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Lt Gen Asim Munir selected as new army chief

Sure PMLN was conservative in past but over the last few decades has become liberal. Elite of lahore who are mostly liberals are core supporters/financiers of the party.

Again I am just pointing out the fact that Munir saab is the most unconventional of the candidates. Ayesha Siddique rightly pointed out over the last few weeks that Twitter bots/social media accounts are running posts/ads backing munir to COAS. Shows his talents with the dark arts of intelligence and propaganda.

Makes him all the more dangerous... to those in charge more so than not.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that... he is gone."
That twitter account is obviously not controlled by Veena Malik.
So this is standard of a senior member. Sharing tweets of none other than Veena Malik regarding upcoming COAS. You should be proud of your uplifted standards.

Veena Malik admitted in a TV show that she is not controlling this twitter account.

I just want to register U-Turn of the person who is controlling this account.
Further interesting is how the whole political apparatus of Pakistan gets activated in the selection of COAS, you should have noticed that in this thread too. Even political parties who are not in power are meddling to give names of their choice for COAS. 80% of posts in this thread are political analysis of members/media and linking of political parties with COAS.

But when COAS goes towards politics, that’s haram. COAS is supposed to be an angel, but all the others have the right to become devils when required. This is the double standard on which public thrives.

A PM leading a nation of 22 crore can be corrupt but God forbid that a chief commanding 0.6 million troops gets political or corrupt. This is completely unacceptable and forbidden in Pakistan, haram by all means. After all, chief has men with guns while a PM, his cabinet, his ministers, all civil LEAs with guns and above all 22 crore public are insecure to the core, from a 4 star general who can do as he pleases.
Wonder if God gave Chief this much power or the genius high IQ public or the upright honest politicians gave him so much power over them.

And then there is a section of public holding a belief similar to their concrete faith in Allah, that pentagon chooses PA COAS. It’s written on a stone somewhere and no way in hell can it be erased.

Welcome to Pakistan - 22 crore public along with government apparatus helpless and insecure in front of a man leading 0.6 million troops. No wonder the political discussion of this thread reached 39 pages or so, so far.

No one discussed incoming COAS career or military understanding of affairs, everybody is a political analyst of expert level here.

My fair-feathered friend...

Please address the following:
1) Bad politicians are often dragged through courts, thrown in jail, disqualified, exiled, and even hanged. In public office or not. When is the last time that something similar happened to a serving colonial sepoy aka Pak Army Offr? The SC is scared of the PA. Whenever the army becomes tyrannical under a bad COAS, it remains unaccountable to any external state organ. This isn't healthy for any modern nation.

2) What mechanism of conscientious objection exists in the PA rules? If an order from a superior officer, including the COAS, is against the fundamental rights of the citizens of Pakistan and/or the Constitution more broadly, how can a Lt. Gen, Maj. Gen., Brig, Col, Lt Col, Maj, Capt, Lt., NCO, JCO, etc., report it and get the superior officer tried, investigated, and fired? How many trials for treason or similar have occurred for blatant political manipulation (illegal, against the Constitution, etc.) that has been admitted by so many previous senior offrs, and essentially by Bajwa himself (not that they need to admit it, as it's clear as day and has been going on for decades)? The person who questions illegal actions is a traitor --- the party engaging in illegal behavior can't be questioned. Amazing logic.

3) Who has been picking up people asking the very legitimate question above, unfairly and cruelly framing it (imperial British masters style) as sedition / inciting a rebellion, and torturing them? Ghosts? Aliens? Really great way to build trust.

4) If they insist on maintaining a deep state through the intel orgs they control (something nobody in their right mind can deny), then why don't they clean the slate for once and actually implement a solution that puts the country on the right track --- instead of playing musical chairs with looters, plunderers, and people who have already failed to fix the country multiple times? This is probably my biggest complaint. A deep state may be tolerated in a postcolonial quasi-failed state like Pakistan IF it is actually looking after Pakistan's core interests (not its own vested interests). IOK --- down the drain and totally in India's hands. Just one small example. If the deep state had organized itself to protect those getting killed and raped under illegal occupation in Kashmir in the same manner as it did against domestic criticism, kya baat hoti.

