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Muslims in Lucknow protest against Saudi Arabia

It is also pertinent to note that.... UN has imposed trade sanctions with Iran but Indian companies are landing with new miltimillion dollar construction contracts in Iran.

Further more all the western made hardware is being smuggled to Iran from India directly or via Dubai.

Now about the Iran needing brains! no sir.. they do not need any brains... there is surplus of engineers and doctors in Iran but they are not employed because govt. do not trust them.

All business houses of Iran are owned by mullahs and they only make venture with indian company, like it has been dictated to them.

Point is there is open violation of UN rules but no media is allowed to report.
I agree with you. Although people seldom vote on basis of foreign policy in India. Mostly it is based on local issues. Inflation, corrution, religion and caste are the big factors in election (in India)
Foreign policy of India does not change too much. The NDA has roughly same foreign policy as UPA. Govt has to consult the opposition if there is sudden departure in foreign policy.

Indian foreign policy drafted by policy makers, no point making it hostage to whims and fancies of the public :tup:
those times were over, american wants a different mid east. The oil in the Arabs are available for only 50 years or so.

Such estimates are highly illusive.
Saudi Arabia has many more resources which are not tapped yet. Gold for example.
Does everybody includes Kashmiris and Gujratis as well?

Yes it includes kashmiris and Gujratis as well. Everybody is allowed to do peaceful protest.
What you can do in a PEACEFUL protest
Burn flags & effigies
slogans & speeches
March to important places in cities
Wear black bandana/ show black flag
Candle march
Block the road
Block trainline

What you cant do in a PEACEFUL protest
Throw stones at police
Riot, burning of vehicles/houses
Throwing petrol bomb/ molotov cocktail
Kill/injure other civilians
Clashes with the civilians opposing protest
It is a false image of Iran's military might, which western media has created.

Iran has zero airforce... it's pilots will defect or fall out of sky by friendly fire.

Bombing over Iran would be like shooting ducks..

Only advantage, Iran enjoy is its larger land scape.

Show me one "western" news source considered credible that says Iran can take on the US. But Iran isn't exactly using bow and arrows to fend off attackers.
those times were over, american wants a different mid east. The oil in the Arabs are available for only 50 years or so.

Different middle east is an uncertain middle east . Being a volatile terror hub , change is definitely not in American interest.
Saudi King announces massive social benefits for people
'Pakistan Times' Monitoring Desk

RIYADH (Saudi Arabia): Saudi King Abdullah warned Friday that security forces will "hit" whoever "considers" undermining the kingdom's security and stability, in a speech aired on state-run Al-Ekhbareya television.

He coupled the warning with an announcement of massive social benefits including higher unemployment payments, better health care and improved housing.

"You are the hitting hand against whoever considers undermining the nation's security and stability," King Abdullah said, addressing Saudi security forces.

He also announced the creation of 60,000 more military and security jobs and the establishment of an anti-corruption committee to fight graft.

According to Friday's royal decree, the King set a minimum wage of 3,000 riyals ($800) a month for government employees. The King also announced 500,000 new housing units to which 250 billion riyals (around $67 billion) will be allocated.

Shortly before his return home last month after medical treatment abroad, the King announced a package of social benefits worth an estimated $36 billion (26 billion euros), mostly aimed at youth, civil servants and the unemployed.

Saudi King announces massive social benefits for people
King Abdullah has announced extra cash hands outs for unemployed people and benefits to civil servants in shape of extra housing loans and other cash benefits in his speech on Friday.

Saudi Arabia is under threat of political unrest like other neighboring countries Egypt and Bahrain.
Yesterday it seemed as if the coffers of Saudi money opened, suddenly, in front of Saudi King Abdullah, where he lavished upon them about $ 93 billion, in a series of royal decrees,

Added to another $ 35 billion had been ordered by spending nearly a month ago, when he returned from a long journey of treatment.

But the Saudi king in his brief on

It reflects the «pride» its citizens because they are «slapped wrong right», did not respond to what appears to calls for demonstrations against the regime,

Appeared on the careful maintenance of the senior scientists and refused to exchange exposure, warning of compromising the stability of the Kingdom and expressed by the royal decree, and the decision to increase the number of police at about 60 thousand item.

And during the televised speech of King Abdullah of any concessions on political rights, did not include anything about a cabinet reshuffle expected since a long time.

Dominated by key portfolios, senior princes, some in office for more than four decades.

And as much as John Sgakinyakis, chief economist at Banque Saudi Fransi in Riyadh, the economic benefits of the new 350 billion Saudi riyals (more than 93 billion dollars), or the equivalent of 21 percent of the total GDP of the Kingdom in 2010. The king was announced weeks ago, similar benefits to $ 35 billion.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia for treatment abroad after spending three months on his return to Saudi citizens, has announced additional incentives and facilities.

According to state television king social security, housing projects and study abroad to get extra money announced.

Chyasy-year-old King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in the past three months are spent outside. Stayys November he left the U.S. city was New York where his spinal cord in two operations.

January bayys Morocco where they could rest after the operation are required. Tunisian President Zain in the public protest and removed from alaabdyn aqtadr at the time of King Abdullah was in Morocco. Protests in Egypt and President MubarakPresident Mubarak's removal the time they were in Morocco.

According to state television king social security, housing and abroad mnusbun learning hypchly announced extra money for two months by a wave of public protest in the Middle East region's political scene has changed.

