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Moderators, please control anti-Pakistan, anti-Islam posts on this forum

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Pakistanis openly abuse other religions I have read many of their idiotic posts name calling others gods. What do you expect in return? Other Pakistanis cheer such posts thinking it is their right to bash others and once their are shown mirror they cry like Lil babies.. If you can't handle something then don't start it. Social media is free and do not have your blasphemy rules that you are gonna hang someone for simply replying you back.
Coming from Pakistanis that is a bit rich .

Pakistanis don't think their country is better than this country and that country or India, at least not the ones I know. They discuss why their country is messed up, not how better it is than other countries.

Indians on the other hand just can't live without showing off all their development, even though it isn't nearly enough.

Pakistanis openly abuse other religions I have read many of their idiotic posts name calling others gods. What do you expect in return? Other Pakistanis cheer such posts thinking it is their right to bash others and once their are shown mirror they cry like Lil babies.. If you can't handle something then don't start it. Social media is free and do not have your blasphemy rules that you are gonna hang someone for simply replying you back.
Pakistanis who abuse other religions are immature and idiotic.
Aside from it being common manners, Islam also forbids abusing others' beliefs.
If someone abuses your religion, you condemn him ,not his religion.
Pakistanis openly abuse other religions I have read many of their idiotic posts name calling others gods. What do you expect in return? Other Pakistanis cheer such posts thinking it is their right to bash others and once their are shown mirror they cry like Lil babies.. If you can't handle something then don't start it. Social media is free and do not have your blasphemy rules that you are gonna hang someone for simply replying you back.

"They insulted me so I insult them!! BOO HOO!"

Go back to Kindergarten, kid. I've seen you post offensive things when completely unprovoked. No one here will accept the victim card from a known troll like you.
Indians on the other hand just can't live without showing off all their development, even though it isn't nearly enough.

I think they do post/share any such news under Indian forum section and I believe nobody is forced to read anything posted there. What is wrong if Indians share news about their technological advancements? Why do you care if India is developed or not? We post news about our Mars mission and some butthurt Pakistani start talking about poverty, toilets. The problem your folks cannot handle news about how Indian youth are working hard to advance their country on the path of development. We may be lacking here and there but we know we are in right directions and we are not the ones churning out fanactics from the extremist building factories.

"They insulted me so I insult them!! BOO HOO!"

Go back to Kindergarten, kid. I've seen you post offensive things when completely unprovoked. No one here will accept the victim card from a known troll like you.
Keep cryiying !! A troll calling others troll that's quite amusing. I have seen enough of your posts insulting others so don't point fingers until your house is all clean. I generally post the truth and its a fact that truth hurts the most the one who wanna live their lives blindfolded..
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Keep crying!! A troll calling others troll that's quite amusing. I have seen enough of your posts insulting others so don't point fingers until you house is all clean.

Go ahead and point them out, junior. I rarely insult others, just so you know, kiddo.
India with a 1 bn bigots would naturally spam PDF. U can't expect anything better from a country where 31% people voted for the Hindu version of ISIS with a genocidal butcher as PM. Hatred towards muslims and Islam is something they r brought up with. Best is to avoid them and only reply when its a must. Btw PDF indeed has become unnaturally lenient towards hidutva bigots.
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Go ahead and point them out, junior. I rarely insult others, just so you know, kiddo.
Oh yeah, next time kiddo when you post one!! I got no time digging the forum to satisfy a lil one's hurt ego!!
I think they do post/share any such news under Indian forum section and I believe nobody is forced to read anything posted there. What is wrong if Indians share news about their technological advancements? Why do you care if India is developed or not? ..
You are welcome to share stuff about India's development. I don't have any problem with Indians being proud of their development, they deserve it. The problem I have is when Indians come on threads about Pakistan and start talking like they are on the level of the US and Pakistan is some poor little Somalia or something. The difference between India and Pakistan when it comes to development isn't much, so fine,be proud of your development but don't go around calling yourself better than others on threads about said others.
You are welcome to share stuff about India's development. I don't have any problem with Indians being proud of their development, they deserve it. The problem I have is when Indians come on threads about Pakistan and start talking like they are on the level of the US and Pakistan is some poor little Somalia or something. The difference between India and Pakistan when it comes to development isn't much, so fine,be proud of your development but don't go around calling yourself better than others on threads about said others.
TBH, I don't think any Indian would like to be even compared to Pakistan. Its a fact India is ahead of Pakistan in almost every field. I would happily accept if you could show where you folks are ahead. Now if Indians say they are ahead its not to insult you or look down upon you but simply stating the fact.

On the other hand, pick any Indian development thread you will find Pakistanis bringing in poverty/toilets etc. In case of Mars mission, some even desperately tried to prove the mission had nothing to do with Indians it was in fact a NASA mission. See this is how your folks try to match development of India.

