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Okinawa independent candidate vows to invite Chinese troops stationed in Okinawa


Mar 24, 2007
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Okinawa independent candidate vows to invite Chinese troops stationed in Okinawa | EN NEWS 163

Japan’s ” self-sustaining independent Ryukyu executive committee” chairman of the city of Ho poetry recently made it clear that the election in November as independents Okinawa gubernatorial election . He achieved a year , ” Ryukyu independence ” as a candidate fundamental policy , security policy on the desire to make military withdrawal , stationed in turn by China and South Korea and other East Asian Community army.

According to the Japanese TOPIC NEWS website September 10 reported that the Japanese Emperor Meiji great-grandchildren , writers bamboorecently published remarks in a social networking site , between the words revealed its vigilance on Okinawa independent of the political trends .

Reported that Japan’s ” self- independent Ryukyu executive committee” chairman of the city of Ho poetry recently made it clear that the election in November as independents Okinawa gubernatorial election . He achieved a year , ” Ryukyu independence ” as a candidate fundamental policy , security policy on the desire to make military withdrawal , stationed in turn by China and South Korea and other East Asian Community army.

In this regard, Takeda claims that cities can claim or ” civil strife crimes” to a conviction. In addition, he also believes that the idea of cities if there is “the use of political power occupation of Okinawa , Okinawa in order to achieve independence ,” the intent , then he will undoubtedly constitutes a ” crime of civil strife ” or ” civil strife conspiracy .”

Subsequently, the social networking site users reply , said Ayutthaya not meet the conditions constitute the crime of conspiracy . Takeda countered that cities such as people with specific ” Ryukyu independence” as the goal, its supporters planned a related program , can be said to constitute a ” civil strife conspiracy .”

Takeda strongly emphasized that the relevant independent organization will lead to riots in Japan . He also speculated that once the independent Ryukyu country towards a specific plan , then it is possible to put the SDF to deal with.

Claims against Takeda , countered that there are users that desire independence does not mean that will produce riots, Japan is no such argument, Ayutthaya approach seems hardly unconstitutional. In this regard, bamboosaid his statement a person may come true, from a national perspective , the independent can also be redefined to riot. In this connection , he also predicted that if the city of practical significance will go into the Ryukyu independence movement , it will one day develop into an actual riot act.

It is reported that , ” Ryukyu independence movement ” also known as Okinawa, Ryukyu independence movement or the Zionist movement , referring to Okinawa and its affiliated islands ( Ryukyu Islands ) from Japan’s independence movement . In 1945, after the end of the Pacific War , reintroduced the topic , some Okinawans believe that Okinawa should be perpetual existence as an independent country rather than return after the military occupation of Japan ; while most expectations and Japanese domestic unity to end the military occupation as soon as possible .

Bamboo, Japanese Emperor Meiji great-grandchildren , writer , was born in Tokyo , radical political thought , frequently on Japanese television advocacy visits to the Yasukuni Shrine , and several derogatory China in his speech , also ” demonizing ” China ‘s contents to piece together a book publishing, even the Japanese media are outspoken rightist be regarded as a representative of Japan .

Original link: 冲绳候选人誓言琉球独立 邀请中国军队进驻_网易新闻中心


Please also refer to the home page of *Home (English) - 琉球民族独立総合研究学会   (ACSILs)
China should reply: China can guarantee the independence of Ryukyu without station a single troop there, that is after it regains its independence of course.
Bad tactic, adovcate for independence should not choose to invite any foreign troop to station within sovereign territory, except maybe only as last resort as short term millitary assistance, anything else would be an insult to national independence.
Okinawa independent candidate vows to invite Chinese troops stationed in Okinawa | EN NEWS 163

Japan’s ” self-sustaining independent Ryukyu executive committee” chairman of the city of Ho poetry recently made it clear that the election in November as independents Okinawa gubernatorial election . He achieved a year , ” Ryukyu independence ” as a candidate fundamental policy , security policy on the desire to make military withdrawal , stationed in turn by China and South Korea and other East Asian Community army.

According to the Japanese TOPIC NEWS website September 10 reported that the Japanese Emperor Meiji great-grandchildren , writers bamboorecently published remarks in a social networking site , between the words revealed its vigilance on Okinawa independent of the political trends .

Reported that Japan’s ” self- independent Ryukyu executive committee” chairman of the city of Ho poetry recently made it clear that the election in November as independents Okinawa gubernatorial election . He achieved a year , ” Ryukyu independence ” as a candidate fundamental policy , security policy on the desire to make military withdrawal , stationed in turn by China and South Korea and other East Asian Community army.

In this regard, Takeda claims that cities can claim or ” civil strife crimes” to a conviction. In addition, he also believes that the idea of cities if there is “the use of political power occupation of Okinawa , Okinawa in order to achieve independence ,” the intent , then he will undoubtedly constitutes a ” crime of civil strife ” or ” civil strife conspiracy .”

Subsequently, the social networking site users reply , said Ayutthaya not meet the conditions constitute the crime of conspiracy . Takeda countered that cities such as people with specific ” Ryukyu independence” as the goal, its supporters planned a related program , can be said to constitute a ” civil strife conspiracy .”

Takeda strongly emphasized that the relevant independent organization will lead to riots in Japan . He also speculated that once the independent Ryukyu country towards a specific plan , then it is possible to put the SDF to deal with.

