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Then you shall be rectified by noble mutawaeen

We won't allow mutaween in our country. Will also resist any other nation trying to impose their mutaween based rule on us. Arabization can take place elsewhere for all I care, not in my country.
You speak truth, not sure if you have been banned for this.

This has to be the reason. Suddenly a page appeared "You have broken forum rules", but it was not even said which rules I broke.....I didn't insult someone, I didn't curse, used no foul language, I didn't make any claims without backing them up with evidences (from mostly Pakistani sources!),.....
So yes, you are right, it was annoying that I spoke the truth.

how can be you so sure ? if anything iranians are most racist people , iranians even hate darker non blacks like Indians , pakistanis/turks and arabs are least racist people in islamic world.

1. When it comes to non-blacks, Iranians are if at all chauvinist and not racist. Racism has a biological meaning, learn the difference.

2. When it comes to Blacks: Yes, Iranians are racist towards Blacks, I never denied that, but this racism is in no way comparable to the anti-black hate of Arabs, let alone that of Pakistanis.
In this thread I have provided dozens of evidences of anti-black racism of Arabs and of Pakistanis (from mostly Pakistani sources!), and I can provide many more evidences....and if you now claim that Iranians are more racist towards Blacks, you are very welcome to provide the evidence for that....but don't come up with 19th century pictures of black slaves in Qajar households! Give me the evidence from today (21st century) of major Iranian racism towards Blacks!
A black muslim girl from Mecca made a rap song about Mecca. After that she got arrested:


But also the backclash from Saudi citizens was enormous, and their main complain was her black african skin, they are using disgusting racial slurs against her! If an ethnic Saudi girl had done the same, everything would have been OK.
Her sin is not that she made a rap Video in Mecca, her sin is that she has a black skin!

Is the Ummah not lovely towards their Blacks :smitten::smitten::smitten:
Would Muslims care about Palestine if Palestinians were Black???
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