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Muslims in Lucknow protest against Saudi Arabia

You can clearly see one of the hand in middle picture have orange band in wrist, which is clear evidence that fundamentalist hindus were leading this protest.

Lol even maulana has some band on his wrist.
A hindu fundamentalist maulana???????
Its better to keep hatred aside for atleast half an hour a day.
Honestly speaking, i dont know. I generally dont care much about things going on in other countries.
However, this guy Maulana Kalbe Jawwad is a very learned man. I have heard him a couple of times. And he is a good man.
So if this man leading these peaceful protests , i see nothing wrong in it.
But i still think, people should mind their own countries affairs.

Not about other countries. i am asking how do you see it in context of your own country? is this going to have any implication ?

since Saudia is recently said to be closing up to India viz a viz trade and some other things. so how ts going to impact in favor of India? such protests against Saudis do you think going to help winning Iranian support for India?
You're from Lucknow? Lucknow has a large Shia majority if I'm not mistaken

Since India has secondor third largest shia Muslim population in the world after Iran so its obvious Muslim concentration areas would have majority shias
Not about other countries. i am asking how do you see it in context of your own country? is this going to have any implication ?

since Saudia is recently said to be closing up to India viz a viz trade and some other things. so how ts going to impact in favor of India? such protests against Saudis do you think going to help winning Iranian support for India?
No. Not at all. I think these protests are just a symbolic expression.
I dont think these protests are going to make any real difference in GOI stand or something like that.
U see recently Imam of mecca mosque also came here. So i dont think its going to make any significant difference on our relationships with Saudi viz-a-viz Iran.
India has close trading ties with both Saudi Arabia as well as Iran. India has taken the Chinese route of not mixing politics with trade.
No. Not at all. I think these protests are just a symbolic expression.
I dont think these protests are going to make any real difference in GOI stand or something like that.
U see recently Imam of mecca mosque also came here. So i dont think its going to make any significant difference on our relationships with Saudi viz-a-viz Iran.

No not impact officially. i am asking how this is going to be formulated in organised behaviour in future at public level ? i see its good
No not impact officially. i am asking how this is going to be formulated in organised behaviour in future at public level ? i see its good

no. not at all. people will forget it after few days. Here in India people have this habit of forgetting things too soon.

sorry im writing too short replys. im on call here.
Shias are nasty chaps?

How is the US is supporting the Bahrain Sunni Sultan against the Shia majority?

Your distaste for Shias seems to make you blind.

US in nexus with Iran?

Do you read newspapers since the newspapers give another and quite different view.

But then, given you authoritative statements (since you use no links) could be learn more of the US and Iran nexus that seems to ne hidden from the world. but known to you alone?!

No i have no distaste fir Shias.. it is the regime of Iran and its influence over Shias of Pakistan at least and i expect same in India.

US nexus with Iran and India is covert not overt.

It is Iran who is supporting Afghan Shia regime and so is US.
It is Iran whop is involved in arming Baluchs and so is India.
It was Iranian militias who were on killing spree of Sunnis of Iraq and so was black water.
It is Iran who armed Lybian opposition and US came to their support.
It is Iran who is arming Shia minorities in various arab states and so media is reporting those sunni states as undemocratic!
It is Iran who is arming Hizbullah and Lebanon is bearing the brunt of Israel, next Israel will take over Syria and Iran will still be safe.
It is Iran who is arming Hammas and triggering infights in Palestine.
Now when middle-eastern states have decided to hire retired Pakistani soldiers in their security forces... India offered its army's support attack Pakistan in any potential support of Pakistan in coming Arab-Iran conflict.

I have made personal interviews with Iraqis and Iranis... which popular media fail to carry out.

Last but not the least... it was Iran who financed the ouster of Musharraf upon promise by US that Shia regime will be installed in Pakistan and which is in effect today.
No not impact officially. i am asking how this is going to be formulated in organised behaviour in future at public level ? i see its good

GoI is mindful of shia sensibilities. And everybody is allowed to protest, why not shia. There is nothing wrong in peaceful protest(even if I disagree with the cause that the protest support).
In this case, it is clear that they are doing it with sectarian motive, but nothing can be done about it. As long as they dont clash with sunnis.

Govt will use this to balance foreign relation, but the it will not influence the foreign relation in ME.
^^look at the protesters, 50 % are kids.. nothing gonna change and not import at all. And in public level, it is nothing, politician will look at the people only in elections. But it is good if they protest for more education institutions, other benefits etc.
Peaceful protests are the way democracy is supposed to work. They help people express their opinion on micro matters.

For a macro change in govt policy, people will have to speak through ballot. That will not happen for such matters. There have been protests against the iraq war, bush visit and indeed anti israel and as long as the protests are peaceful I fully support their right to protest.
Peaceful protests are the way democracy is supposed to work. They help people express their opinion on micro matters.

For a macro change in govt policy, people will have to speak through ballot. That will not happen for such matters. There have been protests against the iraq war, bush visit and indeed anti israel and as long as the protests are peaceful I fully support their right to protest.

Peaceful protests are allowed in every Arab state.
What Arabs don't like is anti aircraft guns provided by Iran.
In the past there had been few clashes between shia and sunnis during religious processions of either sects . These things happen in old lucknow. Police is kept on alert during during processions. these incidents happen in old city, though no such incident has taken place since a long time.

lucknow has sizeable shia population though sunnis are majority. kalbe sadiq , the most prominent shia leader lives in lucknow .
GoI is mindful of shia sensibilities. And everybody is allowed to protest, why not shia. There is nothing wrong in peaceful protest(even if I disagree with the cause that the protest support).
In this case, it is clear that they are doing it with sectarian motive, but nothing can be done about it. As long as they dont clash with sunnis.

Govt will use this to balance foreign relation, but the it will not influence the foreign relation in ME.

Does everybody includes Kashmiris and Gujratis as well?
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