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More than 150 people have died in Bahawalpur


Perfect example of man made tragedies.....
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون
You sound like one of those entitled white men who talk about starvation in African countries as "nature balancing out overpopulation".

Astagfirullah. Have some shame, Allah could put you in the same position tomorrow. If Allah had wished for the weak and feeble to die like animals he would not have made zakat fard upon us. If he has given to you and me it is to test our character and our faith in him. If he let's others starve it is to test thier character and thier faith in him.

Pakistan is the dirt under your feet, it was created to serve the people, the people were not created to serve Pakistan. The shaan of Pakistan is not our GDP, our high rise buildings, our nuclear tipped missiles. The shaan of Pakistan is the sound of the azaan, the laughter of children, the smiles on our mothers faces as they greet us on the day of Eid, the bond between friends as we share a pizza. Brother reassess your priorities.

Give these so called burdens the means to earn halal, give them an education, pay them an income by which they can survive and tomorrow on the day of Eid 150 families would not be burying the sons who burnt to death trying to get a few litres of free oil.

You don't have to create a drama; I didn't talk about the poor or helpless people. All I talked about those who have an army of children without having resources to feed them and give proper education. And I didn't talk about these particular people who died, I talked in general. And I condemned what some of them did i.e stealing gasoline and smoking near by.
125 killed in oil tanker fire in Bahawalpur
Reuters | Mohammad Imran | Zaheer SiyalUpdated 3 minutes ago
125 dead in oil tanker fire in Bahawalpur

At least 125 people were killed as an oil tanker caught fire after it overturned in Bahawalpur's Ahmed Pur Sharqia on Sunday morning, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Rana Mohammad Saleem Abdul said.

The tanker overturned after trying to make a sharp turn and is reported to have exploded after fuel leaking from its damaged container caught fire.

One hundred people were injured as a result of the incident, the DC added.


An oil tanker overturned and caught fire in Bahawalpur.─DawnNews

A large crowd of people, including women and children, had gathered at the scene to collect the leaked oil when the fire erupted.

At least six cars and 12 motorcycles were burnt in the blaze.

The fire brigade arrived on the site of the incident shortly after the blaze started and rescue operations were initiated.

Firefighters fought the flames for over two hours before extinguishing the fire.

The injured were transferred to District Headquarters Hospital and Bahawal Victoria Hospital, rescue officials said. They added that all bodies were removed from the site of the incident and only the damaged vehicles remained.


Injured transferred to nearby hospitals receive treatment.─DawnNews

Dr. Rizwan Naseer, director of Punjab provincial rescue services, said many of the badly burnt bodies are beyond recognition.

At least 40 amongst the injured are in critical conditions and may be transferred to hospitals in Karachi and Multan for treatment.

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa ordered the army to assist the civil administration in the rescue efforts. Army helicopters were used in the rescue operations to transport the injured to the hospitals.


Those injured in the fire were transferred to nearby hospital.─DawnNews

"COAS expresses grief on losses in oil tanker incident. Directed provision of full assistance to civil administration in rescue [and] relief efforts," Director General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major Gen Asif Ghafoor said in a tweet.

"Army Aviation helicopters sent for evacuation of casualties to hospitals [and] burn centres. Hospitals placed on high alert," he added.

The prime minister's office said the Punjab provincial government had been directed to provide full medical assistance.

“Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has expressed deep grief over the heavy loss of life in the unfortunate accident of oil tanker fire at Ahmad Pur Sharqia, Bahawalpur,” the statement said.

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif took notice of the incident and ordered government officials to file a report.

Citizens expressed their grief on social media, sharing messages of sorrow with two deadly bombing attacks in Quetta and Parachinar in the backdrop.

So the deceased villagers were busy in stealing oil until tanker caught fire. Unfortunate but uncivilized. Not surprising as well.
May Allah forgive them, if they were stealing or not.

There's a hadith about the Battle of Khyber that a teenage boy was serving the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and was killed... companions were praising his deeds, but the Prophet warned he entered hell-fire for stealing a pair of slippers from spoils of war... and we have 'chapal chors' in masjids, and we have those who steal time from their office hours by texting their gfs while at work, or reciting Surah Yaseen while at work.. first sweep before our own door then may talk about politicians.
check the authenticity of this hadith please. according to this hadith not a single human will enter paradise. every one makes mistakes and commits sins. according to Quran a muslim should refrain from committing grave sins and Allah may forgive the minor sins. i dont think stealing a pair of "chapals " is a grave sin.
is this oil or gasoline?? if it's unrefined oil then what's the point of stealing it?
is this oil or gasoline?? if it's unrefined oil then what's the point of stealing it?
Normally an unrefined oil would not be transported like this...Seems volatile and flammable..

Its a direct responsibility of government to prevent dangerous trade like this. On a secondary level, it was another responsibility of government to make sure basic things like oil was affordable to its countrymen.

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