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Given that everything is true that what you have stated above but then

Do you want BDians to chew their fingers while getting butt kick by Bharaties on daily basis?


I don't they'd ever militarily threatened us.

Their policy toward Bangladesh has remained more or less unchanged ever since 71. The saying that Indian high-level politicians, and businessmen view Bangladesh with indifference and unworthiness is true.

India's former foreign secretary Muchkund Dubey wrote this last year:
"Attitude of most Indian political leaders, senior officials, business magnates and strategic thinkers towards Bangladesh has been one of disdain and apathy. Very few of these people either understand the dynamics of the domestic politics of Bangladesh or have grasped the full import of Indo-Bangladesh relations."

Also, see the comments coming from Indians on this forum :lol:

If we are such a grain of salt, then is changing their Cold War-era policy toward us a hard thing? I just wish they'd stop coming up with random nonsense and actually stop interfering in Bangladesh through the Awami League.

Not sure if that's ever going to happen. But I really wouldn't rely upon them.

They had to start from somewhere, no? You know the difference between them and us? They got the author of the 'Discovery of India' to be liberated with and we got a goon, demagogue to start with. Now let us have the parity with their weakest state and there are many out of 51 others would catch up with the strongest one, read my leaps? Hey, we are only orphans because of being boxed up but reaching others out the box would open the existing gold mine very shortly.

Orphans you say? :lol: This country's people irregardless of social-class still beg from door-to-door, completely unable to determine their own country's destiny. And here, people are talking about making missiles :rofl:

I believe it is the sheer lack of leadership that is the main problem in the politics of Bangladesh. Even my illiterate maid laughs off at Hasina's speeches.

Khaleda Zia doesn't even have a high school degree.

What I want to see is a self-sufficient Bangladesh free from tyranny - both local and foreign. I am not really into having large numbers of silly toys.

It is possible to both peacefully and forcefully take down the ruling elite. But it'd require bold planning from all corners of the country.

And IF....IF (the magic word), India doesn't want that to happen, then it'd be difficult and potentially dangerous. Even people who peacefully oppose the AL disappear for no reason. It'd take a miracle I say.

Perhaps an Indo-Sino war would give us that opportunity(?) With the US involved(?) If they destroy themselves, and face economic doom, then we can free ourselves, and be able to determine our own political, and economic destiny without being so dependent. As in...begging. It is our political leadership that is not allowing us to evolve.

See, those gringos are always worried about Bangladesh becoming a hotbed for terrorists and extremists. Even given that Bangladesh is a relatively liberal country compared to other Muslim-majority countries. Yes, most Bangladeshis aren't that well educated, but even then, that is their view.

I'm sure those gringos would view Bangladesh acquiring missile technology as blasphemy :rofl:

But if you ask me, we've come a pretty long way. Back in 71', we didn't even have sugar or tissue. We've come a long way. Who knows what the future holds for Bangladesh? I simply want our incompetent and greedy leadership to disappear. Just disappear.
:lol:missile tech for Bangladesh? Be sure India and USA would never let us get that technology. Countries have spent a lot fo money for that tech, money not alone is enough for this tech, you need influence for this. The designer of V2, Werner Van Braun was gven refuge in USA and later on he is the one that helped usa go to the moon; he even has a space center named after him in alabama, usa. Van Braun's assistant joined the soviet union, who was one of the major forces of ussr of sending the sputnik into orbit. Even that took a long time for both of the nations. ICBM is the ultimate tech a country can possess, only 6 countries have it. Bangladesh is not even ready for IRBMs, not economically, nor do we have influence to get them. Pakistan's missile tech was hugely funded by the arabs due to their strategic location, Pakistan can flatten out tel aviv and HAIFA.
:lol:missile tech for Bangladesh? Be sure India and USA would never let us get that technology. Countries have spent a lot fo money for that tech, money not alone is enough for this tech, you need influence for this. The designer of V2, Werner Van Braun was gven refuge in USA and later on he is the one that helped usa go to the moon; he even has a space center named after him in alabama, usa. Van Braun's assistant joined the soviet union, who was one of the major forces of ussr of sending the sputnik into orbit. Even that took a long time for both of the nations. ICBM is the ultimate tech a country can possess, only 6 countries have it. Bangladesh is not even ready for IRBMs, not economically, nor do we have influence to get them. Pakistan's missile tech was hugely funded by the arabs due to their strategic location, Pakistan can flatten out tel aviv and HAIFA.

