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"Never Forget National Humiliation" 74th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre

well chinese should also not forget the atrocities they have done to the people of tibet & east turkestan ?:drag:
and if japan did take over entire china, they would of also taken the entire southeast asia too into their empire. with that being said, pearl harbor would have only been the tip of the ice berg, because now with all the new resources at hand japan would build an even more bigger and powerful war machine and take the invasion to the american mainland. we would then see the 'treaty of america', which would also include canada, no doubt about it.

don't get carried away. if it weren't for china holding down the bulk of the japanese forces and draining most of their resources, the european americans and european canadians would be slaves of the japanese empire, and of course the europeans in europe would be slaves to the nazi's.

Okay now that is a very uneducated prediction. America was never in a position of threat, and would never have failed to achieve victory even if Japan did not start the war in the china but build ships for 10 years. That is the difference between the production levels of Japan and America. And as such, taking the invasion to America itself ... well it is possible to get a few landings between a dozen boats if lucky to slip past the fleet but to actually stage a invasion of the scale of D-day? No.

And for Japan enslaving China if no American intervention? Too much bias in that statement. If event A does not happen, it does not mean event B will occur. There's too many things to consider in IF statements. What about Stalin's Russia, you think he'll sit idly whilst Japan occupies China? Not only that, but the absurd claim that China will be enslaved, Japan did not and will never have the capacity to occupy, control and keep order in China.

Lastly, I don't think the view of the Chinese posters here are correct. This thread is full of stereotyping, the majority of the populace in Japan are innocent who are not fully educated about the horrors of the war, but that is not their choosing, but the Japanese government's education syllabus. Should Japan receive punishment? No. Should the Japanese government change the education syllabus? Yes.

The few cases where Japanese individuals deny despite knowing the events, are ignorant fools and should not be applied to the rest of the population.

(I had to post a reasonable reply to counter the Japan bashing in this thread, which is frankly worrying)
You think today's Germany can have such an easy time to integrate into Europe if Germany have not repented on its wartime atrocities, made compensations to those victims, set up strict laws against any activities that beautify the past atrocities???

Using Germany as a mirror, you have not seen clearly why Chinese cannot forget the past atrocities by those japs??? Unlike Germany, those japs have never repented!!!

China really can't do anything to Current Japan today. simply would be similar to blaming Current Germans for what the Nazi's did it's best to move on.
I guess you would also say sharing a husband with other women is simply just a tradition, right???

If burqa is just one type of clothes, why would women are forced to cover themselves with burqas in saudi, kuwait, afghanistan and many other areas of muslim countries, or will have to face with serious punishments???

Who the hell give those muslim men such rights to do so??? If they are in love with the burqa so much. Why the heck don't they wear it themselves???

Get rid of your ill traditions before you accuse the world "misunderstanding" you.

I'm sorry but this is an absurd argument.
Foot binding was mutilation.
Burqa is simply a dress.

And guess who liberated the women from the food binding?
Not you or me.
Women are song enough to free themselves.
You telling them what they should do is purely misogynistic.

And you keep talking about outdated tradition, so I guess freedom must be outdated too since that's all these woman want.
Freedom to wear what they want and do what they want, without you telling them otherwise.
HK is part of China. For those who hate mainland Chinese, they are free to migrate to anywhere else. If they do not want to be Chinese, they are free to go. If they are not able to go anywhere else, they can simply shut the fxxk up.

Don't know about that. But I've heard that Hong Kong people hated people from mainland China :confused:
First, as what I have said earlier, those japs deserved those two nukes. China does not deserve such brutal invasions by those japs.

As far as revenge against those two bombs by U.S., I do not think those japs have the ability yet, not that they have forgotten that.

As far as your generosity towards those japs, I am very surprised that so many indians still hate China so much for defeating india in 1962 border conflicts even though we have withdrawn to the line before conflicts, kindly treated all of your prisoners, promptly released them and even gave back all the materials we have captured. I do not think any international observers or India accused China committing any atrocities towards india prisoners then as well.

By your remarks, isn't that your generosity towards those japs simply hypocrisy???

