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My Question? Why Pakistan reducing ballistic missile ranges, previously publicly announced.

yupp that on another thread admits to Pakistani heritage...Sounds legit

JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4] | Page 203

I am an Indian to be honest and I hate my heritage :sad: :cry: :cry: :eek: !!! What have they done in my town Lukhnow.....man, it has turned into a mess. No minorities are safe there, the Vedic times have started to come back. People are driving Maruti's that can go do pre-emptive strikes on Pakistan or the Moon, running on Water!!! I am scared!!!! SOOOO Scared!!!! Please come save me!!!

Dude, let it go. You are wasting so much of your time and energy on this silly issue that I fear you'll have high blood pressure.

You are chasing after a ghost. Ghosts have no names, nationalities, religions, countries or place of Birth. They JUST show up like I do!!!!

There are two other forums and they know me as Joe Shalom from Tel Aviv. I am an American Jewish and I wear a Yamaka!!! And I am SURE you've seen a lot of pro-Israeli content from me. I want Israel to be friends with ALL Islamic countries and everyone live together in peace like they used to for centuries!!! And NO WARS please!!!

I'm in that weird part of PDF again,.,

Hey Frankenstein!!! Welcome! Your friends from India were missing you. Just what they needed. Mosnters Inc is here !! (Its a movie btw).
I am an Indian to be honest and I hate my heritage :sad: :cry: :cry: :eek: !!! What have they done in my town Lukhnow.....man, it has turned into a mess. No minorities are safe there, the Vedic times have started to come back. People are driving Maruti's that can go do pre-emptive strikes on Pakistan or the Moon, running on Water!!! I am scared!!!! SOOOO Scared!!!! Please come save me!!!

Dude, let it go. You are wasting so much of your time and energy on this silly issue that I fear you'll have high blood pressure.

You are chasing after a ghost. Ghosts have no names, nationalities, religions, countries or place of Birth. They JUST show up like I do!!!!

There are two other forums and they know me as Joe Shalom from Tel Aviv. I am an American Jewish and I wear a Yamaka!!! And I am SURE you've seen a lot of pro-Israeli content from me. I want Israel to be friends with ALL Islamic countries and everyone live together in peace like they used to for centuries!!! And NO WARS please!!!

Hey Frankenstein!!! Welcome! Your friends from India were missing you. Just what they needed. Mosnters Inc is here !! (Its a movie btw).
What did I do? :(
What did I do? :(

It was a joke dude. I was having a field day with these Indian guys trying to find my ethnicity. You just came in at the right time so I tried to divert the attention :tup:

i was just thinking you would live in Atlanta. but i did not want to ask because it may sound weird. me Atlanta? i'm pure British. i know a lot about the US geography and politics.

true Pakistan is sorting it self out which is good. but i heard Pakistan has longer range missiles but chooses not to test them. and are in held under deep secrecy. i mean if you have a missile that can reach all of india why stop there? carry on, one day it may more adversaries further away.

I have lived in Atlanta a lot. Its a great city. But TX is home. I am everywhere though.

Pakistan need not to project more power than what's required to maintain a defensive posture against India as that's who they fought wars with. Beyond that Pakistan should root out terrorism and grow the country economically, and turn it into an investment heaven. That would be a HUGE favor to Pakistan's 200 million people, majority of which is poor but have the talent and high potential to grow.

At some point, India and Pakistan need to bury the hatchet and establish peace. Too many important years and generations have been destroyed due to this stupid "my land and religion" based bullshiit.
I have lived in Atlanta a lot. Its a great city. But TX is home. I am everywhere though.

do you have strong tx accent. my old history teacher was from Dallas and she had very strong accent

Pakistan need not to project more power than what's required to maintain a defensive posture against India as that's who they fought wars with. Beyond that Pakistan should root out terrorism and grow the country economically, and turn it into an investment heaven. That would be a HUGE favor to Pakistan's 200 million people, majority of which is poor but have the talent and high potential to grow.

At some point, India and Pakistan need to bury the hatchet and establish peace. Too many important years and generations have been destroyed due to this stupid "my land and religion" based bullshiit.

true, but religion will unfortunately will be the main cause of a war. whether it's kashmir, Israel or central Africa. theres always war and religion is the trigger. its harsh but it reality. life it not all soft and cushy and peaceful.
do you have strong tx accent. my old history teacher was from Dallas and she had very strong accent

true, but religion will unfortunately will be the main cause of a war. whether it's kashmir, Israel or central Africa. theres always war and religion is the trigger. its harsh but it reality. life it not all soft and cushy and peaceful.

No, not me, I am not a native Texan. I grew up in NY. But Texas is Texas and there is no place better than TX. All of my friends have very thick Texan accents, both boys and girls. My GF also has a pretty thick Texan accent (although she tries to control it / hide it when we are not in TX).

Did you go to school in the US? You mentioned history teacher...??

