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Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

Is it mandatory for someone to be made a Think Tank only when his thinking tanks ? Seriously how did this guy ever get a mandate to be made a think-tank ? In fact MK's post in the Ah memories ! :D thread, makes much more sense now that such i see such nonsense from this roadkill guy.

That's the usual line offered when you can't think how to deny something factual.

---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 PM ----------

And they ought to be free to practice their religion however they see fit as well.....However, unlike the Hindus , Muslims tend to feel the need to impose their religion and laws on the home culture. Which really, is just very counter productive.

I am Christian btw...

that should be unlike how they are portrayed in the media. Why are you folk so slow in grasping this?

Is it the Bollywood hashish?
Point out a single occasion where Hindus/Sikhs/Chinese or any of the other groups I mentioned , have had friction with the local populace because of their cultural practices.

They integrate in all important fields --civil administration, polity , services, society, quiet and un-obstrusive ways of celebrating cultural festivals, religious rituals etc .

your being burnt alive in western countries. BBC News - Indian man attacked and set alight in Melbourne

if you're so integrated go ahead and explain this example (though many more exist, in fact most racial attacks tend to be on indians in the west).
I dont quote from fictional books and caracters like you do.

If you see Werner Heisenberg,Erwin Schrödinger as colonial masters .Then sorry. you deserve only your fiction book.

Whats wrong with atheists,Oh i see they are 'non-believers' who needs to be killed.:lol::lol:
you know that you cannot let a athiest comment on this issue. unless you are a complete dumbass that is. and what fictional book are you talking about? your the one who has read to much fiction and then spew **** just like u are right now. these athiest were not neutral so **** that
I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.

-Niels Bohr

The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still.

-Carl Sagan

After the conversations about Indian philosophy, some of the ideas of Quantum Physics that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense.

-Werner Heisenberg

There is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false construction....The only solution to this conflict insofar as any is available to us at all lies in the ancient wisdom of the Upanishad.

-Erwin Schrödinger

A millennium before Europeans were willing to divest themselves of the Biblical idea that the world was a few thousand years old, the Mayans were thinking of millions and the Hindus billions.

-Carl Sagan

Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India.

-Mark Twain

Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries.

-Julius Robert Oppenheimer

Hinduism and Buddhism offer much more sophisticated worldviews (or philosophies) and I see nothing wrong with these religions.

-Richard Dawkins

would be good to know if these quotes are all true, the ones that are to know what context they were in.
your being burnt alive in western countries. BBC News - Indian man attacked and set alight in Melbourne

if you're so integrated go ahead and explain this example (though many more exist, in fact most racial attacks tend to be on indians in the west).

One single incident you managed to pull up, and one that has nothing to do with religion or culture.

Indian (Muslims or Hindus) are hardly ever in the news compared to some others when it comes to terrorism, its not that hard to observe is it?
One single incident you managed to pull up, and one that has nothing to do with religion or culture.

Indian (Muslims or Hindus) are hardly ever in the news compared to some others when it comes to terrorism, its not that hard to observe is it?

you got it in one, genius. The western media gives you this image that you need to believe, much like the drugs you take while watching bollywood.

The reality is very different. You're not the darlings of the immigrants that's 100% certain.
No one is asking that.. They just asking for acceptance of local culture as well.. Let me give some example, how Hindus adapted to American culture.

1. American hindus don't blow crackers on deepawali coz its banned there.
2. American Hindus don't lit lamp of Ghee and Vegitable oil in USA coz its not allowed there.
3. They don't celebrate ramnavami like they celebrate in India..

Like wise many things are there where they have compromised. When one is living in other country he/she must respect there local culture. You can't live in their land and challenge them to follow your culture....

Stop lying, you're on a Pakistani site and we consider it rude to lie. Indians do everything the opposite of how you described - you're still living in India, how would you know?
you got it in one, genius. The western media gives you this image that you need to believe, much like the drugs you take while watching bollywood.

The reality is very different. You're not the darlings of the immigrants that's 100% certain.

Well you can put it this way, at least the Media loves us :lol:

Darlings or not doesn't matter to me personally, as long as I am not associated with extremism, works for me.

Then again maybe we are the darlings, unless you got something to prove otherwise ;)
of course it matters to you.. you can see it in virtually all posts.

That is your genius assessment that it matters to me, huh!

Again, the discussion was about our culture, its not extremist. I get it you have no concerns with that. :)

The German government's attempts to unite different religious groups seem to be turning sour. Introducing lessons on Islam in schools was meant to help integrate the country's three million Muslims. But the policy is having some undesired effects.

bro islamic studies has nothing to do with radicalization , but those who try to spread hatred & radicalization must be dealt with an iron fist be it a muslim group or imam or for that matter the RSS of that little punk called Mohan Bhagwat

No one is asking that.. They just asking for acceptance of local culture as well.. Let me give some example, how Hindus adapted to American culture.

1. American hindus don't blow crackers on deepawali coz its banned there.
2. American Hindus don't lit lamp of Ghee and Vegitable oil in USA coz its not allowed there.
3. They don't celebrate ramnavami like they celebrate in India..

Like wise many things are there where they have compromised. When one is living in other country he/she must respect there local culture. You can't live in their land and challenge them to follow your culture....

listen i love india but this needs an answer which is first flush "$HITS" like BJP,RSS,bajrang dal,ram sena,,shiv sena down the "Toilet". & then talk about Islam & Muslims.
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your being burnt alive in western countries. BBC News - Indian man attacked and set alight in Melbourne

if you're so integrated go ahead and explain this example (though many more exist, in fact most racial attacks tend to be on indians in the west).
At least understand the post that you're quoting. He asked about Indians being attacked because of their cultural practices and you came up with this? Your post doesn't even answer the question which was asked. Your link doesn't say that Indians were attacked because they were imposing their culture and religion. In fact it describes Australians as recist! What kind of think tank you are? I must say that your tank is empty and doesn't think LOL
They don't have ghetto-culture like your ilk does. They are not crazy fundos inciting naive, gullible folk every weekend to rise up against Western Godlessness and capitalistic culture ,and burn buses and riot .

And later on after being a...spanked by a couple of local policemen , they dont cry on youtube about discrimination.

They are not involved in crimes like drug smuggling , prostitution etc as an only way of earning their living .

So don't even compare with Indians , almost all of whom are better educated and in higher positions than people like you.

About the smelly part , its a bit ironic coming from you given that Pakistanis are seen in exactly the same light except with an extra tag of a terrorist on you . So ponder a little bit before spewing garbage.

I didn't mention any nationalities in my original post , don't bring in BS if you can't argue about the topic in question.

Which hallucinated world are you living in?
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