Those japs who raped and pillaged are long gone. The Japs have been attacked with Incendiary bombs burnt Tokyo and 2 atomic bombs are dropped, yet they moved on and in less than 40 years of losing became the second largest economy of the world. Had they clinged to Past and are more interested in extracting revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki... the world would have been different.

Paying homage to the victims is different from Clinging to the past and extracting revenge.
If it weren't for China, U.S.S.R. would have already collapsed with germany and japan attacked it from both sides. There would not have stalingrad victory since stalin would not have been able to withdraw his army from east front to strenghten the defense for stalingrad.

At the same time, those japs would have put much more resources to bomb those americans and allied forces in pacific. U.S. would not have the breathing time after pearl harbor. The war would have prolonged a lot and it would be even uncertain which side would have won finally.

A retard as stupid as you won't understand it all.

You guys had no capability to drive the Japanese out; it was the Americans who liberated China. The Guandong army and the Imperial Japanese Navy occupied all active ports and oil fields in China. The KMT was surviving on supplies from British India, through the Himalayas.

If it weren't for the two consecutive nukes and the subsequent unconditional surrender of Japan to America, the Japanese would have enslaved China and Taiwan indefinitely, not to mention the casualties.

Don't get carried away. If it weren't for the US, Taiwan would not even be under ROC's rule, and you would be a second class citizen of the Empire of Japan like the Koreans and Taiwanese were after the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
For your knowledge, for those "polite" japs, when sent to China in their armies, I can say almost 100% committed atrocities. More and more diaries by those solders are exposed with such atrocities.

As far as the term "japan" here, I do not think you fully understand what is discussed here.

Nobody has advocated punishing normal japanese people. Our memorial is simply warning Chinese people what will be like when China is at her weakest time and what Chinese people should do to make the country stronger. There is NO slogan in the memorial asking Chinese to attack normal japanese people.

In addition, when we say japan has not repented for its war time atrocities, the term "japan" always refers to the japan government and thus its official attitude and behavior. japan government is responsible for the current relationship between China and japan.

Okay now that is a very uneducated prediction. America was never in a position of threat, and would never have failed to achieve victory even if Japan did not start the war in the china but build ships for 10 years. That is the difference between the production levels of Japan and America. And as such, taking the invasion to America itself ... well it is possible to get a few landings between a dozen boats if lucky to slip past the fleet but to actually stage a invasion of the scale of D-day? No.

And for Japan enslaving China if no American intervention? Too much bias in that statement. If event A does not happen, it does not mean event B will occur. There's too many things to consider in IF statements. What about Stalin's Russia, you think he'll sit idly whilst Japan occupies China? Not only that, but the absurd claim that China will be enslaved, Japan did not and will never have the capacity to occupy, control and keep order in China.

Lastly, I don't think the view of the Chinese posters here are correct. This thread is full of stereotyping, the majority of the populace in Japan are innocent who are not fully educated about the horrors of the war, but that is not their choosing, but the Japanese government's education syllabus. Should Japan receive punishment? No. Should the Japanese government change the education syllabus? Yes.

The few cases where Japanese individuals deny despite knowing the events, are ignorant fools and should not be applied to the rest of the population.

(I had to post a reasonable reply to counter the Japan bashing in this thread, which is frankly worrying)
For your knowledge, for those "polite" japs, when sent to China in their armies, I can say almost 100% committed atrocities. More and more diaries by those solders are exposed with such atrocities.

As far as the term "japan" here, I do not think you fully understand what is discussed here.

Nobody has advocated punishing normal japanese people. Our memorial is simply warning Chinese people what will be like when China is at her weakest time and what Chinese people should do to make the country stronger. There is NO slogan in the memorial asking Chinese to attack normal japanese people.

In addition, when we say japan has not repented for its war time atrocities, the term "japan" always refers to the japan government and thus its official attitude and behavior. japan government is responsible for the current relationship between China and japan.

If so, fair enough. But my thoughts of it being directed to the country as a whole do not come out of nowhere. Here are some quotes in this thread:

"Revenge will be sweet"

"Revenge is essential to get the confidence back"

"I just hope that part of animal island would sink to the bottom of pacific oceans sooner than later with some major earthquakes"

All I can see is the population suffering here, not the actual government. It would be best to correct the posts directing at the Japanese government, otherwise it is very misleading.

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