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No women or dogs allowed in library: Aligarh Muslim University

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The prestigious Aligarh Muslim University, it seems, has added another item to the list of things which most anxious academic institutions suspect can 'distract' students. And the item is 'women'.
Yes really.
If a new report is to be believed, women, in the books of the AMU authorities, fall under the same category as cigarettes and alcohol, that are traditionally considered as distractions for the youth. According to a report in The Times of India, the AMU VC turned down a plea from the students of the Women's College to access the Maulana Azad Library saying that by doing so, they would 'attract' more boys.
And as if that was not shocking enough, Women's College principal Naima Gulrez added that more girls in the library could also lead to a discipline crisis in the university campus. It must be pointed out here that the library has a seating capacity of 1300 and has just 12 seats reserved for women.
While Lt Gen Zameer Uddin Shah, the VC of AMU feared that there would be 'four times more boys' in the library if girls were allowed, Gulrez had this to say: "We understand the demand for access to the library. But have you girls ever seen the library? It is jam-packed with boys. If girls were also to be present in it, a discipline issue might crop up."
The report states that students from the Women's College don't have access to the library since its inception. Women's students unions in the past had demanded entry to the library, in vain. The library is considered better stocked than the one in the college for women.
TOI quotes the president of the students union in the Women's College, Gulfiza Khan as saying, ""We are students of Aligarh Muslim University. We, too, should have the benefit of accessing the famous Maulana Azad Library. The library in the Women's College is not enough. If space is a problem, we can just issue books and not sit in the library."
With this absurd decision, the AMU has not only set its clock back to the dark ages, it gives out some rather dangerous messages to the student community and basically anyone who bothers to follow the university's politics.
Aligarh Muslim University. IBN Live.Aligarh Muslim University. IBN Live.
Firstly, it lends a sense of legitimacy to the idea of the woman as a object - one that distracts and takes focus off academics. Also, when the university VC declares that men would throng a library just to ogle at women, it places the responsibility of the phenomenon on the women. It doesn't question the men - who they suspect will flock to the library - and their intentions of using the library. It suggests that women will be the reason that the said men will be compelled to misuse the library.
Secondly, it infers that the only kind of relationship possible between grown men and women is one of a sexual nature. While it is true that under normal circumstances men and women in colleges and universities engage in relationships, flirtations etc etc, it is preposterous to suggest that this is the only way men and women can or will engage with one another.
Thirdly, even if sexual relations were to take place (and we all know they do) it is important to remember that the students involved are consenting adults, so there is really no need for the university to step in and control them. The diktat not only questions the priorities of its students, it also doubts their intelligence by suggesting that women in a university with more men, would only lead them to engage in activities that would lead to a 'discipline' emergency.
Finally, it falls back on the old, pathetic antidote against sexual violence and harassment to ensure discipline in the campus - hold back the woman. Women in our country have been asked to not dress 'provocatively', not step out without a male escort, not step out at night alone - and AMU asking its women to not go to the library is on the same lines.
That's as legitimate as saying don't step out of your home because you don't want to get harassed by lechers. Instead of putting a strict discipline code in place which prevents men from harassing women, they have taken the short-cut blessed by upholders of patriarchy - keep the women under binds to keep them safe, apparently.
The university's diktat also raises questions about the idea of women's safety within an educational institution. If the authorities are worried about untoward incidents within a library, it also establishes the fact that they have not taken ample measures to ensure safety and security of the students.
The next time we crib about some khap banning women from wearing, say nail paint, in order to keep off the boys, let's reconsider what our educational institutions are breeding.

No women or dogs allowed in library: AMU ban on female students is shameful - Firstpost
where is the kiss of love brigade :D ..... Please feel free to tag libtards here @Indrani .... @wolfschanzze @Sidak @Yeti
I am tagging a few supporters I saw :P
@abjktu @Kloitra @tmp1994 @Koovie .... awaiting Your protests against the "minority" :D
Its secularism vs Womens rights .... Will the "Shaha bano " mentality continue ?

Wow, I envy your mature behavior.

Did I EVER say anything close that nutheads only come from one particular religious backround ?

