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Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

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Yeap. I do.

This is why you won't find me asking vague questions (or mocking questions on Sati) about Gita or Hinduism. I think it is a beautiful religion at its core like every other religion.

Most parts I can understand by myself.

The rest,

Well how long does it take to find meaning of a term or word in google. few clicks may be.

Then I am blessed with friends from all faiths now. In case a term in Torah, Bible, or Gita is really difficult for me, I may ask a knowledgeable person from that faith. I won't come to PDF and pose mocking questions.

This is a great age we live in.

We must strive for and find knowledge as a "believer" and not as a "mocker" or hypocrite.

And know I am not pointing fingers at anyone.

Why do I need to anyways.

Thank you

Well then lets agree to disagree here. Surely if you have interest then nothing wrong in getting more knowledge about anything, including theology.
I dont, currently, its too much hardwork for me.
We are arguing about sharia law here, as there is a demand to bring it in, with a promise that it will make things better. Its reasonable for us skeptics to ask for clarification about certain laws from the people who support it. I would do so irrespective of source (whether islamic, hindu or mayan scripture).

I promise, If you ever find me making such positive assertion (say arguing about laws during Ashoka period being made state law in India, to reduce crimes like rape), I would give enough evidence and argument, rather than asking skeptics to read the inscriptions. Surely they are welcome to read and learn, though.
I have observed such point being raised just to avoid arguments, basically to shut up critics, hence 5 of my lengthy posts are about why to avoid reading stuff. (also I am quite lazy). :)
@Kloitra have you NEVER read English literature? Seriously?
@Zarvan @FaujHistorian what are you 2 talking about? Seems like you both are on the same page but using different words :unsure:

I was looking for origin of the term, etymology (of the phrase). All the searches lead to people discussing Quran, and its (mis)interpretation.
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As I said before,

Sura Noor is complete in its description, if you truly believe in Quran.

Thank you

sir surah no or and surah ahzab both tell orders of hijab you stop running away from orders of Quran and act like abdullah bin ubai follower
Who are we ----- Msulims
What do we want ------ Sharia
How will we bring it ------- ........................................
Well then lets agree to disagree here. Surely if you have interest then nothing wrong in getting more knowledge about anything, including theology.
I dont, currently, its too much hardwork for me.
We are arguing about sharia law here, as there is a demand to bring it in, with a promise that it will make things better. Its reasonable for us skeptics to ask for clarification about certain laws from the people who support it. I would do so irrespective of source (whether islamic, hindu or mayan scripture).

I promise, If you ever find me making such positive assertion (say arguing about laws during Ashoka period being made state law in India, to reduce crimes like rape), I would give enough evidence and argument, rather than asking skeptics to read the inscriptions. Surely they are welcome to read and learn, though.
I have observed such point being raised just to avoid arguments, basically to shut up critics, hence 5 of my lengthy posts are about how to avoid reading stuff. (also I am quite lazy). :)

If you understand the Islamic discussions (hopefully by now). "Go read Quran and Hadees" is a euphemism for saying "you have no fing idea". So accept what I say otherwise I'll lob your head. Sadly!

So do not fret if you don't have time to read.

Probably you know by now there is plenty of opposition to Shariah business within Muslims. This gulf will continue to grow.

However Sharia-goons will be vocal as long as they continue to get petro dollars from iran or Saudi.

chopping heads, cutting heands is barbarian.

But unfortunately we have plenty of tribals who see the chopping heads, cutting hands as a good thing.

Not because Islam says so.

No siree.

These pagan traditions were practiced by primitive tribes long before Islam or Christianity or Judaism showed up on the scene.

Hope this helps.
@Kloitra What did YOU understand? :pop:

Nothing, different people, different opinions. And how people with sick mentality would interpret anything in a way to fulfill there perversity. But I never got to the point how the phrase was coined.
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sir surah no or and surah ahzab both tell orders of hijab you stop running away from orders of Quran and act like abdullah bin ubai follower

Let me ask you a simple question.

Do you truly believe Quran is complete?

If not, we cannot discuss any matters related to Quran.

Thank you

Nothing, different people, different opinions. And how people with sick mentality would interpret anything in a way to fulfill there perversity. But I never got to the point how the phrase was coined.

Hopefully you got it now.

I admire your diligence.

Sometimes non-Muslims can be better researchers of Quran, as they are not stuck with one particular idea like so many of us.

Thank you
If you understand the Islamic discussions (hopefully by now). "Go read Quran and Hadees" is a euphemism for saying "you have no fing idea". So accept what I say otherwise I'll lob your head. Sadly!
No at least not when I say it...I just mean to say : go do yourself a favour and know what you are talking about before looking like a fool!

Maybe you take it to a different level

So do not fret if you don't have time to read.

Probably you know by now there is plenty of opposition to Shariah business within Muslims. This gulf will continue to grow.

However Sharia-goons will be vocal as long as they continue to get petro dollars from iran or Saudi.

chopping heads, cutting heands is barbarian.

But unfortunately we have plenty of tribals who see the chopping heads, cutting hands as a good thing.

Not because Islam says so.

No siree.

These pagan traditions were practiced by primitive tribes long before Islam or Christianity or Judaism showed up on the scene.

Hope this helps.

Wow...didnt know you felt that way...No wonder you were after @Zarvan

My guess is you are seriously confused...Because you did not even realize you and @Zarvan bro were talking about the same thing...

@Zarvan bro let @FaujHistorian go he is not here to listen and exchange ideas nor understand...

He is here to preach his ideas like you, hence, BOTH of you wont come to a conclusion and just drive the thread to it death!
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@FaujHistorian thank you....though, gotta love sarcasm

Please stick to the topic on the thread :)

There is too much negativity related to Islam.

And yes there are many reasons.

Some we can control and others we cannot.

Hope one day, people will join our dreams and hopes, when we work on the ones we can change.

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There is too much negativity related to Islam.

And yes there are many reasons.

Some we can control and others we cannot.

Hope one day, people will join our dreams and hopes, when we work on the ones we can change.


are you proposing to her.
Please do it on naswaristan. :)
There is too much negativity related to Islam.
As a Muslim all we are asked to do is pass the beautiful msg....with good words and guard our behaviour .....We are not asked to force nor are we ever asked to do anything more...Even Prophet SAW was told to do pass the msg THAT IS ALL...

As for shariah law ....That SHOULD BE the law for an Islamic country NOT where EVERYTHING WRONG takes place and then try to apply a just law....Well, SINCE EVERYTHING wrong is occurring, applying a just law will ONLY seem barbaric BECAUSE EVERYTHING is WRONG! If you get what I mean ;)

are you proposing to her.
Please do it on naswaristan. :)
@hinduguy I beg YOUR PARDON! That is really lame and immature!

Oh of course Muslims talking nicely is just too painful to witness there always has to be a hidden agenda, hana?
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@hinduguy I beg YOUR PARDON! That is really lame and immature!

Oh of course Muslims talking nicely is just too painful to witness there always has to be a hidden agenda, hana?
uff, why so emo, was just an innocent joke. :angry:
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