5) If politicians are so bad that they offer extensions, why do the angelic chiefs accept them? Can we agree that they're both as bad?

One can think politicians are mostly pathetic and vile creatures, but answers to the above still don't absolve the full role of the military in preserving this inexcusable and unjust status quo.

My 2c.
that guy approached Imran few years back and warned him about the corruption of CM Buzdar and the excesses of Manica family (the ex of Pinki Pirni) instead of taking any note. Imran got furious and demanded his removal from ISI and demoted for having the audacity to second guess the genius of Khan who equates himself to some very sacred figures in his speeches to substantiate why he does what he does.

but that was the past. although that general is known to be a true solider and get things done but this COAS role will leave another mark on him and he wont be just another general which in Pakistani context is a shame.
This is a very interesting theory. If the general happens to be an upright guy with no partisan, can we assume he would extend the same strict aversion for N and PPPs shenanigans? You see, when the rules change for different people, the theory you suggest here falls on its face. Asim Munir was selected by Nawaz Sharif, a foremost daaku. If Asim Munir's reputation of strongly against corruption preceded him, he wouldnt have been selected by the corrupt most in Pak.
Shh.. unless u want to be labled patwari
How dare you not follow the imrando religion? The messiah imran can not be wrong.
It’s getting really annoying now to be on PDF when every few mins a new thread ball licking imran appears.
You follow Gandu religion?
Heartfelt congratulations to the institution and the incumbent for overcoming institutional ambiguity of adapting to hurried lawmaking pertaining to the length of term by the last government.

Looking forward to continual progress in policy and practices. Good to have a moustache in house.

May Allah continue to bless the fatherland.
There isn't a single journalist in Pakistan that has got near the knowledge & understanding of the Armed Forces as Wajahat Khan (including Imran Riaz Khan).

So when it comes to this Topic, I certainly do listen to him.

True that, but of late he has fallen a bit out of favor.
Shh.. unless u want to be labled patwari
How dare you not follow the imrando religion? The messiah imran can not be wrong.
It’s getting really annoying now to be on PDF when every few mins a new thread ball licking imran appears.

Is it PDF's fault that Khan (handsome) is a popular leader? How many honest and ethical leaders you see in the country in the present? How many are better than Khan (handsome)?

Nobody is stopping you from debating. It mainly comes down to your own standing and ethical considerations in the end.

Go through this thread and you will see my arguments with (other) PTI voters. Yes, I am one of the PTI voters. But I will call a spade a spade. If PTI does something wrong or controversial, it deserves to be called out on it. This is check and balance. I openly caution fellow PTI voters to understand that our own have shown poor judgement on various issues as well. My advice to all is to learn from prior mistakes.

I am realistic as well. There are perspectives that WE will gain from experience and mistakes. The PDM debacle exposed problems within PTI-led coalition and Khan has opportunity to address these problems and bring better people to power now. Let us see.
After Faiz Hameed, Munir is actually the 2nd best choice for IK. Look at all the other choices, Shamshir, Abbas, Amir, and Nauman were all extremely close to Bajwa. IK did not even bother challenging the appointment via Presidential powers... speaks volume itself.

The rumors of Ik removing Munir from ISI post and thus Munir wanting some sort of revenge from IK is all just plain BS rumors. Munirs removal from ISI post would never be approved without Bajwa. All postings start/end with Bajwa. Any decision made to reshuffle postings would be decided by the chief alone.

Again at the end of the day every single army chief has been their own men. But out of all these I think this may turn out to be an extremely interesting one.

Gen Nauman was the most neutral among all.
the real auqaat of bajwa without his dirty harry gang of SS

But when COAS goes towards politics, that’s haram. COAS is supposed to be an angel, but all the others have the right to become devils when required. This is the double standard on which public thrives.
There are 4 major political parties in Pakistan
4. (redacted)
As one of our good member says
Nuff said
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