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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm sure your tone will change once you're deported back to Pakistan for your terrorist views and have to fight for Immi chan.

Guess what morons, if you try to storm a sensitive area with a mob you will get shot by security.
shut up donkey. I will surely do better than you if in Pakistan.
My advice to you as a Muslim brother, do not leave the streets without liberating Imran Khan. And cleanse your country of puppet gangs taking orders from the west.
West does not have to order,
Pakistan Military Inc only works for its evil interests.
Inshallah, we will be liberated from this colonial, occupation army.

People have hit the right address. If they had railed against the thieves that establishment installed, it would have been waste of energy. There is no fear. Corps commander residence was set ablaze. GHQ gate was crashed.

People have lost respect for Army. And this was needed to confront the corrupt generals head on. Pakistani nation will never accept this slavery. Inshallah Imran Khan will be back as PM.
Mulahiza farmayiay

This was easier than I thought.

But it does raise a few questions:

1- The windows and furniture are already broken before the protestors entered. Did the protestors break in first, then went out, and then went in again? Highly unlikely.

2- Where is the family of the CC, or their personal belongings? Did they remove them before? Or do they not live here?

3- The guy negotiating looks like an officer. If so, baray hi maskeen lag rahay hain Major sahab.

@RescueRanger any comments? Especially point 1.
Ppl have recognized army of Lord Clive.
Late, but good for Pakistan.
Turks had General Allenby, but they finally liberated from the yoke of fake janissari. Time for Pakistani nation to send military to work for black waters and raise a new free army answerable to the constitution.

after election you wouldn't come online due to shame. Now I am 100% sure you know nothing about pakistan bas time pas ke liye bak bak
Must ignore joker batmen.
I heard from an Indian channel that Paf base sargodha was attacked and some monuments defiled. I think PAF needs to be extra careful to tell the qaum that it is different from the army . There is virtually no Paf snr air officer in ISI and PAF has not gotten involved in shady property deals barring an exception or two. The CAS needs to come out into the open and side with the Public
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