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Mosques of Europe which were turned into churches


What exactly are you basing this on?

Before the battle of Yarmouk, and before Arab advances out of the hijaz and into the middle east proper to militarily confront the Byzantine military, the Ghassanids, a christianised vassal state of the Byzantine Christians actually murdered a Muslim envoy from Arabia. Muhammad (swt) responded to this aggression against a diplomat.

Before that in around 613 Isvi, Suratun Ar Rum was revealed in which the Yazidis/Sassanids attacked the Arabs and invaded Falastin !!!! Ar Rom are actually Arabs who fought with Bravery against the Yazidis/Sassanids/Turani and Al Quds was Desecrated and Arabs necks were cutted near As Saqqarah !!!!

Rasul e Allah Muhammed S.A.W.S was very disturbed because of the Defeat of Rom Kingships and prayed to Allah Rabbul Alameen for the Liberation of the Children of Ibrahim Alai Salaam from the Invaders of Pagan Greeks and the Sassanids/Turani !!!!

might makes right.

Might along with the Truth of the Supreme Creator !!!!
Go back to your statement:

"That was a natural thing to do as Christians RETOOK their lands back from Islamic invaders"

In case you are wondering, below are few of many structures that dot the landscape of Pakistan which were build by the colonial outsider, NOTHING TO DO WITH THE NATIVES. So shall we now convert them into our Mosques since we RETOOK our lands back from outsiders? Mind you, the colonials here stayed for only one century while the Muslims ruled over major part of Europe for 700 hundred years! how long is 700 years, ever thought about that? You think they are still outsiders after that amount of time?

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Actually they remained in few Pak provinces for 80-90 years.. in Balochistan it was hardly 40-50 years and we also have these churches.
A rival Arab tribe,albeit Christians,kill an envoy....Muslims attack the Byzantine empire, Spain,.Europe....sounds fair.What about when Christians shielded the Prophet from its pursueers? No gratitude for that?

Actually what the Isa Ibne Maryam Alai Salaam Kingship wanted to do with invaders that has been done under the Command of Rasul e Allah Muhammed S.A.W.S !!!!!

Comforter is indeed Rasul e Allah Muhammed S.A.W.S !!!!!

Point taken....but world wars have started with single assassinations.

Actually those were part of the planning !!!! Invaders never change themselves !!!!

Or, we might accept that Muslims, like others before and after, were after plunder and conquering. They were no better in their glory days than European colonists who went sword in hand to plunder the world.

European Colonists and Mongol Colonists have never succeeded inside Hindu Civilisation !!!! Arya and Arab always put Good Fight against the Invaders !!!! Always Commandments of the Supreme Creator !!!!

I agree that medieval era Muslims and Christians were quite similar in many respects, military expansionism being one of them.

Greek Pagans have been Defeated within the Haad wo Hadood and even Beyond the Haad wo Hadood !!!!

This act would legitimate Israel, If Israel converted Mescid-i Aqsa to synagogue.

European Colonizers are already been defeated !!!! See carefully !!!!

The Term SynaGogue explains of Gog mean Yajooj !!!!

By the way Isa Ibne Maryam Alai Salaam use to do to Ibadaah on the Ground similar like the Followers of Deen e Arya and Deen e Islam of Hindu Civilisation and there were no Benches !!!!

Why dont you dare critizing destroyed Salomon temple?

Destroying the Sutoon was the work of Shaytan !!!! Greek Pagans have done that around in 70 Isvi !!!!!

??i but there is still mosque Aqsa standing on Israel soil instead of synagogue. If you convert a cultural inheritance to mosque, you have to respect others sovereignty.

That is Falastin !!!! European Colonist have mixed their Culture with the Traditions of Deen e Islam !!!!

Synagogue = Which of the Gog means Yajooj !!!

Now Israel has got solid right to convert Mescid-i Aksa to a jewish temple which used to stand there.

