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Moral brigade active in Islamabad again

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State can decide that also
So everything can be reconsidered and added/subtracted, provided its your Mullahs doing that? Well, you have raised their status above the book which they are required to follow.

And no, its not the duty of the state to bother with these trivial matters.
They are and having photoshoots to attract people and posting them on roads and board is Haram

Not people in general but women. Unless of course you are looking to buy these clothes by now.
How about some Hipsters with Spray Paints?
WTF? what do you suggest? throw acid at their faces,
if the state puts such petty restrictions, it will become a failed state
no even drinking punishment is not told by ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW but was decided by Sahabas
I answered you and those ayats prove my point right and yours wrong but the way you defend haram is utterly shameless and pathetic and disgusting
Nope you answered nothing. Give me the background of ayah 58-62 of surah al Ahzaab? Under which circumstances these ayah were brought upon the Prophet (PBUH)?

Come on Zarvi, I am putting my reputation at stake on this. Either you will prevail or me but I'll nail this so-called Islamic purdah for good and once for all.
The heroic, part-time liberal Pakistanis on this thread are hilarious.

If their own sisters or mothers were on these billboards, I can guarantee they would all be singing different tunes.

And that's the bottom line because Razpak said so.
They won't mind because they love Haram
Nope you answered nothing. Give me the background of ayah 58-62 of surah al Ahzaab? Under which circumstances these ayah were brought upon the Prophet (PBUH)?
Hypocrites used to tease Muslim women so ALLAH first condemned the hypocrites and than told women to cover themselves up including face and Hazrat AYESHA RA said after this ayat no women used to go out except her body including face covered and than ALLAH has said if hypocrites even then don't stop than sever punishment awaits for them in both in Dunya and here aftet
So everything can be reconsidered and added/subtracted, provided its your Mullahs doing that? Well, you have raised their status above the book which they are required to follow.

And no, its not the duty of the state to bother with these trivial matters.

Not people in general but women. Unless of course you are looking to buy these clothes by now.
No we aren't we are only telling what Quran and Sunnah says and exposing lies of seculars and promoters of Haram
sir ji ! bahut hi Barik tha ye !

You know the problem? Almost all of the Mullahs or hyper-religious crowd do not even respect the women themselves and consider them even human (they are intellectually inferior, weak, born from an inverted limb by that crowd). They can't themselves lower their gaze or stop staring. When they see women, they see a piece of meat, the reason for stupid and ridiculous argument for "marketing", "sexual objects" and "haram" in this thread. The reasoning and logic of half of them is so absurd that it points to a deep inner problem. Hence, the persistent need to invent new methods or attire to oppress women. Otherwise if modesty is the only requirement, the traditional shalwar-kameez (the one worn by the model in the banner) is sufficient. Its a common slang-ish sentence in Urdu which goes along the lines of "Nazren teri kharab hein aur burqa hum pehnen" meaning that its your eyes which aren't right and for that it should be us wearing burqa. :D Comical but deep.
They are dogs and have no respect for women, ghairat, or Islam in general.
Ironically, we aren't the ones looking to undress women with our eyes and its not us who go berserk and crazy wherever we even see a bit of the opposite gender. And I don't understand this thing, why cant you Mullahs go 2 minutes without bringing in dogs or human feces. I have noted it for too long. Somehow, religion and abuses go hand in hand for your kind?
They are, which is wrong. This case is different, they aren't being portrayed as sexual objects (whoever sees it that way needs to clean his inner filth). Marketing works on attracting customers and to facilitate the sale, you think the bearded man selling you adulterated honey is telling you religious stories for nothing?
Check the Gul Ahmed banner carefully, the model's chest is semi-exposed in it. Do you find this type of display appropriate? If you do, then something is wrong with your mindset, assuming that you are a Muslim.
No we aren't we are only telling what Quran and Sunnah says and exposing lies of seculars and promoters of Haram
If I search for "Jilbab" (the word you and your Mullahs allege refers to contemporary burqa) in Google images, why is it that I can't find a single image of anyone covering her face? Jewish conspiracy?

jilbab - Google Search

Check the Gul Ahmed banner carefully, the model's chest is semi-exposed in it. Do you find this type of display appropriate? If you do, then something is wrong with your mindset, assuming that you are a Muslim.

Whats with bringing images from around the modeling world. We are discussing an issue with this particular banner. Does the model there expose any chest skin? And no, that won't be right.
The heroic, part-time liberal Pakistanis on this thread are hilarious.

If their own sisters or mothers were on these billboards, I can guarantee they would all be singing different tunes about ghairat and purdah. The munafiqs are conveniently liberal when it is ghair females, and conveniently religious when it is their own females.

And that's the bottom line because Razpak said so.
Were they forced at gun point to model for these brands if not than no one should have issues with what they do
If I search for "Jilbab" (the word you and your Mullahs allege refers to contemporary burqa) in Google images, why is it that I can't find a single image of anyone covering her face? Jewish conspiracy?

jilbab - Google Search

Whats with bringing images from around the modeling world. We are discussing an issue with this particular banner. Does the model there expose any chest skin? And no, that won't be right.
This ayat is for covering face and whole world knows it including those who say it's not compulsory. They still say it's preffered and Hazrat AYESHA RA and all the women in time of RASOOL SAW after this ayat used to cover their entire body including face because they knew more than you.
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