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"Never Forget National Humiliation" 74th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre

We must never forget and forgive what this little nippon has done to our country, people, looking forward for the paid back time plus interest.
Why? It is peace and independence our soldiers in WWII fought for, not blood revenge. Otherwise you should shoot down the pigeons flying on the square.
You have misread the messages in this type of activities.

The message here is not to send Chinese people to revenge what those japs have done to us during WWII.

The message here is to tell this/next generation never forget what happen to China when China were weak and had constant internal in-fights between Chinese. It tells us that we need develop stronger and make the country stable.

That is also why those 1989/6/4 incidents do not generate that much influence today. A lot of Chinese view those 1989/6/4 incidents positively. However, we are also quite aware that China may not be herself today if those students grab the power then. That is also why China has her stable transformation after U.S.S.R. collapsed, but China did not.

Those foreign powers are just like those Vultures. They want to incite any movements inside China to make China unstable. Haven't you seen what have happened in Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and etc???

The reason they keep interfering China's reclaim over taiwan is just another way to show what their real intentions are. Defending taiwan's democracy??? What a joke? Before 1988's party restriction removed, taiwan was always under chiang's family Autocracy control.

Nowadays, when those vultures see China become stronger and stronger, they become worried so much. They know sooner or later, nothing they can do can stop China any more.

there is only one solution to it, you can not kill the present generation to avenge the dead 73 years ago.
it is neither possible to time travel and kill the invading Jap army.
So the best thing is to forgive and forget, when you do that they will for sure some day will realize what their forefathers did was wrong in the history of mankind.
If there are any Japs in the form, for them its good for you guys to atleat appologize here in this forum so that you are sending a message of peace to the Chines members here in PDF.
It seems that you do not understand historically, those japs tried many times to invade China:

Let me give you some example:
663 AD: Battle of Baekgang, Silla-Tang forces defeat Japanese-Baekje navy
1558 AD: Ming forces led by Qi Jiguang defeat Japanese pirates at Cengang.
1592 AD: When Japan invades Korea in the Imjin War, Ming China aids Korea with troops and supplies.
1894 AD: japs invaded korea, attacked china navy and grabbed taiwan from China
1932 AD: Imperial Japanese colonialism in Manchukuo
1931 AD: japs invaded northeast China, the 9/18 invasion
1937 AD to 1945 AD: japs full invasion into whole china

You see, before 1894, China has always defeated the invading japs. However, after two opium wars, so many rebellion wars within China, Qing dynasty finally had drained its own power to defend itself. After its collapse in 1911, China has fallen to such a stage of constant in-fights, warlords controlled different regions and the whole country fell into pieces. That gave those japs perfect time to grab China. In that time, even Chiang could not control all of the armies since a lot of them gave their loyalty to their warlords, not Chiang. That is why so many cities fallen to the invading japs. There are reasons for that: for example, much worse weaponry, poor trained soldiers, few strategies, and etc. However, one important reason was that those warlords did not want to sacrifice their own forces to defend those japs. That was also why they would rather retreat to keep their own force but for defending the country.

So I do think those japs will do such invasion again. japan is such a smaller island with huge population and so few resources. For its own survival, invasion is the best solution.

I am happy to hear your kind words for the man who is portrayed as a symbol of Sino Indian Relationship.
But do you think even if China becomes weak in the future(which is not possible) that Japan will attack a nuclear armed China.
I don't think so. The next time a global war errupts for sure its going to be man vs machines.
My hostile attitude towards japan are to those who never acknowledge their animal past even though they know exactly what they have done towards China then, e.g. those right wing japs. I do hope they will sink to the bottom of pacific oceans sooner or later.

For those who learn the history and do apologize, I do welcome that. I do hope China can establish a good relationship with those Japanese.

Even with my hostile attitude towards certain japanese, I do not think there is any reason for revenge at all. History has happened already and we should not let that bloody past happen again. What China can do is to educate her youth to remember what China will be like at her weakest time.

