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No women or dogs allowed in library: Aligarh Muslim University

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Let Secular Leader like Mullayam Singh, Mamta Benarjee or Owasis become PM, that day wouldn't be far away. By the way, India is a Sickular Nationa, not Hindu Nationa. ;)

Why should I care about any of these become PM.. The nation is already going to dogs and religious organisations is keeping the country and its government as hostages. No one is interested in doing anything rather than picking up on the weak and thrashing them..
i have one question which verse of the quran is most important and i am not asking about your personal choice but the proper religious importance. The verse which should be highlighted and learned by every muslim.

define the underlined words... remember, real islam is not a new way of praying...
Why should I care about any of these become PM.. The nation is already going to dogs and religious organisations is keeping the country and its government as hostages. No one is interested in doing anything rather than picking up on the weak and thrashing them..
How is the country going to dogs and which religious organisation is keeping the country and its government as hostages?
Why should I care about any of these become PM.. The nation is already going to dogs and religious organisations is keeping the country and its government as hostages. No one is interested in doing anything rather than picking up on the weak and thrashing them..

Seiko, Nation was in hands of Congressi Scum Bags for 60 years. Those dogs and their Appeasement policies kept the government and Country as Hostages, in fact still doing it. They have swoed the seeds of curse for India aka Pseudo Secularism.:lol:

NaMo is the good thing to happen to India.:)
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All societies were same for women but others raised thier voice against discrimination but strangely muslim women rarely raised their voice ..No one can buy them their equal rights to live in complete freedom ..
What I meant was, instead of beating up couples in park and public places, organisations like Yuva Morcha, Bajrangdal should have raised voice against these kind of actions.. If they dont want it, its fine by me just dont blame secularism for everything.
If we even raise a word against burkha they will cry islam is in danger and claim that we have infringed upon their rights.
Hell you dont even want us to implement Uniform civil code when wanted a same equal law for everyone in this country then you cite your right to practise your religious freedom etc.
If we ask them to stop evangelistic activity in Tirumala temple you cry Hindu bigots thrashed peaceful christians etc.
Why should we tolerate evangelists like this who come and mock our gods in our holy pilgrimage sites?if this was another nation they and their whole ilk would have been lynched on the spot.

When the Islamic organizations chopped up the hand of a lecturer for just asking questions on their prophet nobody even muttered a word, but yogi adityanath asking to protect the hindu women brings out hindu taliban and debates in MSM for a month.
Why should we be made to suffer for secularism?Above that people like @Koovie threaten us with violence if we want to declare Bharat as hindu rasthra, why should we not have the right to declare when there are umpteen christian/islamic nations around the world?
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How is the country going to dogs and which religious organisation is keeping the country and its government as hostages?
He covertly means BJP in power and Hindu organizations.
if it was Sonia mata and secular laloo yadav and YSR reddy he would say India is in good hands.They don't like How Hindus are uniting now into one entity and erasing caste politics, as long as we are separate based on castes they are happy, but Hindu unity hell no, it will take this country to the dogs
He covertly means BJP in power and Hindu organizations.
if it was Sonia mata and secular laloo yadav and YSR reddy he would say India is in good hands.They don't like How Hindus are uniting now into one entity and erasing caste politics, as long as we are separate based on castes they are happy, but Hindu unity hell no it will take this country to the dogs
The amount of heart burn is too much in liberals. We all saw how media went to town on the issue of first non jat CM or a Bhramin CM in Maha. NDTV was like no Muslim minister in Modi's new cabinet except Mukhtar Naqvi who is a shia :lol:
the one which identifies muslims that if you know that much than you are a muslim.

the exact verses i can give you in a few days, and @Jf Thunder can help me in this... but i will give right now what should identify a muslim...

1. the shahada ( islami credo ) which is against idolatry... "la ilaahah ilallah, muhammadur rasool allah"... "there is no god but god, and muhammad is ( only ) his messenger"... and all the quran verses which talk against idolatry and about the singleness and formless-ness of god.

2. all the verses which talk of married-life procedure and of property inheritance.

3. all the verses that talk against greed for money.

4. all the verses which talk about human equality and rights.

5. the last sermon of hazrat muhammad... ( source - IslamiCity.com - Mosque - The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Last Sermon )
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves."

these are what i remember right now...
The amount of heart burn is too much in liberals. We all saw how media went to town on the issue of first non jat CM or a Bhramin CM in Maha. NDTV was like no Muslim minister in Modi's new cabinet except Mukhtar Naqvi who is a shia :lol:
Yeah and now they are discussing will there be a first non-muslim/Hindu CM in J&k?. :D
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