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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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I sincerely hope the news about the at sea burial is fake, and I hope they show his dead body to journalists up close. This is extremely important.
This operation was not possible to be successful without Pakistan. Therefore, Obama thanked Pakistan.
we are scared of backlash from terrorists!! smart thing by our government! something the common man won't get!

:( not a smart thing. al-qaeda terrorists are attacking Pakistan for last 10 years and they will continue so why to hide our active role in operation when these terrorists know well Pakistan was involved
Did you want a mazar in his honor?? Why is this "shocking"?

Well it just seems like a stupid thing to do. They could've cremated his body later on, much later. Its the same as burying Benazir's body after her assassination, you need to satisfy the world.
Did you want a mazar in his honor?? Why is this "shocking"?

:what: mazar or no mazar that is another thing. the point is why US was in so much hurry to throw the dead body in SEA?

where is DNA? where is pic of dead body ?

why this all hogwash ??

i say let make it public and end the this saga of OBL releasing tap after tap
USA said he was dead.

BBC Pashto reports: "Just now Afghan President Hamid Karzai told a large gathering at the presidential palace that Osama Bin Laden had been killed, which was cheered with joy. The president added: 'We have always said that the war on terror was not in Afghan villages but outside our borders, and so it has proved once more.'"

0815: Raza S Janjua in Abbottabad, writes: "Abbottabad is normal as a regular day, the roads are fine. My mother is out to get groceries, father's in his office. Only the Bilal Town area is in complete military control - no one is allowed in." Have Your Say

0811: The BBC's Paul Wood in Kabul says officials there believe the violence will go on despite Bin Laden's death: "The Taleban are no longer so closely affiliated with al-Qaeda. In many senses they have split off."

0809: The UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, who is on a visit to Egypt, has congratulated the US on "ending the reign of terror of Osama Bin Laden himself". "There couldn't be a greater contrast between what we've seen here in Tahrir Square, people aspiring for democratic change, for peaceful change in the Arab world... and the destructive and murderous approach of al-Qaeda," he said.

0806: Zabiullah Mujahid, Taliban spokesman in Afghanistan told BBC Afghan Programmes: "We are not saying anything about this story; our investigation is continuing and will talk about it later."

0803: Before his announcement, President Obama spoke to former presidents George W Bush and Bill Clinton "to review with them the events of today [Sunday] and to preview his statement to the nation tonight", a White House spokesman said. "The pursuit of Osama Bin Laden and the defeat of al-Qaeda has been a bipartisan exercise in this nation since 11 September 2001."

0801: Ahmed Rashid goes on to warn: "The fear now of random suicide bombings in subway or train stations in the US or Europe is particularly high. So are plane hijackings, bombings of Western military targets and US embassies in the Middle East where they are already a frequent target. Or just the amateur jihadi placing a bomb in a supermarket."

0758: The BBC's guest columnist Ahmed Rashid says Bin Laden's death is a huge blow to extremists, but al-Qaeda today is "loose and amorphous", not the highly centralised hierarchy it once was. "Today al-Qaeda's philosophy is one man one bomb. In other words it does not need another 9/11 to make its mark. One bomb in Times Square in New York placed by one dedicated suicide bomber or one bomb in a New York subway - both attacks were attempted last year - are big enough indicators that al-Qaeda is alive and kicking."

0752: US General Jack Keane told the BBC's Today programme that it was "appropriate" that Bin Laden was killed by US forces. "I'm glad we're bringing a body back [to the US] as to opposed to him walking back," he said.

0750: A senior Afghan counterterrorism official has told BBC Afghan Programmes in Kabul: "This [Bin Laden's death] would have been more significant in 2004, 2005 or 2006 - now it is too late. There is a Bin Laden on every street today.''
0744: A spokesman for Human Rights Watch said: "Osama Bin Laden will never again be responsible for mass atrocities such as the September 11 attacks. His death should also bring an end to a horrific chapter of human rights abuses in the name of counterterrorism."

