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Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

You mean Hindu Indian members, right? So EjazR and Garbnawaz are free to post here? Fair enough.

Just hope the same diktat applies to topics of every religion.

Would be thankful, if you provide the link to a thread where any other religion or its concepts are being discussed.

Because, if you don't provide, which i hope you won't, it does proves we don't allow religious discussion of any religion.
At least let women decide their DRESS :hitwall:

Germany Mulls French-style Burqa Ban

CAIRO – Following the suit of their Western neighbor, German politicians are proposing a full ban on the face-veil in the European country, drawing fire for violating individual freedoms.

“The burqa is a full-body prison that deeply threatens human rights,” Lale Akgun, former Social Democratic Party (SPD) lawmaker, told Frankfurter Rundschau daily Thursday, January 28.

“It would be an important signal for Germany to ban the burqa.”

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) also proposed a blanket burqa ban.

“[If] there is a collision with other legal interests, such as schooling or headscarf ban, an action must be taken,” said lawmaker Wolfgang Bosbach.

His party colleague Norbert Geis said politicians would have to review whether a burqa ban in schools and universities would be constitutional.

The proposed German ban comes as a French parliamentary panel has recommended a partial ban on face-veils in hospitals, schools, public transport and government offices.

Many German states have already banned hijab, an obligatory code of dress, in schools.

There are some 3.5 million Muslims in Germany, two thirds of whom are of Turkish origin.

Islam comes third in Germany after Protestant and Catholic Christianity.

But the proposed ban drew fire from fellow politicians.

“We have a different understanding of freedom than the French,” Dieter Wiefelsputz, SPD member and speaker for interior issues, said.

“I hope for an enlightened Islam, but we cannot force it.”

Environmentalist Green party leader Cem Ozdemir criticized the ban debate for focusing on minor things, overlooking the real conflict of integration.

“[It is] a symbol of debate that overlooks the true conflict,” Ozdemir said.

“The burqa is rejected by the vast majority of all Muslims, even supporters of the headscarf.”

While hijab is an obligatory code of dress for Muslim women, the majority of Muslim scholars agree that a woman is not obliged to wear the face veil.

Scholars believe it is up to women to decide whether to take on the veil or burqa, a loose outfit covering the whole body from head to toe and wore by some Muslim women.

Germany Mulls French-style Burqa Ban - IslamOnline.net - News
Peronsally, I feel that Western society is not comfortable with rigid religious compulsions on individuals and that is the reason why so many europian nations are upping their ante against religious symbolism. It is just not their way of life and hence they share no concern or sympathy for such advocacies.
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Turkey banned Hijab in colleges and stuff. But it was later unbanned because 2/3rds of the female population wear it despite it being a secular country being 95 percent Muslim.

Also, I heard Burka is being banned in some parts of Egypt as well.
Peronsally, I feel that Western society is not comfortable with rigid religious compulsions on individuals and that is the reason why so many europian nations are upping their ante against religious symbolism. It is just not their way of life and hence they share no concern or sympathy for such advocacies.

Well they were comfortable for the last so many decades, so why now ??

Why don't they ask their nuns to shun the Abayas they wore to hide their bodies from head to toe ???

Their ante is against Islam only, not any other religious symbolism.

Plus, plz don't tell me how to do moderation, i know well then you.
Well they were comfortable for the last so many decades, so why now ??

Why don't they ask their nuns to shun the Abayas they wore to hide their bodies from head to toe ???

Their ante is against Islam only, not any other religious symbolism.

What do you think germany would gain from this cheap point scoring? What do you think people sitting outside could do, if they are hell bent on their motives? I would really appreciate your valued thoughts on this.

About nuns and aabayas, a very valid point but i dont think germans would make it an issue if this practice is banned in some other countries.

Plus, plz don't tell me how to do moderation, i know well then you.

:lol: I thought you would take the constructructive criticism positively, but anyways.
Isn't it similar to Saudi banning construction of churches?

Actually Saudis allow construction of churches and drinking of alcohol inside the foreign delegates/citizens' complex. So what EU countries are doing is worse.
Well from experiece 90% of muslim women don't wear the "complete coverup like burka"

And the 10% that do , are in Saudia Arabia/Parts of Afghanistan

In Pakistan I don't see ppl wearing Burka that prominently

Most women just wear a cover on hear more like a scarf...

I don't see what the debate is about - The only time I saw it was when I see women in Saudia Arabia but the again theer is no rule of law in Saudi Arabia

The idea that women should cover every inch of their body is a bit too much ...

I mean even the prophet when he first got married to Khadija , he was a business associate and of course he saw the lady

The notion that man cannot lay eyes on any women is a bit harsh...

How is a man suppose to meet and like a women if he can't even see one in public .. I find it un natural -


The only issue I have is when Nuns do it in churches its deemed as pious ad great , but if a Muslim women does it it is deemed as backward....

me personaly I like more secular women I feel uncomfortable with women in full robe .. etc ...

I can understand in a modern scociety that a Burqa presents problems,a Hijab allows identification for security and legal reasons while still maintaining modesty there is no religious reason for more.
Western women are required to dress modestly in most Islamic countires, if people chose to live in a non islamic county they should acept that they will live by different rules.

If after all islamic women in france demand the right to wear a burqa because it is traditional in saudi arabia would it not be equally fair for french women to bathe toppless in saudia arabia, because it is their custom?
If after all islamic women in france demand the right to wear a burqa because it is traditional in Saudi arabia would it not be equally fair for french women to bathe toppless in saudia arabia, because it is their custom?

Two extremes cases :coffee: for a moderate Muslim like me . One want to hide a women from top to bottom and other want her to show every thing.
Nothing is going to stop Islam from spreading.

Let them ban minaretes their activists will convert.

Let them ban burqas it will tripple the number people converting on daily baisis.

Let them ban their own people from doing what they want to do and they would be the one to repent on what they did.
Nothing is going to stop Islam from spreading.

Let them ban minaretes their activists will convert.

Let them ban burqas it will tripple the number people converting on daily baisis.

Let them ban their own people from doing what they want to do and they would be the one to repent on what they did.

Like they say there is no negative-marketing...
During the time of Muhammad PBUH in Makkah when Hajj time came opposition did not want people to listen to what Muhammad PBUH had to say so they put men at each of the route leading to Makkah to warn people beforehand.

The propaganda was so intense that Tufail Dosi RA plugged his ear with cotton so that he may not accidentally hear Qur'an because he was told that it is magic that causes separation in family and dishormoney in society. But then he decided to judge it by himself and went to Muhammad PBUH to check his side, of course he accepted Islam during the meeting :azn:

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