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Motivation of a dying Taliban fighter


Feb 21, 2015
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Look at the motivation level , satisfaction and happiness of a dying Taliban fighter in recent Afghanistan clashes better ANA and Taliban. That's what ANA lacks and that's why these guys with meager resources defeated US and NATO. At the end they are dying for a right cause i.e to kick I invaders and puppet government out of afghanistan.
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The level of motivation and courage this young soul is exhibiting is marvellous. Even the best of the well trained occupational forces in the present world could not match it. That is the difference which most are not blessed with a vision to understand.
Looney Zaid Hamid... :hitwall::astagh:
What’s your Hindutva ID#?
The level of motivation and courage this young soul is exhibiting is marvellous. Even the best of the well trained occupational forces in the present world could not match it. That is the difference which most are not blessed with a vision to understand.
As per the KITAP, the most of the mankind follow Satan….
If he fought Afghan Communist during 1990s, so I can understand, but Today he is fighting another Muslim who also has strong Islam sentiments.
This is a war between Muslims wanting the old times back vs the Muslims who want to be in the modern world with democratic way of life.
This is the war that will ultimately change the course of Islam into the future. This war is not just happening in Afghanistan but also in many other Muslim countries, and also this war is happening in the hearts and minds of Muslims all over the world.
Accept the old ways or lead a modern life…!! It’s up to fellow Muslims to decide.
Good luck..!
Good luck to yourself RSS filth. Hope (not really) it's not too late for your artificial society. Really cute when gobber eaters talk about 'modern' society.
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This is a war between Muslims wanting the old times back vs the Muslims who want to be in the modern world with democratic way of life.
This is the war that will ultimately change the course of Islam into the future. This war is not just happening in Afghanistan but also in many other Muslim countries, and also this war is happening in the hearts and minds of Muslims all over the world.
Accept the old ways or lead a modern life…!! It’s up to fellow Muslims to decide.
Good luck..!

Islam is the modern way.
This just a fight between which Islamic version you have.....Something ridiculous and not right as killing another Muslim means being cursed by God and went to Hell. If I want to fight another Muslim in a war due to just different interpretation of Islam I would also have doubt in my heart to kill them........It is some group who dont have any doubt to kill another Muslim that should be seen as less Islamic.....


Surah Ar Rum

Verse 31

Turn to Him (wish to reach Allah while you are living) and become the owners of piety. And keep up the Prayer and (thus) be not of the associators (Al-Musriqun).

verse 32

(Of those associators) who are divided in their Religion and became sects (fractions), every fraction rejoicing in what is with it.

Surah Al AnAm verse 159

Surely they who divided their religion and became sects. You have no concern with them. Their affair is only with Allah, then He will inform them of what they used to do.


This is when Muslim has different opinion and how to solve it

Surah As Syura verse 38

And they respond to their Lord and keep up the Prayer. And they gather amongst each other to conduct their affairs by mutual consultation. And they spend out of what We have given them as sustenance.

The punisment of killing another Muslim

An Nisa verse 93

And whoever kills a believer intentionally, then his punishment is Hell; he shall abide in it forever; Allah has sent His Wrath on him and cursed him and He has prepared for him a great torment.


This is when we see two Muslim has conflict

Surah Al Hujurat verse 10

"The believers are only brothers and sisters. Therefore make reconciliation between your brothers and sisters, and have piety towards Allah. It is hoped that you may be given Mercy."
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This is a war between Muslims wanting the old times back vs the Muslims who want to be in the modern world with democratic way of life.
Naah.. it's about muslims who want to live a honorable life vs those who dishonored them by aiding an invader. It's all about honor..these folks have lived under the most liberal and secular govts during 50s to 70s till saur revolution. ..if you think this afghan govt. Is pro democracy u r living under a rock. Non of the two wants democracy..
If he fought Afghan Communist during 1990s, so I can understand, but Today he is fighting another Muslim who also has strong Islam sentiments.
With another Muslim who sided with the invader and a non believer and betrayed his fellow Muslims.
This is a war between Muslims wanting the old times back vs the Muslims who want to be in the modern world with democratic way of life.
This is the war that will ultimately change the course of Islam into the future. This war is not just happening in Afghanistan but also in many other Muslim countries, and also this war is happening in the hearts and minds of Muslims all over the world.
Accept the old ways or lead a modern life…!! It’s up to fellow Muslims to decide.
Good luck..!
Pajeet should not open his rectum like mouth if he doesn't understand about Muslim nation and societies.
That's a very typical horse crap indian media channels feed you about Muslims.
If some of your Hindu brethren ally with the invading PLA ,to punish them won't be a fight between modern or vedic Hindu. It will be a fight of right and wrong.
Why when it comes to Muslims you have such a hypocrisy.
Look at the motivation level , satisfaction and happiness of a dying Taliban fighter in recent Afghanistan clashes better ANA and Taliban. That's what ANA lacks and that's why these guys with meager resources defeated US and NATO. At the end they are dying for a right cause i.e to kick I invaders and puppet government out of afghanistan.

He was rescued and treated, lost his arm but has now recovered.
With another Muslim who sided with the invader and a non believer and betrayed his fellow Muslims.

Well Taliban is a new group, this group didnt fight USSR during the war and it was US who helped Mujahidin fought USSR for decades.

Taliban emergence is related to Pakistani government, this is why you guys have favor sentiment toward them. Do you want to live under Taliban version of government ? Please see point of view of many Afghan as well, then you can be more fair in your judgement
This just a fight between which Islamic version you have.....Something ridiculous and not right as killing another Muslim means being cursed by God and went to Hell. If I want to fight another Muslim in a war due to just different interpretation of Islam I would also have doubt in my heart to kill them........It is some group who dont have any doubt to kill another Muslim that should be seen as less Islamic.....


Surah Ar Rum verse 32

(Of those associators) who are divided in their Religion and became sects (fractions), every fraction rejoicing in what is with it.

Surah Al AnAm verse 159

Surely they who divided their religion and became sects. You have no concern with them. Their affair is only with Allah, then He will inform them of what they used to do.


This is when Muslim has different opinion and how to solve it

Surah As Syura verse 38

And they respond to their Lord and keep up the Prayer. And they gather amongst each other to conduct their affairs by mutual consultation. And they spend out of what We have given them as sustenance.

The punisment of killing another Muslim

An Nisa verse 93

And whoever kills a believer intentionally, then his punishment is Hell; he shall abide in it forever; Allah has sent His Wrath on him and cursed him and He has prepared for him a great torment.


This is when we see two Muslim has conflict

Surah Al Hujurat verse 10

"The believers are only brothers and sisters. Therefore make reconciliation between your brothers and sisters, and have piety towards Allah. It is hoped that you may be given Mercy."
That's a dilemma of today's Muslims. Use Quranic verses to make them suitable their way. None of the verses you shared mentioned about how and why traitors and betrayers should be forgiven. There is no forgiveness for the one who betrays another Muslim.
No negotiation and peace with the ghani government which is just another arm of a invader and non believer.
I am not a religious one ,just tackling you with your Islamic logic 😉
He was rescued and treated, lost his arm but has now recovered.
How do your u know about that? Any reliable source?
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