0742: Prominent Pakistani opposition politician Imran Khan has said on Pakistan's Dunya TV that Bin Laden's death ought to mark the end of US military operations in Pakistan, BBC Monitoring reports. "I feel that now that they have killed [him], there remains no justification for this war," he said.
Some Unofficial leaks
Some Unofficial leaks

akistan disclosed initial leads to Osama's network in Pakistan. Up until a week ago, it became clear where OBL was to be found, evidence suggested he had been in the compound for some time. The CIA was keeping a watch on the compound, it was not a joint surveliance operation.

Meanwhile, America made preparations for the attack and flew into Attobabad from Afghanistan, it took about 7-15 minutes.

Our observation radars were jammed.

Once the attack took place, the ISI was on scene and allowed the Navy Seal team to return.

The CIA never disclosed to the ISI what it was doing in the region.

it takes heli 7-15min to reach Attobabad from Afghanistan???
Well it just seems like a stupid thing to do. They could've cremated his body later on, much later. Its the same as burying Benazir's body after her assassination, you need to satisfy the world.

:) Muse has not logical answer why the dead body has been thrown in Sea without having DNA test

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 PM ----------

it takes heli 7-15min to reach Attobabad from Afghanistan???

:) Indian orange media so never mind.
:what: mazar or no mazar that is another thing. the point is why US was in so much hurry to throw the dead body in SEA?

where is DNA? where is pic of dead body ?

why this all hogwash ??

i say let make it public and end the this saga of OBL releasing tap after tap

EXACTLY !! :tup:
The Hindu : News / International : White House officials reveal details of Bin Laden operation

Senior administration officials at the White House have revealed numerous details of the Special Forces operation that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda leader and mastermind of the 9/11 attacks.

Speaking to media in a late-night conference call they said that United States President Barack Obama had instructed, in the earliest days of his administration, that the intelligence community and counterterrorism advisors should make the pursuit of Bin Laden, a “top priority.”

Intelligence assessments

Beginning in September 2010 the Central Intelligence Agency was said to have discussed with Mr. Obama “a set of assessments that led it to believe that in fact it was possible that Osama Bin Laden may be located at a compound in Pakistan.” Following these discussions, officials said, it was determined in mid-February that there was a sound intelligence basis for pursuing the lead in an aggressive way and “developing courses of action to pursue Osama Bin Laden at this location.”

In an earlier announcement on Sunday Mr. Obama said that since mid-March, the President had held no fewer than five National Security Council meetings. Senior White House officials said that the President gave the final order to pursue the operation on the morning of April 29.

With the raid sanctioned for Sunday May 1, the target was identified as an al Qaeda compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. This was based on intelligence that that determined that Bin Laden was possibly living in this compound with in a large home with 18-foot walls and no telephone or internet connections.

Picking up the clues

Senior administration officials confirmed that it was principally couriers who travelled in and out of the compound and “One courier in particular had our constant attention,” having been identified by other detainees as both a protégé of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of September 11th, and a trusted assistant of Abu Faraj al-Libbi, the former number three of al Qaeda who was captured in 2005.

Although U.S. intelligence officials identified the courier as far back as four years ago and located him two years ago, it was much more recently that they succeeded in using him to pinpoint a potential hiding place of a high-level target such as Bin Laden. Last August, the compound in Abbottabad, a town about 35 miles north of Islamabad, was located, and it was said to be “relatively affluent, with lots of retired military.”

When the compound was built in 2005, it was on the outskirts of the town center, at the end of a narrow dirt road. In the last six years, some residential homes have been built nearby. Apart from the high walls topped with barbed wire the compound was also restricted by two security gates, official said, “and the residents of the compound burn their trash, unlike their neighbors, who put the trash out for collection.”

With the profile of the family residing in this fortress-like compound being a strikingly close match to Bin Laden’s the intelligence officials said that their “best assessment, based on a large body of reporting from multiple sources, was that Bin Laden was living there with several family members, including his youngest wife.”