Not really Pakistan had started buildin the A-Bomb immediately after the 71 fiasco.... and by the mid 80s we already had it... and no it wasnt funded up by the arabs.... it was funded out by our own govt... as per Dr AQ Khan.... remember what Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto said in his famous speech? "we will eat grass but we will make an atomic bomb" and we did... also during tht era Pakistan was economically much better than india till the 90.... To make a A-Bomb... uve got to have a NATIONAL DESIRE AND POLITICAL WILL... and be ready to get sanctioned or even attacked... like what happened in the 90s when israel tried to bomb Kahuta... and the 10+ year sanctions in the 90s tht we call the "lost decade".... india had USSR and we had GOD... sanctions were only lifted when USA started WOT and we became a part of it... also missile makin isnt easy u have to devote hundreds n billions of $$ and decades for it to mature and reap fruit... Right now... bangladesh doesnt even have the infra,the political will,the experts,the money nor would india or even usa want it to achieve somethin like tht...
:lol:missile tech for Bangladesh? Be sure India and USA would never let us get that technology. Countries have spent a lot fo money for that tech, money not alone is enough for this tech, you need influence for this. The designer of V2, Werner Van Braun was gven refuge in USA and later on he is the one that helped usa go to the moon; he even has a space center named after him in alabama, usa. Van Braun's assistant joined the soviet union, who was one of the major forces of ussr of sending the sputnik into orbit. Even that took a long time for both of the nations. ICBM is the ultimate tech a country can possess, only 6 countries have it. Bangladesh is not even ready for IRBMs, not economically, nor do we have influence to get them. Pakistan's missile tech was hugely funded by the arabs due to their strategic location, Pakistan can flatten out tel aviv and HAIFA.

Thats what I am saying. ICBM is an amalgamation of a number of different disciplines. Aerospace, Applied Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Metallurgy, Aeronautical to name a few. BD first needs to create world class institutions that foster these areas. Create this skill in-house as well as send people externally to acquire a distribute this knowledge.

Unless, investment is not done in these advanced fields, building an ICBM or an IRBM is next to impossible. India launching one is not so much a display of strength as much it is a display of advanced capability and skills in the above fields.

You can get some help from outside, even India did. But the basic setup needs to be in place. Just recently on this forum, I saw BD created an RC plane for surveillance. If you are currently at RC plane level, making an ICBM is like a cycle mechanic trying to build a F1 car from scratch.
China can be a good source for missiles for Bangladesh.

Contact Beijing.
Not really Pakistan had started buildin the A-Bomb immediately after the 71 fiasco.... and by the mid 80s we already had it... and no it wasnt funded up by the arabs.... it was funded out by our own govt... as per Dr AQ Khan.... remember what Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto said in his famous speech? "we will eat grass but we will make an atomic bomb" and we did... also during tht era Pakistan was economically much better than india till the 90.... To make a A-Bomb... uve got to have a NATIONAL DESIRE AND POLITICAL WILL... and be ready to get sanctioned or even attacked... like what happened in the 90s when israel tried to bomb Kahuta... and the 10+ year sanctions in the 90s tht we call the "lost decade".... india had USSR and we had GOD... sanctions were only lifted when USA started WOT and we became a part of it... also missile makin isnt easy u have to devote hundreds n billions of $$ and decades for it to mature and reap fruit... Right now... bangladesh doesnt even have the infra,the political will,the experts,the money nor would india or even usa want it to achieve somethin like tht...

Any one can build a nuclear bomb, its not building the bomb, it is the delivery method that is the hard part.
^^----dude they have high school kids that have made nuclear fusion in their basements. Nuclear engineers can easily do that, its not a hard tech to achieve.
^^----dude they have high school kids that have made nuclear fusion in their basements. Nuclear engineers can easily do that, its not a hard tech to achieve.

If people like you are sample of Bangladeshis then we have to be shamed. Your sense and understanding way below primate level.
If people like you are sample of Bangladeshis then we have to be shamed. Your sense and understanding way below primate level.

Radioactive Boy Scout | Weapons & Security | DISCOVER Magazine



You don't know what you are talking about idune, you get too personal and one might say you are a woman. Don't worry about me, i'll hold more power in Bangladeshi politics than you can think of.
Radioactive Boy Scout | Weapons & Security | DISCOVER Magazine

Fun with fusion: Freshman's nuclear fusion reactor has USU physics faculty in awe | Deseret News


You don't know what you are talking about idune, you get too personal and one might say you are a woman. Don't worry about me, i'll hold more power in Bangladeshi politics than you can think of.