What does Jewish and Temple Means ????
The truth is that the Romans destroyed the temple, not Muslims

Ar Rom are Arabs !!!! Greek Pagans were the ones who destroyed the Sutoon e Ibrahim Alai Salaam in around 70 Isvi !!!!

Bro when you cool down read it again.
It's the stance of Islam and there is Ijma on this topic. You can read about it as well.

Ijma on this Forum ???? Do you think that the Ulemas of Al Azhar; Riyadha; Istanbul; Khartuom; Delhi will agree with your this talk about Ijma ????

nope, we are not..i am not defending any islamic invasion that led to killing of innocent people, forced conversion or forced conversion of mosques..
question is are you?

Tribes of Hindu Civilisation, i mean Followers & Children of the Deen e Adom Alai Salaam never want others to adopt their Deen !!!!! Arya Hindus are very Strict here !!!!

even today mosques are not allowed to be built in Athens, and Muslims have no religious freedom in many of Europian countries with multiple bans..

Beyond Haad wo Hadood , Establishing Masajeed are not required nor Establishing of Mandirs and Gurudwara Sahib !!!

the only reasons why Muslims are allowed into Europe is that Europeans arent having children..and there is no one to take care of their old men in a nursing home..that is the reality

Europeans are themselves sick of their Authorities !!!

Romans had destroyed but arabs built a temple.

Ar Rom are Arabs and the Greek Pagans were the ones who have destroyed the Sutoon e Ibrahim Alai Salaam around 70 Isvi !!!!

The mere fact is the jewish temple was destroyed and new Jewish state has rights to rebuild it. It is not punishment. It is the matter of cultural inheritance.

What is this Jewish and What really means Temple ????

European Colonists have tried but failed !!!! Children of Ibrahim Alai Salaam are Arabs !!!! European Colonists does have any right or Doesnt have any right , we are not talking about that !!!! If the European Colonists want to fight, they are most welcome !!!! Hezbullah !!!!! Merkava MKIV .. Boom !!!!

Who cares who destroyed the temple, if a country has sovereignty , it can reign over temples as Turkey did.
We should respect Israels future acts.

Sovereignty is given by the Supreme Creator and we cares only about Haad wo Hadood which is Rightfully of Ours Tribes !!!! Sovereignty means Mulkiyat which comes with the Malak !!! Malak e Quddus !!!!

Real Sovereignty Countries doesnt ask for Agreements for killing Demons !!!!

They were thrown out because countries don't want a fifth column within their population. That's why Turkey expelled over 2 million Christian Greeks and Armenians at the beginning of the 20th century.

No, 1914 - 1919 War was done by placing the Greek Pagan Cards !!!! Tatars of Mongol Hordes completely finished the White Nation Empire of Rus !!! Remember Queen Catherina !!!!!

It's not pretty, it's not moral, but countries do it for their survival.

White Nations were fighting the Mongol Hordes and Ottaman Empire was taking the lead !!! Like always Saxons and Greek Pagans betrayed the Soil and Sons of the Soil !!!! Thats why Jaanasaaris have increased !!!!

Muslims have plenty of freedom in Europe otherwise they wouldn't come here in droves.

We all know the Truth of Europe !!!! Immigration is done on the basis of Country not on the basis of Religion !!!

BS. Muslims can practice their religion more freely in Europe than in their countries.
Europe has a load of mosques.
Muslims escape from asia to EU to survive.

I think you are talking about Turkiye, Bulgaria !!!! We dont care about the Masajeed beyond Haad wo Hadood !!!! There is no reason to establish that because those are not Our Territories !!!!

Europeans are Full of Culture and we are Full of Traditions !!!!!

Too bad, being born somewhere, doesn't change your ethnicity.
Those were still French, also by nationality.

Colonizers will be rooted out from Haad wo Hadood !!!!

And Turks expelled from Greece and Bulgaria and Crimiea :)??

