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Mosques of Europe which were turned into churches

They sided during a world war with enemies in order to create an ethnoreligious state by purging all non-christian population
They failed and the punishment was everything what they intended to do on others actually happened to them(expulsion)
You can’t compare turks with what russians greeks or others did to muslims when they expelled native muslim population because there’s no similarity at all

People like to pretend the Russo-Turkish wars never happened.

They like to forgo the fact that Armenians, Greeks, and others sided with Russia against their state and targetted defenseless Turkish populations in Turkey while the Turkish military was fighting with Russia in the Caucasus.
Saw a photo on FB of a historic masjid in Armenia being used to keep pigs and cows.

FYI to the retarded crusader here - the Jews have Jerusalem, you don't, neither do we. See how Christian Palestinians are treated there, no better than Muslims.

What a chest beating nut.
Saw a photo on FB of a historic masjid in Armenia being used to keep pigs and cows.

FYI to the retarded crusader here - the Jews have Jerusalem, you don't, neither do we. See how Christian Palestinians are treated there, no better than Muslims.

What a chest beating nut.

Palestinian Christians are considered equal to Muslims in their case, due to them being opposed to Israel and in alliance with Muslims.
He walked on water dude

Many prophets came and went, many with miracles - 124,000 prophets have lived and passed. Moses parted a sea, Prophet Muhammad parted the moon. Jesus even breathed into clay pigeons and they came alive, with the will of Allah.

All these were done, so that people worship that One true Creator. But instead, people started worshiping other things.

Someone comes along and says "look the golden cow moos dude". Must be divine, let's worship it. Or look Jesus (peace be upon him) walked on water dude. Look Moses turned his staff into a snake dude (he must also be a god then by this strange criteria). Or should we call Moses a sea god as he parted the sea? Well dude?

Muslims believe in the one Creator, who is beyond anything comparable in creation. He is beyond gender, though I just used a male pronoun, the Creator is beyond even gender. He is beyond sleep, having to eat, having to go to the bathroom...

No one created the Creator (otherwise the Creator would not be singular would they?). The creator is beyond "overshadowed Mary" and "begoted Jesus". What? God "overshadows Mary" and sires a child, outside marriage with a human woman?

Just saying these things aloud sounds weird.

And what is the basis of this? There actually isn't even a basis for it even within Christianity, if one studies it:

the problem with west is that these churches have lost influence within their public as large majority of them have become religion less and not visit churches for prayers,in u.s they have converted churches to entertainment centers due to separation of religion from their lives
the problem with west is that these churches have lost influence within their public as large majority of them have become religion less and not visit churches for prayers,in u.s they have converted churches to entertainment centers due to separation of religion from their lives

Christianity has become just a cultural marker only. Most Christians do not believe in it.

In the US, some 60% of Christians do not believe in angels.
That was a natural thing to do as Christians RETOOK their lands back from Islamic invaders, it has no resemblance to the situation of Hagia Sophia.
When Spaniards,Portuguese, Serbs, Greeks, etc kick the invaders out they're cruel, when Algerians do it, they're heroes

Shall we in Pakistan convert all the churches into mosques, build by the colonial British????

What is the correlation between wiping out places of worship and "invaders"?
Shall we in Pakistan convert all the churches into mosques, build by the colonial British????

What is the correlation between wiping out places of worship and "invaders"?

When Christians do it, it is ok. When Muslims do it, it is wrong.

This is the crux of the whole argument.

Muslims are not supposed to leave the mental prison created for us by European colonization.
Shall we in Pakistan convert all the churches into mosques, build by the colonial British????

What is the correlation between wiping out places of worship and "invaders"?
What is the correlation with what happens in 2020 vis a vis 150....500 years ago?

There are plenty of mosques in today's Europe
What is the correlation with what happens in 2020 vis a vis 150....500 years ago?

There are plenty of mosques in today's Europe

What is the correlation with what happens in 2020 vis a vis 150....500 years ago?

There are plenty of mosques in today's Europe

Go back to your statement:

"That was a natural thing to do as Christians RETOOK their lands back from Islamic invaders"

In case you are wondering, below are few of many structures that dot the landscape of Pakistan which were build by the colonial outsider, NOTHING TO DO WITH THE NATIVES. So shall we now convert them into our Mosques since we RETOOK our lands back from outsiders? Mind you, the colonials here stayed for only one century while the Muslims ruled over major part of Europe for 700 hundred years! how long is 700 years, ever thought about that? You think they are still outsiders after that amount of time?


Go back to your statement:

"That was a natural thing to do as Christians RETOOK their lands back from Islamic invaders"

In case you are wondering, below are few of many structures that dot the landscape of Pakistan which were build by the colonial outsider, NOTHING TO DO WITH THE NATIVES. So shall we now convert them into our Mosques since we RETOOK our lands back from outsiders? Mind you, the colonials here stayed for only one century while the Muslims ruled over major part of Europe for 700 hundred years! how long is 700 years, ever thought about that? You think they are still outsiders after that amount of time?

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I was talking about the context in the 15 th....19th centuries...You still have Muslims in Pakistan, Spain didn't anymore in the 16th century...now they have again and they allow the building of mosques
That was a natural thing to do as Christians RETOOK their lands back from Islamic invaders, it has no resemblance to the situation of Hagia Sophia.
When Spaniards,Portuguese, Serbs, Greeks, etc kick the invaders out they're cruel, when Algerians do it, they're heroes
There is a difference between colonisation and conquest.
There is a difference between hundreds of years monarchy formed through conquest vs imperialism and subsequent apartheid and genocide.

When Moors ruled spain and italy they assimilated and local Spaniards and italians became equal citizens or subjects.. they didnt plunder and take the wealth to their original homelands nor commit suicide.

Your tiny crusader mind justifies requisition and the cleansing of muslims in europe but have issues with legally purchased property? That your ancestors were paid for?
And if you want it returned ...
Start by paying back the money + depreciation..

Start by paying for the millions of algerians killed and the wealth looted..

But since you are a romanian thats not your fault.. even your west european christian brethren dont hold you in high regard..
two wrongs can not make one right . the buildings must be remain same as they were built be it church mosque temple or whatever .

First thing !!!! Invaders are Invaders and Establishing of any Masjid or Mandir or Gurudwara should get the Approval from the Highest Religious Order of Deen e Arya which is called Dharam Sansad and Ulema e Hindustan !!!!

In Union of India, Highest Religious Order of Deen e Arya and Deen Islam do object Establishment of any Mandir or Masjid beyond the Ancient Hindu Rashtra Boundaries !!!! And the Highest Religious Order of Deen e Arya and Deen Islam do give Religious Verdicts to the Union of India Establishment on this most important matter. Union of India Establishment do consult with the Arab League and Republic of Turkiye on this matter !!!!

Beyond Haad wo Hadood Establishing any Mandir or Masjid is out of Question !!!! Ibadaah can be done by being at homes !!! Eid Ul Fitr and Eid Ul Zuha are Wajeeb but beyond Haad wo Hadood Commandments are different !!!!

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