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Myanmar largest Indian aid recipient after Afghanistan

Young man i am commending India and asking whether the 800 million starving people should not be given priority. No need to gel upset and twaddle. Please stop being off topic by mentioning terrorism and jihad as THAT is trolling and wrong. :azn:

hahaha...there is no 800 mn people starving in India gets your figure rights and stop your trolling.
being poor is no sin... but acting as a hub of terrorism and piracy is. I hope you get the feel.

I am happy to be a poor than being a international beggar

Did i say being poor is a sin? Read my post and stop being off topic. I pray for the 800 million and hope they forgive the leaders in giving aid to overseas when they dont have enough for themselves.
Gosh you Indian chaps like to be off topic and get really upset when anyone mentions the fact that i believe you should spend on the money on your own people rather than assisting others. They too are probably having a snigger at the big gesture your government has made.

---------- Post added at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 PM ----------

hahaha...there is no 800 mn people starving in India gets your figure rights and stop your trolling.

Mr Majestic if the stats i have got off the BBC website are old or inaccurate then i apologize.
Young man i am commending India and asking whether the 800 million starving people should not be given priority. No need to gel upset and twaddle. Please stop being off topic by mentioning terrorism and jihad as THAT is trolling and wrong. :azn:

800 million starving??
are you fine or just trying to sound cool?
Did i say being poor is a sin? Read my post and stop being off topic. I pray for the 800 million and hope they forgive the leaders in giving aid to overseas when they dont have enough for themselves.
Gosh you Indian chaps like to be off topic and get really upset when anyone mentions the fact that i believe you should spend on the money on your own people rather than assisting others. They too are probably having a snigger at the big gesture your government has made.

---------- Post added at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 PM ----------

Mr Majestic if the stats i have got off the BBC website are old or inaccurate then i apologize.

Dony worry so called superkaif--- we have some 320 bn USD in forex reserves. India has the biggest program on social spending.

y 2015 our poverty will be reduce to 22% only.

let me get the source from you.
Did i say being poor is a sin? Read my post and stop being off topic. I pray for the 800 million and hope they forgive the leaders in giving aid to overseas when they dont have enough for themselves.
Gosh you Indian chaps like to be off topic and get really upset when anyone mentions the fact that i believe you should spend on the money on your own people rather than assisting others. They too are probably having a snigger at the big gesture your government has made.

This logic that since we are poor country we should not help out others is actually is very stupid, no offence.
Our budget is 240 billion $ every year.Our economy is 4 trillion $. The problems we are facing is nothing to do with less money for development. It has more to do with the faulty distribution of the resources to the needy.

So a billion $ aid to other poor countries(who by the way are our neighbors and their problems will affect us in one way or another) which will be spread in years will have a little or no effect to our economy. So even if we stop the aid and focus that money in our economy it is not going to affect any more than it already is because as i said our problem is not with the resources but its allocation and corruption. But a billion $ to our neighbors like Myanmar or Afghanistan or some african countries will come back to us in much more than one way. Not only will we win some points among local population but also help our indian companies to get deals easily which by the way will help our economy. The govs of these countries will also be invested to help us in more than just supporting our projects but also help us by going after any anti-india elements based in their counties(eg: Myanmar).

This by the way is a very smart diplomacy and a very shrewd economic and political move
800 million people without food since decades.??

Amazing.. the human body which can live for years without food.
Yes indeed India must be commended in assisting its neighbors. They are showing how generous you Indians are. Quite incredible.
One has to wonder when a country that has more than the whole of Africa living below the poverty line and not being able to feed themselves is doing assisting other nations? Maybe one should do as survey of what and how the 800 million starving feel about this remarkable decision?
Being poor is not a sin and helping others is not bad..

But exporting terrorism,jihad and a terrorism HUB is a sin.......hey and also begging from IMF and america!!!! shame
One has to wonder when a country that has more than the whole of Africa living below the poverty line and not being able to feed themselves is doing assisting other nations?
A country which has a reputation of being the epicenter of world terrorism is a major player in war on terror!! Wonder of wonders!!
This logic that since we are poor country we should not help out others is actually is very stupid, no offence.
Our budget is 240 billion $ every year.Our economy is 4 trillion $. The problems we are facing is nothing to do with less money for development. It has more to do with the faulty distribution of the resources to the needy.

So a billion $ aid to other poor countries(who by the way are our neighbors and their problems will affect us in one way or another) which will be spread in years will have a little or no effect to our economy. So even if we stop the aid and focus that money in our economy it is not going to affect any more than it already is because as i said our problem is not with the resources but its allocation and corruption. But a billion $ to our neighbors like Myanmar or Afghanistan or some african countries will come back to us in much more than one way. Not only will we win some points among local population but also help our indian companies to get deals easily which by the way will help our economy. The govs of these countries will also be invested to help us in more than just supporting our projects but also help us by going after any anti-india elements based in their counties(eg: Myanmar).

This by the way is a very smart diplomacy and a very shrewd economic and political move

Thank you for the sane response. I find it remarkable how low 1 or 2 of you guys can stoop so low as to bring things like terrorism etc up but i guess thats just people that like to troll. If you care to look at my posts in general i dont troll. I have a love for India and why would i not want the country where my parents were born to do well?
All i was pointing out that if India had an excess of funds then i would spend it on internal affairs. I would be selfish and look after number 1 and that would be my own people. Please explain why i am trolling? Am i not allowed to have an opinion on PDF?
I dont like hearing or seeing constant news of poverty etc and hope and pray that ALL nations including Pakistan reduce poverty levels asap.
One or two of you have already made your minds up that im trolling - thats ok i dont mind. You have asked me to name sources so i will.

'India has the highest number of hungry people'

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : To the hungry, god is bread

I dont post these with any pride - only because you have asked my sources so i have put them up.
I can also put twice as many about Pakistan and am aware of the poverty situation over their. Im only putting these up because i believe Indias priority should be to reduce these figures - thats my opinion. If you dont agree then thats fine but dont try shutting me up or asking me not to comment coz this is PDF and i love being on here and sharing my opinion.

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