Invisible Sutoon of Seljuks Turks are there in some pockets of Europe !!!! Demons are Visible to everyone because of those Sutoon !!!

I think we must understand that there are only two main principles in this world: Vae victis and might makes right.

States want expansion inwardly and outwardly. Alliances are only temporary and it’s all about subjugating the surrounding powers. History as a whole is a big example for that.

Euros cry because the Turks convert the Hagia Sophia to a mosque, the Algerians cried as France slaughtered them, the India was ruled by a company. That’s the course of history. You don’t have the right to complain if you are too weak!

There is an old saying from a Native American tribe: We don’t inherit the land from our forefathers we take it from whose who are too weak to defend it!

Where ???? Raigad, Mysore, Travancore, Madurai, MahaRajamundry, Hyderabad, Bhopal , Srinagar, Amritsar, Jodhpur were never under British !!!!!

Exactly for the same reason I've stated before, states don't want a fifth column in their ranks. I'm not saying it's right but it's been done numerous times throughout history...expulsion because of ethnicity ,faith.

Every European Citizen who is aware of the True Deen is being counted as the Fifth Column in Europe these days !!!

No you duffar. Muslims consider Jesus a human being and a Prophet of God (Allah); we don’t consider Jesus to be divine in the sense he’s godly.

Muslim ??? Imaani; Taqvatun seems the correct term for you !!!!!

Jesus ??? Do you mean Isa Ibne Maryam Alai Salaam ???? Jesus name seems like Son of Zeus of Greek Mythology !!!!

What pains me the most, is the Liberal apologists we have in our community. These 5th columns in our Ummah we’ve carried far to long and need to be reeducated and assimilated.

First of all, Munafiqeen are not part of Ummah !!!!!

At what point will most of the posters in this thread realize you are arguing about things that happened 500, 1000 years ago as if they had any actual relevance to the world we live in today? :cheesy:

Hindu Civilisation is full of Evidences !!!!

Did you read what I said. I said prophet too.

Isa Ibne Maryam Alai Salaam is indeed Rasul e Allah Rabbul Alameen !!!!!

You can’t compare turks with what russians greeks or others did to muslims when they expelled native muslim population because there’s no similarity at all

Ruse or Tatars !!!! White Guard was betrayed and were killed by the Mongol Hordes who were in Red Army !!!!

Red Army name Explains everything who were the driving force behind the killing of Queen Catherina and the White Guard !!! Ottamani were Correct which was accepted by the White Guard of Queen Catherina !!!! Welcome to Real History !!!!

It's exactly the same....during the Serb, Greek revolts, Turk population sided with Turkish troops, the Moriscos in Spain had 2 revolts before the Spanish decided to expel them....It is hilarious how you guys try to defend Turkey while blaming others.

Actually the History is Different !!!! Many European Nations sided with the Ottoman Empire after the Killing of Queen Catherina and the White Guard !!!!

There are many Pagan places of worship that were turned into Church, mosques and other holy sites.:whistle:
Hagiya Sofia is another, interestingly Hagiya Sofia was constructed by a Pagan named Phokas, who later killed himself when Pagans were purged during the era of Justinian I.

No !!!!

People like to pretend the Russo-Turkish wars never happened.

Russo-Turkish war in the beginning were different which resulted in the complete over take by the Mongol Horde inside Maskava !!!

They like to forgo the fact that Armenians, Greeks, and others sided with Russia against their state and targetted defenseless Turkish populations in Turkey while the Turkish military was fighting with Russia in the Caucasus.

Resulted in the complete over take by the Mongol Tatars in the White Nations important Hubs !!!!

Ottoman mosques in Russian backed Armenia host pigs today.

Sutoon is not destroyed anywhere and the reality is still visible to the Rus Federation Establishment !!!!!

Saw a photo on FB of a historic masjid in Armenia being used to keep pigs and cows.

FYI to the retarded crusader here - the Jews have Jerusalem, you don't, neither do we. See how Christian Palestinians are treated there, no better than Muslims.

