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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Here's the fun part:

This is the pic that NDTV of India is showing on its front page:

And here is the pic which was photoshopped to create the above one as a cheap trick:

Hail NDTV :yahoo:

First image could be editted...... 10 years back (2001), he had same kind of face and after 10 years (in second image)....he looks still of that age.
Webbie -- Keep throwing the Indian trolls out of the forum ! zero tolerance their idiotic BS !

Webbie is also conducting an operation right now. And it is not a joint operation for sure.:lol:
So it would have been better not to search for him and instead of using our assets to help in his capture/elimination we should have helped him escape to some other less objectionable area?
Just so that the world did not ask such a question?

The world needs telling that this was a scoundrel that caused the destruction of our peaceful existence and did so in all the Muslim countries which he plagued.
The world needs telling that we have helped kill/capture more Al Qaeda members than anyone else.

For once if we did achieve success we should feel sorry for it?
Should we have tried to orchestrate a drama and made OBL escape his hideout and try to kill him somewhere else, just to feel better that he was not killed here?
And what if in planning out such a perfect end to Osama he escaped and the world found out that we helped him escape just to look good?
His death removes the misconception that Pakistan protected him.

He could have been anywhere, it is a huge country.
I guess this was as unlikely a place as any.

Coming to the Pakistani role.
If Pakistani forces were involved in the execution we shall most likely not openly claim responsibility because of what happened after Lal Masjid.
At least i doubt that any formation/company shall be named.
The formation which took part in the Lal Masjid attack was bombed by a suicide attacker resulting in further martyrdom of many SSG veterans who were sitting in their own Mess hall.

Let us see how it goes, in a few days we shall see whether it makes sense or there is something that needs to be addressed.

Now that the world is raising questions, Pakistanis must not try and hide from these questions and concerns raised by other Pakistanis and people from around the world (read India)

Now as to the Pakistan state role - If the Pakistani army and her agencies did not know, what does it suggest about that army and her agencies??

You imagine that some Pakistanis now with the light of truth shining on them, can wriggle away --- but you know the only way these questions will die down, is when Pakistan will have nothing else to give

Here's how it will play -- somewhere along the line, some officials will have to be burned or fall on their own swords, if you will - and if they do not do what needs to be done, others will do it -- you just don't realize the scale and scope of reaction that the SOB was living in luxury, close to PMA, with an entire support network in a city of 1 million and the army and her ISI knew nothing of it???
we are scared of backlash from terrorists!! smart thing by our government! something the common man won't get!

Americans did not even share intelligence within themselves, only few knew it was for OBL.
Others must be knowing it as a high value target.
I dont think americans need to share it with any other intelligence agency, when they themselves shared it on need to know basis.
A record 73 pages in 5 hours flat. :lol: This thread is going great guns.

How much BW still left ?

Last night the entire forum appeared to be focused on only one thing - Indians defecating in public!

Now I firmly believe nothing less than Osama being dead could have rescued the forum from the clutches of the trolls :lol:
Lets hope and pray that Alqaeeda wont retaliate, Since Pakistani forces were involved in the operation than Pakistan could be the potential target.
buried in SEA???? why ??? why US dint shown the dead body to its people before burying ?

and oh why sea? which sea?

we dont have any such precedent to bury bodies in seas

I agree. Something is fishy here. Is Obama trying to get votes? Someone from the US administration has to explain this 'burial at sea'.
So people here think it all happend without Pakistan Intelligence help......
Obviously - for God's sake he was living in freaking luxury in a huge compound with 3 wives and family and no one knew?? Who in their right mind will believe such rubbish that they didi not know -- see there have to be all sorts of people around to support Bin laden there and all that the all seeing ISI did not notice?

Even though the world media is implying he was given sanctuary by Pakistan's military establishment, I just find that shocking & very hard to believe. After all, this is the man that asked the Pakistani people to start a Jihad & attack the Pakistani Army & the government/establishment. This is the man whose group (& its affiliates) were openly bombing civilian & government agencies. I could believe the Pakistani Army giving sanctuary to someone like, say Haqqani, Mullah Omar or someone. But Osama bin Laden? Osama bin Laden is not an asset like Haqqani or Mullah Omar are, he was anti-state, the latter are not.

If that is correct, then it raises even more serious questions. Is the Pakistani establishment compromised & been infiltrated with anti-state Jihadi elements (TTP & Al-Qaeda, not Afghan Taliban) that are working against the interests of the Pakistani state, as well as the WOT? Have Pakistan's security & intelligence agencies been infiltrated by these anti-state elements, who protect people like Osama bin Laden without the knowledge of the top officials in the ISI? How was Osama bin Laden found in Abbottabad then, 10km from Kahuta?

If that is not correct (that the Army & Establishment have not been infiltrated, but accepted anti-state elements in them), then does that mean the Pakistani Army & intelligence are consciously working against the interests of the Pakistani nation? Even though the Pakistani Army/intelligence might be dodgy, I feel that a little hard to believe, that they would be consciously (rather than being infiltrated) protecting someone like Osama bin Laden (thinking of him like an asset like Haqqani, Mullah Omar) who is anti-state, anti-Pakistani establishment & the Army.

All these questions are very disturbing & have no easy answers. Also, the fall back of this event could be terrible for Pakistan's image in the international community. I am very very worried about this.
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