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Pakistan and Srilanka to revive the talks on JF-17

i don't understand why we are opposing the deal, in fact we should encourage the Srilanka to purchase aircraft, so we can have closer look at the aircraft, i say we extend the credit line to srilanka to purchase the aircraft :yahoo:
i don't understand why we are opposing the deal, in fact we should encourage the Srilanka to purchase aircraft, so we can have closer look at the aircraft, i say we extend the credit line to srilanka to purchase the aircraft :yahoo:
Aap log har baat mein India ko le aate ho
Oye OYe oYe oye .... Ro Pare Ho... Chalo beta chup kro Roote nahi hain..!!
i don't understand why we are opposing the deal, in fact we should encourage the Srilanka to purchase aircraft, so we can have closer look at the aircraft, i say we extend the credit line to srilanka to purchase the aircraft :yahoo:


India wins
1- india sells tejaso_O:cheesy: = india wins
2-Pakistan sells Jf-17, india uses its magical influence over sri lanka to see the plane = india wins
3 - Sri Lanka uses JF 17s to bomb indian ships means india gets more defence money to buy more ships = india wins
4- Sri Lanka buys JF 17 rejecting Tejas with a massive slap in the face of India for supporting LTTE means sri lankans have to lift hand and slap it across Modi face thus it is possible sri lankan president scratches his palm on Modi's stubble = india wins

JF-17 Thunder is a lightweight multi role combat aircraft. It needs some explanation to impress the foreigners so finding customers for this platform is not that easy.

Only the countries like Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nigeria etc will consider it for moderation plans because rich countries will rely on old proven platforms. Pakistani sellers should do something to build larger confidence on this machine. Better marketing and diplomacy should be used equally for getting customers. As far we are not reaching to the induction of 250 aircrafts. The manufacturing lines will never get affected by sales program.

Hope that upgradations in this platform in future will create more lust for foreigners. This aircraft is nothing less than any other modern 4th generation aircraft but it has to make its place among famous brands!
India will just as easily cancel the deal as it did last time.
Forget Pakistan, India even made Sri Lanka 're-negotiate a port development deal with China for terms favourable to India.

Similarly in Nepal, India covertly intervened and removed an hostile PM and replaced him with Prachanda who according to US classified diplomatic cables released by wikileaks has stayed several times in RAW safe houses in India.
Problem is india has to give free tejas in both way we are in win win situation let Afghanistan srilankan Iran Bangladesh benefit from India via Pak hatred burden on Indian tax payers pocket

India wins
1- india sells tejaso_O:cheesy: = india wins
2-Pakistan sells Jf-17, india uses its magical influence over sri lanka to see the plane = india wins
3 - Sri Lanka uses JF 17s to bomb indian ships means india gets more defence money to buy more ships = india wins
4- Sri Lanka buys JF 17 rejecting Tejas with a massive slap in the face of India for supporting LTTE means sri lankans have to lift hand and slap it across Modi face thus it is possible sri lankan president scratches his palm on Modi's stubble = india wins


Thanks.. We try...After all we have reputation to protect:D
I believe Pakistan really need few international customers to keep JF17 alive and to be upgraded to block II and above, Else with only 1 sole customer PAF, it would never be a cost effective solution. India just need to deprive Pakistan with this opportunity and keep the tap tightly closed. India has enough leverage on SriLanka to do this.
Pakistan already has two confirmed customers lined up; Nigeria and Myanmar, with delivery is set to begin next year.

Sri Lanka is trying to be diplomatic, they don't want to antagonize India (lest India restarts its "efforts" in SL again), but they also want to send a clear message that they will not simply do as they're told; this is why SL continues to have close relations with both China and Pakistan.

I have a feeling that SL will buy the JF-17, but will offset any negative repercussions by buying more naval hardware from India.