What a chest beating nut.

Christian is a term of the Greek Pagans !!!! Aristo & Christo are very old names of Greek Pagans !!!!

Christian; Christ are terms linked to Church and Cathedral !!!

Massiheen is the correct term !!!!

Many prophets came and went, many with miracles - 124,000 prophets have lived and passed. Moses parted a sea, Prophet Muhammad parted the moon. Jesus even breathed into clay pigeons and they came alive, with the will of Allah.

Hadiths have to be understood !!!!

Moon Crescent parted means Rasul e Allah Muhammed S.A.W.S declared the 2 Formation of the Hindu Civilisation Tribes !!! Arya Formation and Arab Formation !!!

Palestinian Christians are considered equal to Muslims in their case, due to them being opposed to Israel and in alliance with Muslims.

Falastini Christians seems you are talking again about the Greeks !!!! Falastini Nasrani and Falastini Yahuda all tribes accepted the Shariah of Deen e Muhammed S.A.W.S.

the problem with west is that these churches have lost influence within their public as large majority of them have become religion less and not visit churches for prayers,in u.s they have converted churches to entertainment centers due to separation of religion from their lives

Truth is visible in Europe !!! Possession by Demons are in large Numbers !!!!

Christianity has become just a cultural marker only. Most Christians do not believe in it.

Does this matters to the Hindu Civilisation ???? Answer is No !!!!

In the US, some 60% of Christians do not believe in angels.

Does anyone asked them this ??? Is United States of America Center of Universe ?????

Shall we in Pakistan convert all the churches into mosques, build by the colonial British????

What is the correlation between wiping out places of worship and "invaders"?

Churches around Masajeed and Mandirs !!!! That explains everything !!! Sutoon and Stamb were weaken like this by the Greek Pagans !!! But Allah Rabbul Alameen is the Best Planner !!!

He walked on water dude

May be Isa Ibne Maryam Alai Salaam was standing on the Angel of the Khaleeli River !!!! Jal Pari !!!! Miracle !!! Aalamul Ghayb !!! Allah Ho Akbar !!!!

When Christians do it, it is ok. When Muslims do it, it is wrong.

This is the crux of the whole argument.

Muslims are not supposed to leave the mental prison created for us by European colonization.

Thats why Establishing Masajeeds and Mandirs beyond Haad wo Hadood are having no Good Reason !!! If the European Authorities constructing Mosque and keeping Tatars incharge than that explains everything !!!!

Well, just because you were not aware of the existence of the purchase documents until recently, does not mean that they never existed or are forged.

Sanad is needed there !!!!

There are countless of artifacts that exist in the British Museum. Just because I am not aware of their details and antecedents, they do not become fraudulent.

Sanad should be valid !!!! This is the Ancient Way of the Hindu Civilisation which is according to the Holy Scriptures of Deen e Arya and Deen e Islam !!!!

There is a difference between colonisation and conquest.

Hindu Civilisation Tribes have always kept the Haad wo Hadood since the time of Adom Alai Salaam !!! Alay Adom Alai Salaam received the Commandments of Allah Rabbul Alameen !!!

Conquest are linked with the Establishment of Sutoon; Sutoon are linked with Alamul Ghayb !!!!

There is a difference between hundreds of years monarchy formed through conquest vs imperialism and subsequent apartheid and genocide.

This is what is not teached in Vedas and Quran !!!! Seems again Greek Pagans are your Role Models !!!!

When Moors ruled spain and italy they assimilated and local Spaniards and italians became equal citizens or subjects.. they didnt plunder and take the wealth to their original homelands nor commit suicide.

There is a big difference !!! Arabs fought and end the Whole Enemy Kingships of European Colonizers and the similar is being done by the Indian Kingships !!!! European Kingships Tribes are finished and other over take them !!!

Your tiny crusader mind justifies requisition and the cleansing of muslims in europe but have issues with legally purchased property? That your ancestors were paid for?
And if you want it returned ...
Start by paying back the money + depreciation..

