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At first glance this is positive, but at the end it still doesn't reflect their real feelings towards Blacks, deep inside a Palestinian sees a Black man just as an abeed.
The only reason why Palestinians don't appear so racist at the moment is because they live in oppression, people like that on the outside always appear to be welcoming. It's the same with Muslims in India, who don't appear to hate Blacks like Hindus do, but if Indian Muslims one day will come out of their oppression, they will show their true face and their deep seated hatred towards black people, just as Pakistanis do every day with their anti-black hate.
With Palestinians it is the same, they are no different than all other Arabs, they accept a black man with a black skin only as an abeed and nothing else but an abeed, at the moment it doesn't appear that way, but even today a Palestinian would show his true face if his daughter or sister would dare to marry a black-skinned man ----- honor killing :guns::guns::guns:

Ummah, Islamic solidarity…….but only if you're not Black!!!!!

Reported for another nonsense post based on lies.

What experience does an Iranian have with Pakistanis' race relations?

I already posted the fact that Sindh and Bslochistan have significant mixed African populations.
Hard to take this woman seriously and emotional converts like her.

When you embrace a religion and way of life you do it because you believe in it not for the sake of the Muslim community, as if the entire Muslim community was somehow racist against Black people, forgetting that Black Muslims are a huge part of the Muslim population that will only increase in the future.

For starters 99,9% of all Muslims (Arabs included obviously) in the West do not wear a niqab. It is mostly a cultural/tribal thing in the Arab world, the Pashtuns have the Burqa as an equivalent (even more conservative) as had/have the Iranians, Central Asians etc. A look at old photographies of Iran, Bukhara, Samarkand etc. will confirm this.

People who wear the niqab in the Arab world (minority) due to out of tradition often or because they want to, many women do not like to flaunt their beauty contrary to the stereotype of all women wanting to walk around naked if they could.

I don't know which communities she was exposed to but I know and I am proud of the fact that every Muslim ethnicity feels at home in KSA. If not for the large number of Horn of Africa illegals in KSA, vast, vast majority of all people would not have many bad words to say about the Afro-Arab community or Black expats. Since they don't cause the type of problems that can be seen in the West. They are a completely different population to the African-Americans, Blacks in Europe and elsewhere. It is like salt and pepper.
She reminds of that tool of a person Ensaf Hedri
Pakistanis fanatically hate black people!!!

Simply false. Many Pakistanis are married to darker skinned people. We don't have a problem as long as they are Muslim.

I have reported you again for perpetuating lies.

You keep sharing the same handful of videos.
I never lie, YOU are the liar!

Pakistanis fanatically hate black people!!!
Not really

Simply false. Many Pakistanis are married to darker skinned people. We don't have a problem as long as they are Muslim.
Yes they are and religion is a bigger issue than race here I have even seen videos of Pakistanis being married to Africans and no one actually giving a fish
You keep sharing the same handful of videos.

Why should I not keep sharing the same handful of videos, if this same handful of videos are detailed, objective and mostly from Pakistani sources?!

I will not let you hide the truth!

Your "Pan-Islamic" will never include black Muslims! Your Ummah ends at the Sahara!

Don't come up with this isolated cases. I'm talking about the society as a whole.

This black muslim woman talks about the experiences she made in Pakistani-dominated mosques:

Pakistanis hate Blacks and will never grant them Islamic solidarity!!!
I hope she enjoys ruining her family’s image and standing, her heritage and culture, and her children’s identity and future.

Inter-racial marriage is the most destructive and selfish thing a person can do. You’re a Judas to your people.
Why should I not keep sharing the same handful of videos, if this same handful of videos are detailed, objective and mostly from Pakistani sources?!

I will not let you hide the truth!

Your "Pan-Islamic" will never include black Muslims! Your Ummah ends at the Sahara!

Don't come up with this isolated cases. I'm talking about the society as a whole.
how can be you so sure ? if anything iranians are most racist people , iranians even hate darker non blacks like Indians , pakistanis/turks and arabs are least racist people in islamic world.
In German I have read an article and watched a documentary about it, but the best source was the book "Al Muqaddimah" by the brilliant 14th century Tunisian historian Ibn Khaldun, were the importance of the slaves is mentioned in detail. But it's a very thick book and I read it many years ago, so I can't give you a quote.


One thing I have noticed: Normally, for Pakistanis "Islamic solidarity" is more important than for all other Muslims. Pakistanis are fanatically obsessed with the concept of Ummah! And when other Muslims talk about racial pride, Pakistanis become very sad, they are like "No, only Islam, no nations, no borders, we Muslims, no races, Islamic solidarity, only Ummah Ummah Ummah"......but at the moment when the black skin enters the arena, then the same Pakistanis become the most race-obsessed people on earth! Suddenly "We Muslims" doesn't exist anymore.
Pakistanis want everyone to care about Kashmir, but they themselves have absolutely no compassion towards Blacks!
Pakistanis are more racist towards Blacks than even Arabs, it's just pure hate, and not because of the behavior of Blacks, but only because of their skin color. And being Muslim doesn't shield Blacks from this hate in any way!
If there weren't any consequences that would follow, then Pakistanis would love to drop their nuclear weapons on Africa and clean the surface of earth from this black dirt!!!

But I don't want to put the blame only on Pakistanis, everyone is racist towards Blacks. This racism is epidemic. Muslims always talk about solidarity towards Palestine, and Kashmir, and Rohingas, and this and that, Ummah here and there, but this pure bullshit, it's mere lip-service…..
Anti-Black racism = that's the only unity that exists in the Muslim world!!!

And this once again shows that at least 90% of all non-black Muslims of the world are deep in their hearts atheists and do not believe in Islam, because they are obviously disgusted of Gods creation!!!

You are either a Muslim or a Black-hater, the one thing totally contradicts the other, you cannot be both, it's totally impossible!!!

So when in future someone claims to be a believer, you just have to ask "Would you accept that your daughter marries a Black man with a Black skin?"....If he hesitates for just a moment to answer, then you know that he is nothing but a pork-meat-eating infidel!!!

You speak truth, not sure if you have been banned for this.
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