IF I DID, you can call me whatever you like.... but otherwise stop acting like a retarded kid.
How is the country going to dogs and which religious organisation is keeping the country and its government as hostages?

Lets see, we are becoming an intolerant society. A simple respect to other religions become so hard for us.. Christian evangelical societies openly abusing Hinduism, Muslims throwing stones at holy possessions by Hindus and Christian nuns were raped by members of Hindu organisations. I will tell you a story which I read from the local new paper.. A hindu guy married a muslim woman.. Obviously gals community up in arms against it.. They had to run away.. Only the guys family supported it.. Hindu organisations said they will support this marriage and them if girl converted to Hinduism.. Guys family opposed it because they were both teachers and respect other religions too.. So they were also after this guy and his family. Daily stones were thrown to his house by both parties.. He is now planning to leave the place.. Why cant any one talk against these kind of actions.. Every other organisations is busy morale policing public about how to sit and stand but they do not care about people who are hungry and lack shelters.. Government, instead of taking action against these watch silently because, they are afraid of vote banks. I can show you plenty of examples like this..
the exact verses i can give you in a few days, and @Jf Thunder can help me in this... but i will give right now what should identify a muslim...

1. the shahada ( islami credo ) which is against idolatry... "la ilaahah ilallah, muhammadur rasool allah"... "there is no god but god, and muhammad is ( only ) his messenger"... and all the quran verses which talk against idolatry and about the singleness and formless-ness of god.

2. all the verses which talk of married-life procedure and of property inheritance.

3. all the verses that talk against greed for money.

4. all the verses which talk about human equality and rights.

5. the last sermon of hazrat muhammad... ( source - IslamiCity.com - Mosque - The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Last Sermon )

these are what i remember right now...
what do you require of me?
Seiko, Nation was in hands of Congressi Scum Bags for 60 years. Those dogs and their Appeasement policies kept the government and Country as Hostages, in fact still doing it. They have swoed the seeds of curse for India aka Pseudo Secularism.:lol:

NaMo is the good thing to happen to India.:)

I am not denying the congress policy.. You all wanted a change and now BJP is in power.. Now the blaming of secularism of every bad happening in this country had to stop..
If we even raise a word against burkha they will cry islam is in danger and claim that we have infringed upon their rights.
Hell you dont even want us to implement Uniform civil code when wanted a same equal law for everyone in this country then you cite your right to practise your religious freedom etc.
If we ask them to stop evangelistic activity in Tirumala temple you cry Hindu bigots thrashed peaceful christians etc.
Why should we tolerate evangelists like this who come and mock our gods in our holy pilgrimage sites?if this was another nation they and their whole ilk would have been lynched on the spot.
When the Islamic organizations chopped up the hand of a lecturer for just asking questions on their prophet nobody even muttered a word, but yogi adityanath asking to protect the hindu women brings out hindu taliban and debates in MSM for a month.
Why should we be made to suffer for secularism?Above that people like @Koovie threaten us with violence if we want to declare Bharat as hindu rasthra, why should we not have the right to declare when there are umpteen christian/islamic nations around the world?

Why you care about what happening anywhere in the world. Just tell me what is the benefiting of making India a Hindu rashtra? What is the benefit of it to people of India?? Just because we belong to another religion does not makes us less Indian or supporter of any other country.. We were born and bought up here..
what do you require of me?

yogijaat needs verse numbers from quran which define the heart of islam... my post you quoted describes that heart... i don't remember the verse numbers for those different things... can you find those verse numbers??
Lets see, we are becoming an intolerant society. A simple respect to other religions become so hard for us.. Christian evangelical societies openly abusing Hinduism, Muslims throwing stones at holy possessions by Hindus and Christian nuns were raped by members of Hindu organisations. I will tell you a story which I read from the local new paper.. A hindu guy married a muslim woman.. Obviously gals community up in arms against it.. They had to run away.. Only the guys family supported it.. Hindu organisations said they will support this marriage and them if girl converted to Hinduism.. Guys family opposed it because they were both teachers and respect other religions too.. So they were also after this guy and his family. Daily stones were thrown to his house by both parties.. He is now planning to leave the place.. Why cant any one talk against these kind of actions.. Every other organisations is busy morale policing public about how to sit and stand but they do not care about people who are hungry and lack shelters.. Government, instead of taking action against these watch silently because, they are afraid of vote banks. I can show you plenty of examples like this..