The Abbottabad assault

White House officials confirmed that following this insight, a “small U.S. team conducted a helicopter raid on the compound,” earlier during the afternoon of May 1. Noting that “Considerable planning helped prepare our operators for this very complex mission,” officials added that senior officials were involved in the decision-making and planning for this operation for months, and briefed the President regularly.

Spending less than 40 minutes in the compound the U.S. forces “did not encounter any local authorities while performing the raid” and apart from Bin Laden, three adult males were said to have been killed, in all likelihood two couriers and Bin Laden’s adult son. Bin Laden did offer resistance to the assault, officials said, confirming that one woman was also killed “when she was used as a shield by a male combatant.


Following the assault, and possibly as the U.S. forces were leaving the area, one helicopter was lost due to mechanical failure and “it had to be destroyed by the crew and the assault force.” Suggesting that there were at least two aircraft involved in total, the officials said that crew members boarded the remaining aircraft to exit the compound.

Mr. Obama in his statement confirmed that the U.S. “took custody of [Bin Laden’s] body” following his being killed in a fire-fight. Independent reports said that Bin Laden had been shot in the head.

Administration officials said that Bin Laden’s body would be “handled in accordance with Islamic practice and tradition,” and this would likely imply that it would be buried within 24 hours. “This is something that we take very seriously,” officials said, adding “This is being handled in an appropriate manner.”
my mother lives 3 miles away from where odama was killed. She wad regretting that she just missed s chance of being millionsir. She said, she could have won the bounty money by turning him in,only if she knew he was hiding nearby.
Even though the world media is implying he was given sanctuary by Pakistan's military establishment, I just find that shocking & very hard to believe. After all, this is the man that asked the Pakistani people to start a Jihad & attack the Pakistani Army & the government/establishment. This is the man whose group (& its affiliates) were openly bombing civilian & government agencies. I could believe the Pakistani Army giving sanctuary to someone like, say Haqqani, Mullah Omar or someone. But Osama bin Laden? Osama bin Laden is not an asset like Haqqani or Mullah Omar are, he was anti-state, the latter are not.

If that is correct, then it raises even more serious questions. Is the Pakistani establishment compromised & been infiltrated with anti-state Jihadi elements (TTP & Al-Qaeda, not Afghan Taliban) that are working against the interests of the Pakistani state, as well as the WOT? Have Pakistan's security & intelligence agencies been infiltrated by these anti-state elements, who protect people like Osama bin Laden without the knowledge of the top officials in the ISI? How was Osama bin Laden found in Abbottabad then, 10km from Kahuta?

If that is not correct (that the Army & Establishment have not been infiltrated, but accepted anti-state elements in them), then does that mean the Pakistani Army & intelligence are consciously working against the interests of the Pakistani nation? Even though the Pakistani Army/intelligence might be dodgy, I feel that a little hard to believe, that they would be consciously (rather than being infiltrated) protecting someone like Osama bin Laden (thinking of him like an asset like Haqqani, Mullah Omar) who is anti-state, anti-Pakistani establishment & the Army.

All these questions are very disturbing & have no easy answers. Also, the fall back of this event could be terrible for Pakistan's image from the international community. I am very very worried about this.

Thank you for thinking and thank you for realizing who is responsible for this - no it's not Indians, this criminal was close to PMA, 2nd Div. of Pak Fauj - but no one knew nothing , saw nothing, did nothing

Disturbing questions ? -- yes, sir, firm up for more - I would be very surprised if the Fauj and ISI will come out of this "unaltered" - actually I can see Pakistan itself transformed -- This just cannot go on any longer, the Fauj leads Pakistan from one catastrophe to another and so beaten up are pakistanis they actually want ot support those who have injured them so grievously.
Does Al-Qaeda have any public reaction?
I think he had not much effective command and control on Al-Qaeda.
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