On the topic, religion in 2015 does not need to be the dividing factor. You could live like the European Union and still have your country (for both, Indo-Pak and Israel's scenarios). The main question is, when will people build up hope and need for peace where these walls will be brought down by the people...like the Berlin wall.

Peace is inevitable, whether you be smart about it and do it NOW, or go through another 10 years of hostilities, and another serious war and realize, holly shiit, we could've saved so many human lives and destruction, had we done a peace deal before.

In the US, people live with their ethnic identities....the Indian community here will tell you that. No one stops you from practicing your religion or cultural stuff. I see people in Indian clothes walking around by our neighborhood park every day, or women in Hijab or in Jewish clothes and men with Yamakas.

So if that can happen in the US, why can't it happen elsewhere???? Its the stupid politicians who are trying to justify more power and bigger military around the globe by putting crap on media that tells the Indians to be ready for Pakistan and vis-a-vis. This should turn into a trade competition and the entire globe would benefit from it.
I am an Indian to be honest and I hate my heritage :sad: :cry: :cry: :eek: !!! What have they done in my town Lukhnow.....man, it has turned into a mess. No minorities are safe there, the Vedic times have started to come back. People are driving Maruti's that can go do pre-emptive strikes on Pakistan or the Moon, running on Water!!! I am scared!!!! SOOOO Scared!!!! Please come save me!!!

Dude, let it go. You are wasting so much of your time and energy on this silly issue that I fear you'll have high blood pressure.

You are chasing after a ghost. Ghosts have no names, nationalities, religions, countries or place of Birth. They JUST show up like I do!!!!

There are two other forums and they know me as Joe Shalom from Tel Aviv. I am an American Jewish and I wear a Yamaka!!! And I am SURE you've seen a lot of pro-Israeli content from me. I want Israel to be friends with ALL Islamic countries and everyone live together in peace like they used to for centuries!!! And NO WARS please!!!

Hey Frankenstein!!! Welcome! Your friends from India were missing you. Just what they needed. Mosnters Inc is here !! (Its a movie btw).
hehe... that's entertaining, coming from our dear cancer curing african american pakistani investor friend with personal ties with nawaz shariff, pakistani military, world bank, RAF and Russian airforce obsessed with Indian vedas.... it's all legit.....
hehe... that's entertaining, coming from our dear cancer curing african american pakistani investor friend with personal ties with nawaz shariff, pakistani military, world bank, RAF and Russian airforce obsessed with Indian vedas.... it's all legit.....

You forgot to add Mr. Rao, Mr. Singh, Gen. Vikram, Sr. Admiral, Kapoor, my time in Ayodhya (Ramayana) and Lucnow????....:cray::cry:. How did you miss such important things???? Told ya, chasing after a ghost!!!!

By the way, I don't know if you noticed...I give a LOT of respect to good leaders from India. So I don't have anything against India.

But when you guys try to prove a wrong to right, just because of fake pride, specially against Pakistan, I feel like i should correct it if I happen to know the actual situation. That's it.

I've been talking to you and its been entertaining, we should ALL have fun while we debate passionately and accept the fact that sometimes, I can be wrong or you can be. No need to have fake pride and nationalities crap getting in the way of two humans.

At the end of the day, if two people from here ever met in person; they won't see each other's flags on their faces, it will be two human beings meeting to be friends and all. That's what life's all about. Being a human being, supporting each other and making relationships. We should all treat each other with due respect as we are all humans. Land, religion and all, come after birth. When a baby gets out of her mother's belly, he or she is just a human, and has no clue about religion, their land or culture or being a citizen of a super power or what; all that, is taught to them later.
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H-1 Visa ==== 172K a year.
Harvard graduate ===== Grocery shop owner
I am enjoying it
The way the trajectory of an argument went Ballistic, Its just priceless:D

This is SO not fair. I provide you guys with so much entertainment and not ONE damn positive rating was given that day!!! :enjoy:

If you are good at something never do it for free--Joker from The dark Knight

It was community service. Just trying to make a few stressed out people laugh. I am sure I'll get the reward somehow. Karma works well for good things
It was community service. Just trying to make a few stressed out people laugh. I am sure I'll get the reward somehow. Karma works well for good things

Or perhaps snatching their smiles and putting them in stressful situation.:D

On the side note, do keep us posted of your in-person meeting with the gentleman.

I am sure a person of your stature will find it no difficult to recruit him :enjoy:
Whatever may be the case, Pakistan has achieved complete and utter deterrence vis-a-vis india as our nuclear-tipped missiles can reck havoc & total annihilation in each and every last inch of the cursed hindu land, if the needs arises!!
:rofl: :omghaha: :cuckoo:

Like we'll be sitting on our a$$es, twiddling our thumbs, right?

Secondly, what is the area of India? 3,287,240 sq.km! You'll need a million nukes of nominal yield to cover every inch! You have...100 of nominal yield? There's still a looong way to go!! :azn:
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