Claims against Takeda , countered that there are users that desire independence does not mean that will produce riots, Japan is no such argument, Ayutthaya approach seems hardly unconstitutional. In this regard, bamboosaid his statement a person may come true, from a national perspective , the independent can also be redefined to riot. In this connection , he also predicted that if the city of practical significance will go into the Ryukyu independence movement , it will one day develop into an actual riot act.

It is reported that , ” Ryukyu independence movement ” also known as Okinawa, Ryukyu independence movement or the Zionist movement , referring to Okinawa and its affiliated islands ( Ryukyu Islands ) from Japan’s independence movement . In 1945, after the end of the Pacific War , reintroduced the topic , some Okinawans believe that Okinawa should be perpetual existence as an independent country rather than return after the military occupation of Japan ; while most expectations and Japanese domestic unity to end the military occupation as soon as possible .

Bamboo, Japanese Emperor Meiji great-grandchildren , writer , was born in Tokyo , radical political thought , frequently on Japanese television advocacy visits to the Yasukuni Shrine , and several derogatory China in his speech , also ” demonizing ” China ‘s contents to piece together a book publishing, even the Japanese media are outspoken rightist be regarded as a representative of Japan .

Original link: 冲绳候选人誓言琉球独立 邀请中国军队进驻_网易新闻中心


Please also refer to the home page of *Home (English) - 琉球民族独立総合研究学会   (ACSILs)

The translation is horrendous. Such a headache to read.
I heard many people in Okinawa speak Chinese cause many of them have strong tie with Taiwan. Is that true?

The native dialect of Okinawa is known as Uchinaguchi , or colloquially referred to as "Hogen". The older generation (70+) speak this, whereas the younger generation of Okinawans speak Japanese. The native dialect known as Uchinaguchi is a Japonic language, and I can understand about 70% of it. Lexical derivations are observed , but overall, it is indistinguishable from contemporary Japanese.

But if we are to examine the historical influence; sure, there is a strong influence of Chinese culture in Okinawa. There are old stories of Chinese fishermen from Ningbo, Wenzhou getting lost and arriving in Okinawa -- eventually settling in Okinawa and marrying the local women. This quite common in old stories even in Shikoku. Okinawa is not unique in this because in Japanese History, we do not dispute or contend to the cultural and human migration influence of Chinese people.

many of them have strong tie with Taiwan.

During the Colonial Era, a great many southern Japanese (southern Honshu, Kyushu and Okinawans) were very prone to settle in new territories. These are the groups that migrated into Taihoku (Taiwan), as well as Chosen (Korean). So it can be understood of the filial ties. Many of the Koreans who have Japanese decent have ancestors from these southern areas of Japan; the same goes for Taiwan.
Here is a Traditional Okinawan Folk Song

Beautiful, isn't it? :happy::wub:

I just realized the song you sent me has a Chinese version.
Zhou huajian, my favorite singer and song writer.

The lyrics are different.

Here is a Traditional Okinawan Folk Song

Beautiful, isn't it? :happy::wub:

Tempo is also different, a little faster.
I don't really think it is possible for us fellow North East Asians to argue that we share so many similarities. It is safe for me to admit that China is considered as Japan's cultural older brother.
I just realized the song you sent me has a Chinese version.
Zhou huajian, my favorite singer and song writer.

The lyrics are different.

Tempo is also different, a little faster.
Here is a Traditional Okinawan Folk Song

Beautiful, isn't it? :happy::wub:

Many songs share the same rhythm of Japanese songs. Here is another one.
It's an old song. But rewrote by Jie Wang, a Taiwan singer.

Sounds familiar?
Kunjan Sabuki - Okinawan Folk Song


Okinawan Folk Dancing

Notice that the Okinawa Folk Dance is similar in form to this Folk Dance from Kyushu,

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Grammar nightmare article. Is it machine translation?
Ayuthaya was Siam capital city. Ancient trade links Ayuthaya with Ryukyu. Here in Thailand, a kind of food is called Ryukyu sweet fish. Awamori is a type of Algohol drink in ryukyu, which must distrill only with Siamese rice . see a lot of Ayuthaya words in article but with Grammar nightmare I rarely understand.
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Bad tactic, adovcate for independence should not choose to invite any foreign troop to station within sovereign territory, except maybe only as last resort as short term millitary assistance, anything else would be an insult to national independence.
You are absolutely right. If someone wants independence, they must be ready to fight for it, bleed for it and die for it. Look at the Ukraine crisis. The seperatists are kicking Unkraine troops butt.
Grammar nightmare article. Is it machine translation?
Ayuthaya was Siam capital city. Ancient trade links Ayuthaya with Ryukyu. Here in Thailand, a kind of food is called Ryukyu sweet fish. Awamori is a type of Algohol drink in ryukyu, which must distrill only with Siamese rice . see a lot of Ayuthaya words in article but with Grammar nightmare I rarely understand.

He translated it from Chinese via Google Translate. Hence the terrible translation.

Never knew that Ryukyu sweet fish is popular in Thailand. Well, im sure you know since you're Thai, but in history, there were samurais who went to Ayudhya to serve the Army. One very popular king named Ramatibodi II actually had a personal guard composed of Japanese samurai.

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