European Military Commands cant protect their Sovereignty and have killed European only in large Numbers !!!! Muslim ????

Start by paying for the millions of algerians killed and the wealth looted..

Algerians have fought with Courage and Honor !!! Result European Military Powers have been decimated !!!! Kingdom of Spain and Kingdom of Italy placing Rus Federation Military and Chinese Military Ballistic Missile Systems and Radars and the Result Radars are being breached !!!!

But since you are a romanian thats not your fault.. even your west european christian brethren dont hold you in high regard..

Rumelia is the correct name !!! Thracians are still there but pampering for the fake European Nationalism Pride !!!

What is the context of 15th and 19th century? that places of worships should or shouldn't be respected? What about the 6th century where Caliph refused to pray inside Church of the Holy Sepulchre out of fear that Muslims later might endup claiming the church just because he prayed inside it?

Come again !!!! Churches are part of Greek Pagans not of Deen e Ibrahim Alai Salaam !!!!

You are talking about Umar Bin Khattab R.A.A, The Keys were surrendered to Amir ul Momineen Umar Bin Khattab R.A.A and the Greeks went with everything out of Falastin and there was no bloodshed inside Al Quds !!!!

Greeks Pagans took with them all the Crosses which were even made of Gold, Silver and Decorated with Diamonds !!!!

What about the Caliph who destroyed the Church of the Holy Sepulchure thus initiating the Crusades?

You dont know the Real History !!!! Crosses were removed by the Greek Pagans before leaving out of Al Quds !!!! Spirituality/Roohaniyat do wonders !!!! Sutoon is important in Hindu Civilisation !!!!

And the reconstitutes by another? It remained under Muslim rule till the 19th century didnt it? As for crusades... we all know how much Christian those crusading fks were now dont we?

Vodka and Narcotics, this is what we can see in Europe !!! Are you European Military Powers are really thinking that You can win any war ????? You cant fight Battles and you want to fight wars with the Hindu Civilisation !!!!
That is really not how it works. The Turks are in possession of a document. You are casting doubts on its authenticity. The onus is on you to prove that this document is fraudulent. You can quote other historians or accounts or books to buttress your claim. You cannot support your claim by saying that the Turks need to prove its authenticity.

And who are talking here ? French, British, Germans, Italian, Spanish, Ruse, Americans etc !!!! Ruse are Tatars !!!!

Was a mosque created in its place? Did subsequent Muslim rulers created Mosque over it?

What we are trying to establish that you initial utterance about "Invaders" being thrown out and with them their places of worships still hold in this day or age or even in past human history? Is it justified or not?

There is a Sutoon of the Seljuk Turks and this all has to do with that only !!!!

I'm not defending them, they even ransacked Constantinople but they were given pretext by that madman who forbade Christians in Jerusalem and destroyed their Church.

Christians are Greeks but not the Children of Ibrahim Alai Salaam !!!! What European Colonists has to do with Falastin or with the Kingships of the Arabs or with the Sutoon of Ibrahim Alai Salaam !!!!!!!

Find me one reputed source for its confirmation....other than the daily sabah and Turkish newspapers I can't find anything

The whole world is sitting to give you again the evidence ???? Period !!! Falastin belongs to Ahle Yahuda !!!!

If I write a piece of paper that I own your house it won't make it so.

European Colonist have to be Cautious these Days !!!! Value of all the Documents of European Military Powers can become completely Unvalid !!!!!

If online Bhakts are to be believed- every place was a Mandir including Wall Street which had a Ganesh mandir.

Constructed by the American Government !!!! Union of India Establishment Strictly follows the Dharma Shastra which is establishing of Mandir, Deval, Shivalaya within the Ancient Territories of the Hindu Rashtra !!!!

All human beings started from Adam AS period.

But all are not Seed of Adom Alai Salaam !!!!
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