King of Saudi Arabia in the media to express happiness on returning soon started. English rumnamh 'Arab News' according to 'the Arab world are held in the form of progress'.

King's return on Wednesday the streets of Riyadh has been decorated with flags.

Saudi TV the neighboring country of Saudi Arabia's King Hamad of Bahrain also are reaching Riyadh on Wednesday. Movement of public protest in Bahrain is the Bahrain authorities and the international community's strong reaction and criticism significantly on treatment with protesters.
Forget what he said. i do believe it was organised by locals indeed.

But i want to ask you as Indian how do you see this protest ??

a Good step in right direction ?

Well Indians in majority 99.99% do not care what is happening. I am with them, we are not thekedar of world.
No i have no distaste fir Shias.. it is the regime of Iran and its influence over Shias of Pakistan at least and i expect same in India.

US nexus with Iran and India is covert not overt.

It is Iran who is supporting Afghan Shia regime and so is US.
It is Iran whop is involved in arming Baluchs and so is India.
It was Iranian militias who were on killing spree of Sunnis of Iraq and so was black water.
It is Iran who armed Lybian opposition and US came to their support.
It is Iran who is arming Shia minorities in various arab states and so media is reporting those sunni states as undemocratic!
It is Iran who is arming Hizbullah and Lebanon is bearing the brunt of Israel, next Israel will take over Syria and Iran will still be safe.
It is Iran who is arming Hammas and triggering infights in Palestine.
Now when middle-eastern states have decided to hire retired Pakistani soldiers in their security forces... India offered its army's support attack Pakistan in any potential support of Pakistan in coming Arab-Iran conflict.

I have made personal interviews with Iraqis and Iranis... which popular media fail to carry out.

Last but not the least... it was Iran who financed the ouster of Musharraf upon promise by US that Shia regime will be installed in Pakistan and which is in effect today.

Many points are good as Iran was/is part of global religious strategy of Jews from the time of its creation when Jews made first huge investment with the creation of Shia fir.
But problem is ordinary man's political, strategical & logical perception low by on bases of knowledge. Iran is the place from where second big crack in Islam made after Shia fir formation is Hadis. (BTW it is off topic)

If we will go through all happenings going in middle east, south Asia then it is not hard to understand that Iran responsible in breaking or deformation of this Muslim unity, his irresponsible role against Pakistan, cooperation with our basic enemies, not secret.
Iran is derived historically as strategic control over Muslims.

Sayed Usuf Raza Gillani , example of shia regime in Pakistan.
Saudi Arabia well decided sending troops in Bahrain for stabilize situation.
Syria will not be safe in any future Israeli invasion (which will be) on neighbor opposition countries but Iran will safe as he did his covert task.

Iran will not invade by US/NATO in near future but after when Israel will secure and expand its boundaries shown in (Greater Israel map) Ðåçóëüòàò ïîèñêà Google äëÿ http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/israel/images/greater-israel-map1.gif

as they feel no ultimate blink of war/danger from Iranian side. But Iraq fell down with all its chemical weapons and missiles why?
some common ideas or you can say joint ideas never change in centuries if joint mutual interests are same or may be fire worshiper never accepted Islam from whole heartily?

History is the key of future & present as well.
Not about other countries. i am asking how do you see it in context of your own country? is this going to have any implication ?

In the context of general public sentiment, nobody cares. But everybody knows that this entirely to do with the sectarian rifts within the followers of Islam, which will never be papered over. Shias in India are very conscious of the fact that Saudi Arabia will spare no money or efforts to make sure that Shias do not achieve any kind of ascendancy on the western shores of the Persian Gulf. And the Shias are also very sensitive to the fact that Saudi influence (not limited to funding) is being spread throughout the sub-continent. Just as the relationship between Iran and Pakistan is at best "chequered", even more so after the "Zia Era". And with little prospects of change.

since Saudia is recently said to be closing up to India viz a viz trade and some other things. so how ts going to impact in favor of India? such protests against Saudis do you think going to help winning Iranian support for India?

At the official (governmental) level; GoI is equidistant between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The foreign policy towards both is strictly determined by common interests; i.e. strategic and economic. But the GoI (at the back of its mind) knows that the (substantial) population of Shias among Muslims in India is a fact; just as large numbers of them opted to remain in India post-partition.
And finally, equations in world politics are ever dynamic. In the possibility of a US-Iranian rapprochement in future, again there will be something for India to do. And that will have something to do with how the "Afghan Story" plays out.
For sure there will be a lot to look forward to.
I think he is pointing out to the fact that shias not only in India but around the world mostly will side with Iran. thats a hard fact no denying about it.

Since in Bahrain both Saudia and Iran are involved equally so blaming one party is uncalled for.

The onus here is more on Iran because Iran had started the trouble in Saudia through Bahrani shias. Saudi must be alarmed because it shares border with Bahrain.

Azerbaijan is a Shiia majority country and more often than not they are at total loggerheads with Iran; the Azeris even cite claims over Iranian lands.

it's a political problem; not a sectarian one. All Muslims are the same.

some people can be bought......like Muslims in BJP
Azerbaijan is a Shiia majority country and more often than not they are at total loggerheads with Iran; the Azeris even cite claims over Iranian lands.

it's a political problem; not a sectarian one. All Muslims are the same.

some people can be bought......like Muslims in BJP

Better example would be Pakistan being bought by Saudi, US and China.

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