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That was sarcasm right!

Nope, I am an A grade, irreverent, atheist, liberal fascist- destined, or so the believers say, to burn in hell. :partay:

Dude I made this clear the very first day I entered Naswar corner.
but @Aeronaut is the chief

Bye all


lots of confusion bro... every 1 claims to be a chief or something:rofl:... mein bechari theri newbie..so kuch pata nae chalta...:lol:

bye... have fun bro..:wave:
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No resting, first 15 minutes of replying to the bosses's emails and then vellapanti and whiling away time. :D

LOLOLOL :P in that case goodluck and have fun!! LOL

Actually i am considering taking a nap...have a class soon...but slept at 6 am...what is life lololol

But yeah i'll ttyl! :P tc
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