Discovering or producing a radioactive element is not a big deal..... its the A-BOMB tht takes the cake... it rquires centifuge,reactors,etc a huge industrial scale base and alot of billion $$... If it was so simple tht Iraq,KSA,UAE,Iran,Syria,Libya etc who in the past have tried it...would have been nuclear states by now my good man.
If Bangladesh were to pursue missile tech the west would impose sanctions on BD. Most of our export is with the west, an economic sanction on BD would cripple us. Inflation would go out of hands and millions would die of hunger. Adding to that our next door neighbor has huge influence on BD and the region itself. No way would Bangladesh pursue missile tech, it is not even in the thoughts of our politicians; nor our generals.....our generals are politically chosen, they are not chosen to be generals on merit....they are all puppets of the government. Only on pdf folks of BD can fantasize of missile tech backed by lunatics like idune.

Discovering or producing a radioactive element is not a big deal..... its the A-BOMB tht takes the cake... it rquires centifuge,reactors,etc a huge industrial scale base and alot of billion $$... If it was so simple tht Iraq,KSA,UAE,Iran,Syria,Libya etc who in the past have tried it...would have been nuclear states by now my good man.

I am not saying it is easy, i am simply saying it is not that hard, all it requires is resources and global influence. KSA, UAE can build the A bomb when it wants to, it is the other global powers that do not allow them to develop one. Building an A bomb is not hard, it is the delivery method that is hard. The A bomb is a 70 year old tech. The Manhattan project cost the US 1 billion at that time and the nazi germany was developing their own nukes at peenamunde, they just lost the race in building one. If pakistan can build the A bomb with an economy like that, it wouldn't be that hard for rich arab nations to build one. Pakistan did it in great secrecy and I must say ISI was highly efficient in covering their tracks. Middle east is a whole different ball game, the west has strong intelligence there along with governments that are pro west, its near to impossible to build one there.
Go Bangladesh go !! Poverty , unemployment and corruption poses a great threat to economy. Missile development very essential still

why lot of controversies around AQ??
You seem to be unaware that Bangladesh is building its own missile arsenal. The government in Dhaka has clinched a deal with an integrated European company MBDA for buying OTOMAT MK-II surface-to-air missiles and five launch systems. These missiles can carry a payload of 210 kg and can hit targets 180 km away.

In addition, the Bangladesh Air Force is negotiating with Turkish arms dealer ASELSAN to buy Shorad (Short Range Air Defense) system and 3D air defense radars. Bangladesh has already set up a missile launch pad near the Chittagong Port with assistance from China. Bangladesh's missile programme is a recent one. Its maiden missile test was conducted in 2009/10, with active participation of a group of Chinese experts. It successfully test-fired land attack anti-ship cruise missile C-802A with a strike range of 120 km from the frigate BNS Osman near Kutubdia Island in the Bay of Bengal.

Another missile system FM-90 that BD has acquired, is a short-range air defence system (SRADS). This is an advanced all weather surface-to-air defence weapon which is capable of engaging targets flying at low or very low altitude. It has high skill probability and impressive engagement capability at very low altitude. It has also very short reaction time. The system can engage aircraft, helicopters, and precision-guided weapons, such as, cruise missiles, technical air-to-ground missiles, anti-radiation missile etc.

^^----dude they have high school kids that have made nuclear fusion in their basements. Nuclear engineers can easily do that, its not a hard tech to achieve.

There's a difference between a bunch of kids doing nuclear fission in their basement and doing it on an industrial basis. Doing it on a large-scale basis makes it expensive and very complicated.

International politics can also play a huge role in case you're trying enrich uranium on an industrial scale.

That' how the Iran drama is happening now.

You seem to be unaware that Bangladesh is building its own missile arsenal. The government in Dhaka has clinched a deal with an integrated European company MBDA for buying OTOMAT MK-II surface-to-air missiles and five launch systems. These missiles can carry a payload of 210 kg and can hit targets 180 km away.

In addition, the Bangladesh Air Force is negotiating with Turkish arms dealer ASELSAN to buy Shorad (Short Range Air Defense) system and 3D air defense radars. Bangladesh has already set up a missile launch pad near the Chittagong Port with assistance from China. Bangladesh's missile programme is a recent one. Its maiden missile test was conducted in 2009/10, with active participation of a group of Chinese experts. It successfully test-fired land attack anti-ship cruise missile C-802A with a strike range of 120 km from the frigate BNS Osman near Kutubdia Island in the Bay of Bengal.


Those are anti-ship missiles which Bangladesh have been operating for a long time. The OP was talking about developing cruise and ballistic missiles in house.

Those deals are in line with international treaties that dictate missile exports.

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