As for bi-lateral approach, I have nothing to be against that.

As for my extreme attitudes to islamic dresses, I do not have any opinion to majority of their dresses. I just hope any secular countries can ban those damn burqas publicly. Those are just mid-century torture against women. When I see muslim women wearing those in beaches, in waters while they stupid husbands wearing shorts, I do feel that is such an injustice towards muslim women.

Just like binding feet, such outdated ugly tradition need to go. I am very glad that more and more nations have joint together to ban that. Recently, Canada bans burqa at citizenship swearing in.
Canada bans burqa at citizenship swearing in | World | DAWN.COM

Let those mid-earth trash go into the history's trash bin.

I see your extreme attitudes are limited to opinions on Islamic dress. If you want the Japanese people to acknowledge what their nation did in the 1930's and 40's, statements like this isn't the way to do it. A bi-lateral approach is much more likely to change people's attitudes.

This being an example and a step forward.

Nanjing by the Numbers| Foreign Policy
We definitely use the term "japs" in a derogatory way. I just hope that part of animal island would sink to the bottom of pacific oceans sooner than later with some major earthquakes. Then they can finally face up their sins and have the courage to acknowledge their animal past.

Speak for yourself idiot.
It seems that you do not understand historically, those japs tried many times to invade China:

Let me give you some example:
663 AD: Battle of Baekgang, Silla-Tang forces defeat Japanese-Baekje navy
1558 AD: Ming forces led by Qi Jiguang defeat Japanese pirates at Cengang.
1592 AD: When Japan invades Korea in the Imjin War, Ming China aids Korea with troops and supplies.
1894 AD: japs invaded korea, attacked china navy and grabbed taiwan from China
1932 AD: Imperial Japanese colonialism in Manchukuo
1931 AD: japs invaded northeast China, the 9/18 invasion
1937 AD to 1945 AD: japs full invasion into whole china

You see, before 1894, China has always defeated the invading japs. However, after two opium wars, so many rebellion wars within China, Qing dynasty finally had drained its own power to defend itself. After its collapse in 1911, China has fallen to such a stage of constant in-fights, warlords controlled different regions and the whole country fell into pieces. That gave those japs perfect time to grab China. In that time, even Chiang could not control all of the armies since a lot of them gave their loyalty to their warlords, not Chiang. That is why so many cities fallen to the invading japs. There are reasons for that: for example, much worse weaponry, poor trained soldiers, few strategies, and etc. However, one important reason was that those warlords did not want to sacrifice their own forces to defend those japs. That was also why they would rather retreat to keep their own force but for defending the country.

So I do think those japs will do such invasion again. japan is such a smaller island with huge population and so few resources. For its own survival, invasion is the best solution.

It was KMT who made us weaker and humiliated.

KMT sold Outer Mongolia to USSR and Diaoyu Island to Japan, then blamed CCP for everything.

Even i was descended from a KMT family, but i was ashamed of my background.

If you wanna keep China strong, then don't ever support this incompetent spineless KMT.

This party is so useless, it should not be existed after CCP takes over Taiwan.

KMT should either become a pro-CCP party or get banned permanently in China.
RIP our forefathers.

My grandmother told me stories of japanese soldiers looting,raping, killing when I was a child. This memory will pass down from generations to generations.
Almost every Chinese lost family members to the japanese, as long as they r still denying ignoring the monstrosities they committed during the war, the hatred will continue.

We are forgiving, we just don't forgive those who don't repent

Karma is going to be a bit(h
RIP our forefathers.

My grandmother told me stories of japanese soldiers looting,raping, killing when I was a child. This memory will pass down from generations to generations.
Almost every Chinese lost family members to the japanese, as long as they r still denying ignoring the monstrosities they committed during the war, the hatred will continue.

We are forgiving, we just don't forgive those who don't repent

Karma is going to be a bit(h

Yep, both Japanese facists and KMT facists are our enemies, and we should never forget about that.
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