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Pakistan and Srilanka to revive the talks on JF-17

Sri Lanka is back to deal, means they are sure what they want and ready to shun pressure of a weak swami country.

Bhai aj to free banto Burnol.. bohat jalan hogi swami ji ko.

Dear Indians;

i don't understand why we are opposing the deal, in fact we should encourage the Srilanka to purchase aircraft, so we can have closer look at the aircraft, i say we extend the credit line to srilanka to purchase the aircraft :yahoo:

O you can have a very close look but you will still come up with this.
The word used in the news item is "held" Kashmir. Very interesting if this news is coming from SL media, judging by writer name.
Yeh apni tasweer me kutta kyu lagaya hua hai?

That dog in his (@SparrowJack) display picture is if you check certain propaganda channels on youtube created by certain racist Indians is what they believe is what the geographical map of Pakistan looks like.

One does not have to be very creative to make similar comparisons with the map of present day India but I hope Pakistanis don't stoop to their level.
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Thanks.. :)

A dog is not so bad an animal. Known well for its loyalty and ability to protect. Why would such an animal be used as a derogatory sign for Pakistan anyway?

I think its the human that has more of a problem and not the animal. :thank_you2:

That dog in his (@SparrowJack) display picture is if you check certain propaganda channels on youtube created by racist Indians is what they believe is what the geographical map of Pakistan looks like.

One does not have to be very creative to make similar comparisons with the map of present day India but I hope Pakistanis don't stoop to their level.
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I think the sales of JF-17 will unfold in September when Chinese president is going to visit Srilanka. I am right now skeptical about the sales claim and do agree that India has lot of influence in Srilanka. The stakes for India is much higher as it considers Srilanka as its backyard. Any intrusion by the china or Pakistan will certainly be upsetting however one cannot deny the fact that inroads by china and Pakistan have certainly gained momentum in a past decade or two. The progress is slow and gradual.

I would be worth discussing the counter strategy by India to nullify as gains made by its neighbors and counter counter strategy by China & Pakistan.
A dog is not so bad an animal. Known well for its loyalty and ability to protect. Why would such an animal be used as a derogatory sign for Pakistan anyway?

Because in Urdu calling someone a dog or comparing him with it is considered extremely offensive. Even in English there are phrases related to dogs which if said to someone are considered offensive.
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