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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

It's already the capital and has a Jewish connection spanning 3,800 years.

This isn't removing Christian or Muslim connection to Jerusalem.

Unlike palestinians at UNESCO lobbying to have Jewish sites recognised as palestinian and trying to erase Jewish history.
Stupid argument.
Why go 3000 year back , why
Who cares? Not the problem of Pakistan or Pakistanis. Nothing to do with us. Let the Jews, Arabs and other Middle Easterners do what they want. Has no effect on us. None of our business.
Did I say Pakistanis... are you in the region?
a hint? no your not...
This is a dangerous day for Muslims, I really hope they can recognize what's going on and what will follow before it's too late. This will not end here.
Stupid argument.
Why go 3000 year back , why

It's not going "back".

We have a Jewish people that have lived there for 3,800 years, spoken the same language and had the same religion for all this time. There aren't many countries in the world like that.

This is just recognising Israel's right to have its capital in its ancient city.
Well Abbas has Iranian ancestry and Arafat was Egyptian.
Hey atleast they are from the region unlike some who only have religious connection to the Middle East
He can shove his speech up into his a**, the undivided Alquds is the eternal capital of Palestine...
These eastern Eropean settlers must go back to their original countries
We have a Jewish people that have lived there for 3,800 years, spoken the same language and had the same religion for all this time. There aren't many countries in the world like that.
Not really you are European squatters
He can shove his speech up into his a**, the undivided Alquds is the eternal capital of Palestine...
These eastern Eropean settlers must go back to their original countries

What are you going to do? Just pretend like everything is all good? I'm afraid that Arab states have to take threatening and serious actions now.

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