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New pics of INS Vikramditya

We missed the opportunity, we could have bought Vrayag (65,000 ton disp). Don't worry IAC II will make you happy. It is supposed to be supercarrier (>60,000 ton disp) ...

I am not getting any update on IAC II, But I think that secretively its kneel is laid...

I really hope IAC-2 is nuclear powered. The present fuel configuration will only make it costlier for IN to operate, limit range and hence shorten reach.
thanks for sharing...hope the work is completed on time...
I hardly can think of IAC2 being nuke powered, simply because we need nuke powered SSNs to escort it....(but that is only required if we form a CVG which will operate very far from home). and second thing is that fitting a nuke to a carrier is not easy, considering we havnt mastered the miaturized nuke reactor in Arihant, will cause delays and nothing more.....

IAC3 onwards, nuke powered makes sense.
Here is my thoughts....

India is interested in this region, South East Asia to Africa as well as Bay of Bengal, Arabian sea and Indian ocean where we need to project power. If we consider the naval capabilities of the navies of this region Indian navy is quite ahead of them and medium size carriers are perfect.

If we need large carriers we will need much more investment, much more operating and maintainable costs, while we have other priorities as well mainly destroyers and submarines. IN is investing huge sum of money on submarines and destroyers. After IAC-1, the IAC-2 will be around 65000 ton, with many more fighters and choppers. This is needed only by 2020, when our economy and defence capabilities grows further. But as of now two 45000 ton carriers with small Viraat are enough. They can create havoc to any non-US naval fleet and coast in the region.

Why US needs large carriers? Because their area of interest is the whole world and they have to operate far from home.

well with china inducting its AC's the scenario should be different. Our area of interest may be under threat. What happens when varyag an 67000 tonne carrier comes face to face with our virat which would definitly feel dwarfed.
or are we thinking that china would never send its AC's near our area of core interest??
or are we banking on american AC's in such a situation??
Any News On Order of IAC 2 to shipyard ? It was said That Order for IAC 2 will be given to Shipyard After Launch of IAC 1 , IAC 1 will be Launched this year.........
Yes and the advantages of a nuke -powered carrier are that it can be permanently stationed for many years( for 20 years or so without refueling) along with a CBG of our frigates , Corvettes , destroyers , minesweepers and ASW crafts right at strategic points just beyond The Bay of Bengal overlooking the malacca straits which will give us a strong standing in IOR and good strategic depth to be able to dominate the region.

Also our base Varsha , with our SSBNs is supposed to be close to Vishakapatnam so 2 subs can be under constant patrol alongside the CBG , in meeting with our strategic necessities .

well said dude
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i want to see pics of vikrant too!

Well , u wont see pic of vikrant before it is launched coz the work is being carried out in strict secrecy so as to ensure that info about design and capabilities of ship do not reach the chinese
Even the construction site is camouflaged

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