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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

Thats because in India people mostly eat Goat meat, Lamb meat when cooked in Indian curry style does tend to have bit of a smell to it as compared to goat meat.

Grilled lamb doesn't smell though.

But if its already chopped up or skinned, how do you tell the difference?
But if its already chopped up or skinned, how do you tell the difference?

Lamb(Sheep) Meat is a bit more chewy. In the shops in say Western countries, America, Australia you will rarely find Goat Meat at normal butchers, they all sell lamb. Here in Sydney you can only find Goat meat in certain Halal Butcher shops.

Goat Meat is a very sub continent thing and maybe a bit Arabic. Lamb(Sheep) meat is more staple and mainstream for most other cultures. So unless it specifically says Goat meat then its goat meat, otherwise its most definitely lamb(sheep).
But if its already chopped up or skinned, how do you tell the difference?

It takes practice, but usually I never buy meat where I don't get to select the part I want cut, then they cut it in front of me. In UAE there is pretty much a lot of trust that no one would sneak in beef instead of mutton (goat).

Beef, raw would have lesser smell, but as I said proper Zabiha animal won't have smell either way. Normally desis like the leg or the shoulder pieces - preference given to leg for making any desi food. Suffice to say cow leg would be huge. Don't buy pre-cut meat. Especially if you're buying minced halaal meat. It would be nearly impossible to tell till you cook it.

1. All cows are gods man,there is nothing in a breed.

2.It is a thing which came about because it made much more sense to drink milk than eat beef.

3.Yeah,it has a selfish motive but then Cows are also such lovable animals.So cute,how can you eat them?

1. So cloned ones are safe for consumption?:what:
2. Same with Goat, chickens give eggs, apply same to it.
3. I find fishes and chickens cute, so ban fish eating and chicken consumption.

The thread has long back reached its logical conclusion and there is nothing more to be said on both sides. Right or wrong, cow is considered a divine incarnation and it is thus sacred to hundreds of millions of Hindus all over India and hence killing it infringes on our sentiments.

We respect the sentiments, however flimsy, of other religious groups and we expect the same in return.

Sure not all Hindus are abhorred by it...that's cool. But that is just a minority. Most of them consider it a taboo and hence better left untouched.

Want to eat beef ? sure go ahead, cook in your home or go out to a restaurant, have it to your heart's fill (provided beef is available subject to state laws). But parading that in public in order to prove something, well they are just asking for it and better not cry when they get it.

It's not just aa cultural practise but which one which is mentioned in religous texts too.

Wrong analogy.

Sorry for the occasional slip-ups in grammer.

Im sorry , though have read vedas, never was mandatory to follow it.

Vedas were taught to brahmins in old times and even today its mandatory for them, not for me.

You google searched vedic verses are you sure you are following everything thats said there? Or is it just fod habits you follow
Black Bengal Goats....they are cute and taste damn awesome.


It even looks tasty.
I think the thread has run its course. Would request mods to close it.
The moot point is that it is not a fight for beef .. but a fight for the definition of secularism itself
In US and the West the definition of secularism is not caring about what others do. There is a complete separation of religion and the state.
In India secularism is all about tolerance and inclusiveness to the point that it does not harm the interest of others
I would like to end my post about a true story of 2 firnds:
They went to a Pizza parlour in Colaba, Mumbai.
One was a Christian and the other was a Hindu.
The Hindu ordrered a beef pizza because he wanted to try beef.
The Christian asked if it is OK for him to have beef because he was a Hindu..

The thought that the Christian had about Hindu's sentiments is the cornerstone of our secularism and society..
India is a nation of thousand beliefs, traditions and cultures..
Contradictions between culutures are bound to occur

But, what carried us together by even imbibing external cultures is our tolreance and respect for each other's sentiments to the point that it did not harm relationships ...
We managed to stick as a nation !!!
Beef is damn tasty. I highly recommend it :tup:
As much as I love beef, i been discovering that its actually bad for health.

Also I just discovered that there is no account of the Prophet SAW ever eating beef. In fact there's a hadith that accounts him saying , more or less, the milk of the cow has cure, but the cow itself has diseases.

Milk is a shifa and cows have diseases, and its been proven scientifically now.

So, I been reconsidering eating beef lately.
As much as I love beef, i been discovering that its actually bad for health.

Also I just discovered that there is no account of the Prophet SAW ever eating beef. In fact there's a hadith that accounts him saying , more or less, the milk of the cow has cure, but the cow itself has diseases.

Milk is a shifa and cows have diseases, and its been proven scientifically now.

So, I been reconsidering eating beef lately.
even god is protecting the cow making it bad for your health. would you eat something that alah himslef has kept his hands on?
As much as I love beef, i been discovering that its actually bad for health.

Also I just discovered that there is no account of the Prophet SAW ever eating beef. In fact there's a hadith that accounts him saying , more or less, the milk of the cow has cure, but the cow itself has diseases.

Milk is a shifa and cows have diseases, and its been proven scientifically now.

So, I been reconsidering eating beef lately.

Too much red meat is bad for health. Best to consume in limited quantities.

I am not sure why Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) did not consume beef. Are cows hard to raise in their environment?

Milk? We pasteurize milk these days. It is a necessary part of diet and a key ingredient in many recipes.

even god is protecting the cow making it bad for your health. would you eat something that alah himslef has kept his hands on?

Beef is not haram or mokrooh.
II would like to end my post about a true story of 2 firnds:
They went to a Pizza parlour in Colaba, Mumbai.
One was a Christian and the other was a Hindu.
The Hindu ordrered a beef pizza because he wanted to try beef.
The Christian asked if it is OK for him to have beef because he was a Hindu..

Dear Sir,

This is not true story but a **** and bull story. My office is also in south mumbai and i know for a fact that BEEF pizza is not served by any of the major pizza joints here : Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Smoking Joes or Jazz By The Bay. Pork maybe but Beef ...no way.Perhaps you are not aware that MacDonalds even went to the extent of changing its cooking medium only in India to ally any doubts that it used beef fat or pork fat as an ingredient.
Too much red meat is bad for health. Best to consume in limited quantities.

I am not sure why Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) did not consume beef. Are cows hard to raise in their environment?

Milk? We pasteurize milk these days. It is a necessary part of diet and a key ingredient in many recipes.

Beef is not haram or mokrooh.
I dont know about haram etc.. but you guys likt to do things becasue the beloved profet used to . so by extension why dont you guys not do thing that the profet did not do?
I dont know about haram etc.. but you guys likt to do things becasue the beloved profet used to . so by extension why dont you guys not do thing that the profet did not do?

Because that is extremely ridiculous thing to suggest, and is not part of the prophets teaching.
The prophet also never drove a car, ate ice cream, or used the internet.
Does that mean we are not allowed to do that as well?
Islam is a very logical and thought out religion.
It has bans on things that make sense to be banned, like Pork and poisonous plants and animals.
Cows are perfectly fine to eat, even if the prophet himself might not have eaten them.
And just like with everything, you need moderation.
Eating too much daal is bad for your health as well, does that mean everyone should stop eating daal?
of course not.
We respect your right to not eat beef, so kindly respect ours and stop proselytizing to us.
Dear Sir,

This is not true story but a **** and bull story. My office is also in south mumbai and i know for a fact that BEEF pizza is not served by any of the major pizza joints here : Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Smoking Joes or Jazz By The Bay. Pork maybe but Beef ...no way.Perhaps you are not aware that MacDonalds even went to the extent of changing its cooking medium only in India to ally any doubts that it used beef fat or pork fat as an ingredient.

That story was true !!!

That Hindu was me !!

And my intention was to have beef ..
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