And the biggest issue comes when it comes to belief. I know you people have to respect for Hinduism but calling their names on the face of a believer would only result in insults for your religion and your god/prophet. People font realize that and think that social media will work like GOP where no matter how much you abuse the minorities no body would care but as soon as they retaliate in the kind, they will be hanged for blasphemy. People like such needs to grow up. Don't always find faults in others or find someone to put blame on, for all your problems. Look inside yourself what you and your ilk is doing.
if moderator doesn't like ur comment , its troll. btw i am just waiting gor the third strike. two i received on science posts. third may be right here rigjt now. lol chaku go ahead.
There is a particular reason why religious debates are not allowed. There is some sort of ethic to be followed for Muslims in such matters. When some one goes against Prophetic and Quranic injunctions, out of zeal, ego, or ignorance, the result is heart-burn.

Sir you did not read the insulting post that was made in reaction to the OP's post in that thread. It was so offensive that I banned the Indian offender permanently after deleting his post. I hold the OP directly responsible for it because he was not only arrogant, but also foolish enough to invite an attack because of lack of fore-thought.

If PDF were a religious forum, I would not be here - much less moderate. You really should have some faith in Moderation team. We are not here to care for how a fool or a troll might get his feelings hurt. There is more to moderation than meets the eye. You could only realize this if you were in our shoes.

@al-Hasani I have answered your concern in my post.

One has to think about consequences. Trolls specifically do not or are unable to do so. Some Muslims are so arrogant that they invite attacks on our Holy persons just to stoke their ego. What to do about them on an open forum?
I do appreciate your effort but at the same time also know that in order for someone(s) to make money, a certain amount of traffic in the forum is needed, which is significantly provided by those who hate Muslims/Islam in general and Pakistanis in particular. The moderation snooze cannot be adequately tight and the trolls know that and exploit that to their advantage. Secondly, invitation or not, certain members are here only to ridicule anything and everything related to Muslims/Islam and Pakistan. Certain sadist even went on saying that raping Kashmiri women is to teach them lesson. Rape as a teaching tool? I have reported that post but nothing happened. That sadist is still roaming freely and spewing poison. There are many such examples and that is why I have stopped engaging with these people. Ninety nine percent of them are like this, even the supposedly think tanks. Again, I do appreciate your effort, and thankful to your moderation as well; I am sure it happens and I perhaps do not get to see it, which is my fault and that of yours.
I do appreciate your effort but at the same time also know that in order for someone(s) to make money, a certain amount of traffic in the forum is needed, which is significantly provided by those who hate Muslims/Islam in general and Pakistanis in particular. The moderation snooze cannot be adequately tight and the trolls know that and exploit that to their advantage. Secondly, invitation or not, certain members are here only to ridicule anything and everything related to Muslims/Islam and Pakistan. Certain sadist even went on saying that raping Kashmiri women is to teach them lesson. Rape as a teaching tool? I have reported that post but nothing happened. That sadist is still roaming freely and spewing poison. There are many such examples and that is why I have stopped engaging with these people. Ninety nine percent of them are like this, even the supposedly think tanks. Again, I do appreciate your effort, and thankful to your moderation as well; I am sure it happens and I perhaps do not get to see it, which is my fault and that of yours.

Quoted for the truth.
India with a 1 bn bigots would naturally spam PDF. U can't expect anything better from a country where 31% people voted for the Hindu version of ISIS with a genocidal butcher as PM. Hatred towards muslims and Islam is something they r brought up with. Best is to avoid them and only reply when its a must. Btw PDF indeed has become unnaturally lenient towards hidutva bigots.

This....... Brilliant post. You summed up the whole issue in your post. India is a country of bigots ruled officially by a bigot. These bigots are happy with attack on a journalist just because he criticized modi. These bigots are happy that RSS chief address was broadcasted on Door Darshan TV. Same RSS which has been banned several times in the 67 years history of India and whose leader was hanged for the murder of Gandi. What good can we expect from suc bigots.

This is however the fault of forum administration to allow such bigots to participate on this forum. In fact more than participation it is the forum administration that encourages such bigots to hurl insults and abuses on Muslims and Pakistanis. Sad state of affairs on this forum.
This....... Brilliant post. You summed up the whole issue in your post. India is a country of bigots ruled officially by a bigot. These bigots are happy with attack on a journalist just because he criticized modi. These bigots are happy that RSS chief address was broadcasted on Door Darshan TV. Same RSS which has been banned several times in the 67 years history of India and whose leader was hanged for the murder of Gandi. What good can we expect from suc bigots.

This is however the fault of forum administration to allow such bigots to participate on this forum. In fact more than participation it is the forum administration that encourages such bigots to hurl insults and abuses on Muslims and Pakistanis. Sad state of affairs on this forum.
and you are a so called "ELITE MEMBER" with colse to 14500 posts :haha:
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