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Moderators, please control anti-Pakistan, anti-Islam posts on this forum

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Murat Sulemaniyyeh

Sep 30, 2014
Reaction score
I created an ID in this forum to reply to some of the misconceptions about Pakistan and Islam perpetuated in this forum. After a couple of days, I received both an insult (questioning my honesty publicly after locking a thread) and a warning from this above moderator @Chak Bamu.

After reading 37+ pages of Hindu extremist insulting of Islam and Muslims and replying to them. India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid | Page 50

I even brought attention to posts encouraging the bloodshed of Pakistanis, Indian Muslims, and Kashmiris.

I don't care much about this forum, but I request higher moderators to please look at both the moderation of this place and also the amount of liberty posters (esp Indians) are given to insult Islam, Muhammad, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Arabs, Indian Muslims, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

This must be controlled.

I am not posting here anymore, but I wanted to bring this to your attention.
religious discussion should be discourage. we all are very sensitive when it comes to our religion.
Guess what moderators and admins are sold out to indians then only ban Pakistanis.
Please take any gripes about moderation to the General Headquarters subforum (the last one in the list).
I created an ID in this forum to reply to some of the misconceptions about Pakistan and Islam perpetuated in this forum. After a couple of days, I received both an insult (questioning my honesty publicly after locking a thread) and a warning from this above moderator @Chak Bamu.

After reading 37+ pages of Hindu extremist insulting of Islam and Muslims and replying to them. India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid | Page 50

I even brought attention to posts encouraging the bloodshed of Pakistanis, Indian Muslims, and Kashmiris.

I don't care much about this forum, but I request higher moderators to please look at both the moderation of this place and also the amount of liberty posters (esp Indians) are given to insult Islam, Muhammad, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Arabs, Indian Muslims, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

This must be controlled.

I am not posting here anymore, but I wanted to bring this to your attention.
Such complaints have been made before but to no avail. Learn to live with the reality that in order to keep the traffic flowing in the forum, almost all sorts of threads are allowed and interventions are made only when things tend to go bezerk. Do post your opinion but avoid sustained discussion (actually rhetoric) because usually it leads to nowhere. I have read your posts in the mentioned thread and I tend to agree with the essence of your posts especially your post#736. It is too bad that instead of taking your report seriously, you were scolded, and threatened, and the thread was closed.

For starters, even though you don't care much about this forum, this is a military forum, and not a religious one.

If they want to engage in religious discussions, they can go to a religion forum.
This applies to others as well and not only to this poster. He was largely replying and not initiating religious discussion.
I don't care much about this forum, but I request higher moderators to please look at both the moderation of this place and also the amount of liberty posters (esp Indians) are given to insult Islam, Muhammad, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Arabs, Indian Muslims, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

This must be controlled.

As if there are no anti Indian/anti Hindu/anti Jews posts here?
Living in a denial?
(I never said you are living a lie)

save Islam.png

Why not reform Islam/
Christianity WAS..
This applies to others as well and not only to this poster. He was largely replying and not initiating religious discussion.

He shouldn't reply to them either.

A lot of the members in this forum are a little weird.
Why not reform Islam/
Christianity WAS..

As if reforming a religion is so easy. Religion is not your father's motorcycle or some ship's sail.

There is really a lot of Islam bashing over here, it's the cool thing to do nowadays, so every pseudo-intellectual is jumping on the bandwagon to make himself feel intelligent.
This is the internet, so such stuff is to be expected. Anyways, its the Indian trolls who complete us, what would we do on PDF without them? They're half the fun. :cheesy:
This PDF is turned into anti Pakistan anti Islam forum cause of the Indians spamming this forum. They are obsessed with Pakistan. Lol
Yeah, they need to constantly bash someone to make themselves feel good, because if they look outside their windows all they can see is garbage and poverty. Then they repeat the lies fed to them by their media and think "at least we're better than Pakistani Muslims".
Yeah, they need to constantly bash someone to make themselves feel good, because if they look outside their windows all they can see is garbage and poverty. Then they repeat the lies fed to them by their media and think "at least we're better than Pakistani Muslims".

Indians are a troubled lot, one feels pity for them more than they feel hate.
oyee teri ki

islam or pakistan ke khilaf sazish
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