I am against bigotry from any religious org, and people are needed to be made an example out of them but main stream media goes after hindu organizations only as if they are only thing that's bad when it comes to religious right wing in India. That is the reason people here get defensive when such issues come up for discussion, condemn us for the wrongs but be honest about it when it comes to other religions. Pseudo Secularism won't be tolerated anymore.
Why you care about what happening anywhere in the world. Just tell me what is the benefiting of making India a Hindu rashtra? What is the benefit of it to people of India?? Just because we belong to another religion does not makes us less Indian or supporter of any other country.. We were born and bought up here..
If you are supporter of this nation then why dont you support Hindu rasthra, Bharat is the only homeland of hindu in the world, should we not have the right to have our own homeland?
When 55+islamic nations and rest are christian nations?
Why should we be held hostage and be stopped from becoming a Hindu Rasthra?
Did we start persecuting minorities when we we had hindu kings or kingdoms?they flourished that itself should address your fears.
We don't want this nation becoming a abrahamic religious country.
Nor should our sensibilities be hurt just to please secularism.
If you are supporter of this nation then why dont you support Hindu rasthra, Bharat is the only homeland of hindu in the world, should we not have the right to have our own homeland?
When 55+islamic nations and rest are christian nations?
Why should we be held hostage and be stopped from becoming a Hindu Rasthra?
Did we start persecuting minorities when we we had hindu kings or kingdoms?they flourished that itself should address your fears.
We don't want this nation becoming a abrahamic religious country.
Nor should our sensibilities be hurt just to please secularism.

As I asked you what is the benefit of India becoming a Hindu rashtra? Just dont beat around the bush and answer me straight.. Just because, some countries become Islamic or Christian nation is not a good reason for making India a Hindu nation. There are instances in history where Buddhists were killed by Hindu kings so you cannot give assurance that everything will be fine in a Hindu nation.. Heck even Dalits were burned alive even today.. So tell me what are the benefits of India being a Hindu nation?
@wolfschanzze I being a Indian does not mean I support any nonsense happening in this country.. My view point is straight.. Religion should be removed from politics. And a government should not be held hostage by any religion.
I am not denying the congress policy.. You all wanted a change and now BJP is in power.. Now the blaming of secularism of every bad happening in this country had to stop..

Congress Policy has been adapted by almost all the Political Parties in various states in India, Media, Institutions, Intellectuals etc...Change in centre would not bring change in country, until and unless Pseudo Seculars are not rooted out from following.

Secularism is no wear to be seen in India. Hence, I gonna blame the ills of Pseudo Secularism on Pseudo Seculars.
yogijaat needs verse numbers from quran which define the heart of islam... my post you quoted describes that heart... i don't remember the verse numbers for those different things... can you find those verse numbers??
i just wanted to know about the verses that holds importance in islam or that defines islam because there are actions which might be against islam but muslims keep doing it because they don't give importance to those verses that speak against those actions.
As I asked you what is the benefit of India becoming a Hindu rashtra? Just dont beat around the bush and answer me straight.. Just because, some countries become Islamic or Christian nation is not a good reason for making India a Hindu nation. There are instances in history where Buddhists were killed by Hindu kings so you cannot give assurance that everything will be fine in a Hindu nation.. Heck even Dalits were burned alive even today.. So tell me what are the benefits of India being a Hindu nation?
So some buddhists were killed and we suddenly become bigots?
Look around the world we pale in comparison to persecution of minorities.
Why should we not have our rights,
Ban of cow slaughter,
Ban on conversions,
Implement Sanskrit as national language.
Uniform civil code.
No more Appeasement.
No Reservations.
Among many others.
What dalits are you speaking of?I am a shudra myself and the process of caste erosion will be complete in a decade.
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