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Motivation of a dying Taliban fighter

That's a dilemma of today's Muslims. Use Quranic verses to make them suitable their way. None of the verses you shared mentioned about how and why traitors and betrayers should be forgiven. There is no forgiveness for the one who betrays another Muslim.
No negotiation and peace with the ghani government which is just another arm of a invader and non believer.

Your DP name is Secular Nationalist, you dont even have strong sentiment about Islam and I doubt you have read whole Quran verses ( the meaning ) like I do.
Well Taliban is a new group, this group didnt fight USSR during the war and it was US who helped Mujahidin fought USSR for decades.

Taliban emergence is related to Pakistani government, this is why you guys have favor sentiment toward them. Do you want to live under Taliban version of government ? Please see point of view of many Afghan as well, then you can be more fair in your judgement
Afghan taliban is a new group :lol:
Now thats a news to me.
It's not a question of whether we want to live under then or not. This thread is just about what makes a Taliban undefeatable and motivated. And why their fight in afghanistan is a justified one.
A Indonesian from a far away island knows nothing about the geo politics and culture of this region. You better concentrate on your tourism or palm oil industry.
for once i agree with an Indian!

yes this will rejuvenate Muslims motivate them to get back on path of Islam and spread peace and justice!
Well only in Afghanistan.
Your DP name is Secular Nationalist, you dont even have strong sentiment about Islam and I doubt you have read whole Quran verses ( the meaning ) like I do.
Here comes another pious righteous Muslim who think he is a superior one.
What I said isn't wrong . In Quran there is no forgiveness for the one who betrays his umma.
How do your u know about that? Any reliable source?


While not commenting on the specific group or ideology involved - many of the TTP who beheaded Pakistani soldiers espoused the same “satisfaction and smiles” - so do many true believers in many ideologies. I don’t believe that is the only aspect to gauging success but it does make it an effective look at motivation and morale of that particular fighter. However, if one looks at it from a very military and not geopolitical standpoint - you can have 400 hundred smiling and motivated Taliban and all it takes is a mk-84 JDAM to send them packing. What is missing is the political will (and rightly so) to occupy the territory with 150000 troops along with an understanding of the strategy required to quell the battlefield that makes Afghanistan a defeat for the US and a win for the Taliban. Otherwise a few hundred years ago it took the british much less in ancient tech but the right strategy to bring the entire subcontinent down and get the Afghans to surrender their own territory en masse.
Is that a before or after?

If After then the account just pulled off this and many fell for it
This just a fight between which Islamic version you have.....Something ridiculous and not right as killing another Muslim means being cursed by God and went to Hell. If I want to fight another Muslim in a war due to just different interpretation of Islam I would also have doubt in my heart to kill them........It is some group who dont have any doubt to kill another Muslim that should be seen as less Islamic.....


Surah Ar Rum verse 32

(Of those associators) who are divided in their Religion and became sects (fractions), every fraction rejoicing in what is with it.

Surah Al AnAm verse 159

Surely they who divided their religion and became sects. You have no concern with them. Their affair is only with Allah, then He will inform them of what they used to do.


This is when Muslim has different opinion and how to solve it

Surah As Syura verse 38

And they respond to their Lord and keep up the Prayer. And they gather amongst each other to conduct their affairs by mutual consultation. And they spend out of what We have given them as sustenance.

The punisment of killing another Muslim

An Nisa verse 93

And whoever kills a believer intentionally, then his punishment is Hell; he shall abide in it forever; Allah has sent His Wrath on him and cursed him and He has prepared for him a great torment.


This is when we see two Muslim has conflict

Surah Al Hujurat verse 10

"The believers are only brothers and sisters. Therefore make reconciliation between your brothers and sisters, and have piety towards Allah. It is hoped that you may be given Mercy."
This is not.. Present Afghan govt connotation is the same as Karbala incident where Imam Hussain AS stood against an illegal and morally corrupt govt system. It is an illegal govt installed by invaders and with no moral authority. This govt was with invaders and it is still the extention of same illegal and immoral system. So Taliban are rightly fighting for a cause. So shut up and twist the Islamic teachings when you none
Well Taliban is a new group, this group didnt fight USSR during the war and it was US who helped Mujahidin fought USSR for decades.

Taliban emergence is related to Pakistani government, this is why you guys have favor sentiment toward them. Do you want to live under Taliban version of government ? Please see point of view of many Afghan as well, then you can be more fair in your judgement

Don't fall for the Indian argument of this is a fight between good and bad Muslims. Both sides have ample amounts of bad and good Muslims. One of the major leaders of the Afghan government (so called "good guys") is a sodomist who murdered thousands of prisoners of war by burying them alive. This is just one of many examples I can give of these supposed good Muslims.

If he fought Afghan Communist during 1990s, so I can understand, but Today he is fighting another Muslim who also has strong Islam sentiments.
Wrong one muslim side was taking side of the invaders while the other is trying to free its land from foreign occupation…
If he fought Afghan Communist during 1990s, so I can understand, but Today he is fighting another Muslim who also has strong Islam sentiments.
Afghan communist were pretty much " islamic"
(Like the current govt ) in 1980s
Anyone who read both sides propoganda material will know this

This is a war of ideology ethnicity and race

Afghanistan as biden pointed out will be in forever turmoil untill afghans accept whats wrong and look inward and self reflect
Should use this clip in the upcoming Babur movie.
Afghanistan as biden pointed out will be in forever turmoil untill afghans accept whats wrong and look inward and self reflect
Sad it took 20 or so years to get this point … so many unnecessary innocent lives would have been saved if this same point was understood earlier …
afghans are bunch of zombies playing jehad jehad within since last 50 years . what a stupid nation
Can anyone translate his words for non Pashto speakers? or whichever language he is speaking in ?
Surah Al Hujurat verse 10

"The believers are only brothers and sisters. Therefore make reconciliation between your brothers and sisters, and have piety towards Allah. It is hoped that you may be given Mercy."

Thanks for sharing … it will be beneficial for so many like me to understand the Holy Quran perspective …

Now based on this verse from now on you should closely watch who is going for peace and who wants further chaos …
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