SL knows that Pakistan is keeping JF-17s in its air fleet for a reason..They trust that because Pakistan is always bolstering its air defence
JF-17 has enough to prove Its effectiveness.. and if Sri lanka gets about 100 of These Then they would have to be feared in their Self defence,Even by them who think of themselves as some Gorillas of a Self Madeup Jungle of the region.
100? hold yer horses. Sri Lanka only needs around 1-2 squadrons, so around 25-50 aircraft, in order to have an affective air defense. Sri Lanka doesn't have much to fear, when it comes to air defense, as they have good relations with most of its neighbors. All they need is a deterrent, one that can also act as a basic strike fighter, which the thunder's multi-role capability can easily and cheaply provide.
Pakistan already has two confirmed customers lined up; Nigeria and Myanmar, with delivery is set to begin next year.

Sri Lanka is trying to be diplomatic, they don't want to antagonize India (lest India restarts its "efforts" in SL again), but they also want to send a clear message that they will not simply do as they're told; this is why SL continues to have close relations with both China and Pakistan.

I have a feeling that SL will buy the JF-17, but will offset any negative repercussions by buying more naval hardware from India.

100? hold yer horses. Sri Lanka only needs around 1-2 squadrons, so around 25-50 aircraft, in order to have an affective air defense. Sri Lanka doesn't have much to fear, when it comes to air defense, as they have good relations with most of its neighbors. All they need is a deterrent, one that can also act as a basic strike fighter, which the thunder's multi-role capability can easily and cheaply provide.

As per Sri Lankan media, requirement is 8-12 aircraft. My feeling is, it's a tough sell for us. Not that JF-17 does not meet the requirements but the fact that India will make it a life and death matter. I don't see Sri Lanka putting up with such a hostile pressure which to me is understandable. Only saving grace may be abysmal legacy of LCA and presence of US components with it. I don't see how they can export it with a GE engine. US has been very critical of Sri Lanka on human rights in war against LTTE. Somehow I feel, some used Indian jets may end up with Sri Lanka. MiG-21s, MiG-27 or even perhaps 29s or Jaguars. Let's see what happens here.
Can an AF Chief meet an President? I dont understand Pakistan desperateness in promoting JF17 everywhere.
Smart advertising is the need of the hour.
All the Indian and Pakistan members....
Pakistan can't sell without Russian approval since we using Russian engines and only China have permission to resale it to Pakistan.
India use engine from GE plus many other subsystems from many countries and they also needs permission to export it.

OK ... Russia producing jets and price comparable to JF-17 why they permit us to sale our jets to potential Russian customers?

And same case with Tejas...

Both India and Pakistan just doing some show off stunts no other nation besides both will use their jets even I believe IAF will never induct Tejas in large numbers.

Even Chinese refuse to induct JF-17 since performance quite close to J-10.
So JF-17 for Pakistan and Tejas a good learning experiment for India (What they learn not to try anything in future like this).

Case closed.

Now happy trolling.
All the Indian and Pakistan members....
Pakistan can't sell without Russian approval since we using Russian engines and only China have permission to resale it to Pakistan.
India use engine from GE plus many other subsystems from many countries and they also needs permission to export it.

OK ... Russia producing jets and price comparable to JF-17 why they permit us to sale our jets to potential Russian customers?

And same case with Tejas...

Both India and Pakistan just doing some show off stunts no other nation besides both will use their jets even I believe IAF will never induct Tejas in large numbers.

Even Chinese refuse to induct JF-17 since performance quite close to J-10.
So JF-17 for Pakistan and Tejas a good learning experiment for India (What they learn not to try anything in future like this).

Case closed.

Now happy trolling.

Actually i think it better for both countries to have a competition on manufacturing and exporting of their military products to other nations than both having a competition on the battlefield, as the competition for exports will benefit the countries, where as a competition on the battlefield will bring nothing but ruins to both Pakistan and India.

Learn from the American's and the Europeans, they all hate each other but their battlefield is on the economic sector.
Actually i think it better for both countries to have a competition on manufacturing and exporting of their military products to other nations than both having a competition on the battlefield, as the competition for exports will benefit the countries, where as a competition on the battlefield will bring nothing but ruins to both Pakistan and India.

Learn from the American's and the Europeans, they all hate each other but their battlefield is on the economic sector.
Does u r reply relate to my post :o:o_O

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