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"After a month of phone calls and texts we wanted to get married"


EDIT: 2:42 lol
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What is the big deal in this vid? Summary please?

Arab girl meets black guy.
They like each other and decide to get married.
Arab girl's family call her names and try to force her to
not marry him.
Black guy's family do not care either way.
They get married in the end.
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Arab girl meets black guy.
They like each other and decide to get married.
Arab girls family call her names and try to force her to
not marry him.
Black guys family do not care either way.
They get married in the end.
Shes arab i knew instantly from thumbnail picture, she seems to have done so many cosmetic procedures on her face or has so much make up on thats how nowadays arab girls do despite naturally great looks and lose all facial attraction.
Hey Nazi squad, what do you think?


I hope she enjoys ruining her family’s image and standing, her heritage and culture, and her children’s identity and future.

Inter-racial marriage is the most destructive and selfish thing a person can do. You’re a Judas to your people.
In Islam to us bro. :p:

Asalamu Alaikum

I've still always been VERY uncomfortable with the term when referring to women. In my head I'm like "ew no she's not my sister don't say that, I think this person has a nice face I don't think like that about my sister".

I hope she enjoys ruining her family’s image and standing, her heritage and culture, and her children’s identity and future.

Inter-racial marriage is the most destructive and selfish thing a person can do. You’re a Judas to your people.

If this ruins her family, heritage and culture, then they weren't worth much in the first place.

As for her kids, they'll be fine so long as people like you don't say nasty things about them.

Inter-racial marriage is the best thing you can do, it binds different communities together.
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