defense Insight

According to the 2022 World Military Strength Ranking, Pakistan’s military is the ninth most powerful in the world.

The rating was released by Global Firepower, which used over 50 separate elements to calculate a nation’s Power Index (‘PwrIndx’) score, with categories ranging from military force and finances to logistical capabilities and location.

The Global Firepower ranking compares and examines a wide range of elements, not only the number of soldiers or weapons deployed by a country, to assess the armed forces of 138 countries.
Pakistan moved up one spot in the annual ranking this year, reaching ninth place out of 140 nations.
Read More: The Mysterious Death of India’s CDS General Bipin Rawat
The Pakistan Army was named the 10th most powerful army in the world last year, up to five spots from 2019.
“In terms of the yearly GFP evaluation, Pakistan is placed 9th out of 140 nations for 2022. GFP announced in a statement that it had a PwrIndx* score of 0.1572 (a score of 0.0000 is deemed ‘perfect’).
Pakistan has surpassed Turkey, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and other nations in the rankings. Pakistan has an estimated total of 1,204,000 military troops, according to Global Firepower’s rating.
The elevated Power Index score is 0.0000, which is an impossible aim for any country to achieve. However, the closer a country gets to this figure, the greater military strength it has.
The US army is the most powerful in the world, according to Global Firepower’s rating, followed by Russia and China.
The list indicates how countries have been increasingly looking for options to modernize their forces. With renewed tensions between US-China and US-Russia, the world is once again facing fierce great power competition.
With China and Russia ready to confront the US and its allies at any point in any part of the world. The smaller countries are now forced to make choices while many are again voicing for “no camp politics”, however, with tensions increasing day by day the smaller nations will have to take any side.
Shala kal tak dewalia ho jay ga yeh daish aor daikho top 10 ma a gia :pajeet of hindustan:lol:
Another self hating Pakistani. With inferiority complex.
It's in the nature of some to look for negativity amongst any positivity, grab defeat from the jaws of a victory. The very kind who never think twice before burning buses, setting alight petrol pumps and banks.
Ridiculing self is just part of fun for them.

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