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Mosques of Europe which were turned into churches

And Turks expelled from Greece and Bulgaria and Crimiea :)??
Exactly for the same reason I've stated before, states don't want a fifth column in their ranks. I'm not saying it's right but it's been done numerous times throughout history...expulsion because of ethnicity ,faith.
I think we must understand that there are only two main principles in this world: Vae victis and might makes right.

States want expansion inwardly and outwardly. Alliances are only temporary and it’s all about subjugating the surrounding powers. History as a whole is a big example for that.

Euros cry because the Turks convert the Hagia Sophia to a mosque, the Algerians cried as France slaughtered them, the India was ruled by a company. That’s the course of history. You don’t have the right to complain if you are too weak!

There is an old saying from a Native American tribe: We don’t inherit the land from our forefathers we take it from whose who are too weak to defend it!
??i but there is still mosque Aqsa standing on Israel soil instead of synagogue. If you convert a cultural inheritance to mosque, you have to respect others sovereignty.
Now Israel has got solid right to convert Mescid-i Aksa to a jewish temple which used to stand there.

They will do it anyway. Digging has already begun.

Bro when you cool down read it again.
It's the stance of Islam and there is Ijma on this topic. You can read about it as well.

Not true. All of the Muslim world and scholars recognized Ayasofya becoming a masajid For 500 years.
If I am not mistaken, Muslims consider Jesus Christ as a Prophet. Would that not make the Christian God the same as the Muslim God.

No you duffar. Muslims consider Jesus a human being and a Prophet of God (Allah); we don’t consider Jesus to be divine in the sense he’s godly.
Power to you bro.
Whenever something that makes Islam stronger is done it is booed down by International tattttooos.

But when other people do same stuff it is heralded as acts that will benefit the world.

What pains me the most, is the Liberal apologists we have in our community. These 5th columns in our Ummah we’ve carried far to long and need to be reeducated and assimilated.
At what point will most of the posters in this thread realize you are arguing about things that happened 500, 1000 years ago as if they had any actual relevance to the world we live in today? :cheesy:
No you duffar. Muslims consider Jesus a human being and a Prophet of God (Allah); we don’t consider Jesus to be divine in the sense he’s godly.
Did you read what I said. I said prophet too.
And the 2 million Greeks and Armenians expelled by Turkey between 1915 1922?
They sided during a world war with enemies in order to create an ethnoreligious state by purging all non-christian population
They failed and the punishment was everything what they intended to do on others actually happened to them(expulsion)
You can’t compare turks with what russians greeks or others did to muslims when they expelled native muslim population because there’s no similarity at all
They sided during a world war with enemies in order to create an ethnoreligious state by purging all non-christian population
They failed and the punishment was everything what they intended to do on others actually happened to them(expulsion)
You can’t compare turks with what russians greeks or others did to muslims when they expelled native muslim population because there’s no similarity at all
It's exactly the same....during the Serb, Greek revolts, Turk population sided with Turkish troops, the Moriscos in Spain had 2 revolts before the Spanish decided to expel them....It is hilarious how you guys try to defend Turkey while blaming others.
BS. Muslims can practice their religion more freely in Europe than in their countries.
Europe has a load of mosques.
Muslims escape from asia to EU to survive.

Stop dropping truth bombs my friend, the only un-oppressed muslims are in Pakistan. You should know that by now.
There are many Pagan places of worship that were turned into Church, mosques and other holy sites.:whistle:
Hagiya Sofia is another, interestingly Hagiya Sofia was constructed by a Pagan named Phokas, who later killed himself when Pagans were purged during the era of Justinian I.

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