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Mind linking me the policy documents of BJP where they have defined "westernization" ...

Congress supporters desperately clutching at straws .... first the puppy and then this

What is "westernization" according to you?

India has been fully westernized. Indian culture has been totally abandoned by Indian youth.

I have to agree on that.
India has been fully westernized. Indian culture has been totally abandoned by Indian youth.

I like you man...sure you think you're starting a new 'psy op' against poor hindu Indians and will demoralize them for mother china. :D
I think it's great news Indian youth are abandoning Indian culture and embracing western culture. India needs more western culture to gradually replace outdated Indian culture.
I think it's great news Indian youth are abandoning Indian culture and embracing western culture. India needs more western culture to gradually replace outdated Indian culture.
Indeed all true,your mission is accomplished now you are relieved of your duty.
Take some rest.you will get your new assignment shortly.
Or you can educate me here, a brief idea will do.

Westernization entails a change in cosmological beliefs about the way one should live .. while modernization entails a change in belief about the way the material world operates ... both are separate ... Indians have the habit of mixing both as the same....
I think Guynextdoor is somehow related with Dogvijay Singh. One suffering from chronic "foot in mouth disease" and the other is delusional. Posting threads with titles remotely related.
Mind linking me the policy documents of BJP where they have defined "westernization" ...

Congress supporters desperately clutching at straws .... first the puppy and then this

WHat kind of weird world do you live in bro? BJP is a PROGRESSIVE and LIBERAL party? Not only has this been their historic stand but it continues wonderfully into the 21st century-

RSS chief stirs row, blames 'westernization' for rape

BJP proposal to ban western music (this was in BJP manifesto in 2009 elections)

Law to ban western music, vulgarity: BJP manifesto in Haryana

Bhartiya Janta Party plans protest on Valentine

I think Guynextdoor is somehow related with Dogvijay Singh. One suffering from chronic "foot in mouth disease" and the other is delusional. Posting threads with titles remotely related.

I know you're related to maggots.

Westernization entails a change in cosmological beliefs about the way one should live .. while modernization entails a change in belief about the way the material world operates ... both are separate ... Indians have the habit of mixing both as the same....

Some day I will understand this
he is correct today's indian youth stupidly believe that modernization is akin to westernization and adopt western culture thinking doing that is modern while undermining local culture thinking its backward and their belief is made stronger thanks to our pseudo secular leaders who always instead of advocating always oppose local dharmic culture just it would harm their secular credentials
WHat kind of weird world do you live in bro? BJP is a PROGRESSIVE and LIBERAL party? Not only has this been their historic stand but it continues wonderfully into the 21st century-

RSS chief stirs row, blames 'westernization' for rape

BJP proposal to ban western music (this was in BJP manifesto in 2009 elections)

Law to ban western music, vulgarity: BJP manifesto in Haryana

Bhartiya Janta Party plans protest on Valentine

I know you're related to maggots.


from the links you posted

And Gujjar said "we are not against western music but we are against vulgarity and sleazy things".

Hey I did hear about you guys, is it true you get 50 cents for each post? Cool job man ;)

Do not disrespect him so man. It is a sincere effort on his part to try to demoralize us Indians through his warlink Psychological operations. It is very unfair of us Indians to treat his work as a joke considering the extreme work he puts into it. He spends several hours doing this main- kuch to izzat karo uski.


from the links you posted


Oh SHUT IT SW- he's just giving a line. What Are yoy- ON POT MAN??? BJP has maintained this as a core stand for YEARS. Hell EVEN THEY WON'T DENY IY
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