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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

Pakistani troll that has nothing to do with this dispute, I am yet to comment on this decision.

However quite frankly I stopped bothering. This conflict has nothing to do with religion but land dispute between two peoples. It's used as religious blackmail by both parties. They are the guilty ones due to not having been able to solve this conflict for 70 + years. We (civilian Arabs and non-Arabs in the religion and outside of it) have nothing to do with this conflict. We did not start it nor do we fuel it. Both parties are trying to use external actors who only lose on involving themselves.

KSA and the Arab world have fought wars against Israel, donated billions of dollars, been hosting millions of refugees, spoke up at all times, pressured world powers but all this is meet with hostility, conspiracy theories and in some cases hatred. I am no longer going to be a part of this freak show and it seems that the Pakistani state has never been that either aside from a tiny amount of Pakistani volunteers (pilots) ages ago and the same tiring comments by your politicians and leaders. Nothing will happen unless those two parties solve their dispute. We cannot solve it for them.

And no, it has nothing to do with religion. No holy sites have been demolished of any 3 Abrahamic religions nor are there any plans of such. Locals have access to all those holy sites.

Keep fighting on the internet for all I care, we have enough on our own plate and nobody is helping us. I don't see Israelis or Palestinians involving themselves emotionally in our struggles at all. Why should we then? We have done that for decades and that has only been meet with hostility, blame games and what not.

Unfortunately I am in the minority in KSA so idiots in KSA will continue to engage themselves in a conflict that they have not started, do not fuel nor can solve on their own.

Lets hope the official saudi response has more balls because their is a reason why muslims across the world are beginning to support iran and see saudi as stooges for the U.S and israel

Note! that this has happened only few days after the announcement of 41-countries alliance in KSA.
Not sure what one can say here, however I doubt any leader of the Muslim world is going to do anything because they are all in America's pocket and as for Public sentiments. What public sentiments they will be suppressed by their own people.
What are you going to do? Just pretend like everything is all good? I'm afraid that Arab states have to take threatening and serious actions now.

I think all Muslims need such a shock so that they wake up and act to save all Palestine from Jordan river to Haifa not only Alquds...
on the individual level, I warned you and told you that voting for the idtior Trump is not in Palestine interest ...
As if I care the slightest. What will this support give you? More Pakistani Shia cannon fodder being killed in Syria and Iraq and a valuation that is slightly above that of used toilet paper?

Its not what it will give you Saudi it will be what it will take away from you
I think all Muslims need such a shock so that they wake up and act to save all Palestine from Jordan river to Haifa not only Alquds...
on the individual level, I warned you and told you that voting for the idtior Trump is not in Palestine interest ...
muslems want to mess with our nukes?
I think all Muslims need such a shock so that they wake up and act to save all Palestine from Jordan river to Haifa not only Alquds...
on the individual level, I warned you and told you that voting for the idtior Trump is not in Palestine interest ...
Most muslims can't even figh for themselfs ...let alone for others...
Pakistani troll that has nothing to do with this dispute, I am yet to comment on this decision.

However quite frankly I stopped bothering. This conflict has nothing to do with religion but land dispute between two peoples. It's used as religious blackmail by both parties. They are the guilty ones due to not having been able to solve this conflict for 70 + years. We (civilian Arabs and non-Arabs in the religion and outside of it) have nothing to do with this conflict. We did not start it nor do we fuel it. Both parties are trying to use external actors who only lose on involving themselves.

KSA and the Arab world have fought wars against Israel, donated billions of dollars, been hosting millions of refugees, spoke up at all times, pressured world powers but all this is meet with hostility, conspiracy theories and in some cases hatred. I am no longer going to be a part of this freak show and it seems that the Pakistani state has never been that either aside from a tiny amount of Pakistani volunteers (pilots) ages ago and the same tiring comments by your politicians and leaders. Nothing will happen unless those two parties solve their dispute. We cannot solve it for them.

And no, it has nothing to do with religion. No holy sites have been demolished of any 3 Abrahamic religions nor are there any plans of such. Locals have access to all those holy sites.

Keep fighting on the internet for all I care, we have enough on our own plate and nobody is helping us. I don't see Israelis or Palestinians involving themselves emotionally in our struggles at all. Why should we then? We have done that for decades and that has only been meet with hostility, blame games and what not.

Unfortunately I am in the minority in KSA so idiots in KSA will continue to engage themselves in a conflict that they have not started, do not fuel nor can solve on their own.
instead of writing this lengthy and lame excuse you could have just endorse my post to prove your point
"Trumps decision doesn't concern you at all'

There is nothing bullshit about ground realities and historical facts. However you are too emotionally driven (like I was for years) due to religion and having been told that this conflict based on land dispute is some kind of war between Islam and Judaism and by default Christianity. It is not and never has been.

You involving yourself will gain you nothing or change nothing on the grounds. It is a conflict between two parties who for 70 + years have been unable to resolve their conflict. What makes you think that we outsiders (it has already been tried numerous times) will solve it? People from my country died for the sake of Palestine when your country was in its infancy and today their descendants are insulted by the same people that they sacrificed their lives for because apparently we are the root cause of this entire conflict. No way am I going to accept that or loo silently at it. Same goes for Egyptians and many others.

Now idiots on this forum and elsewhere are already blaming "Arabs" for having "sold out" Palestinians. This is the level of idiotic behavior that at one point in time will make people like me indifferent to this conflict or at the least not as emotionally involved as once.

I also stopped fooling myself in regards to KSA. The reality is that most Muslims hate KSA, Saudi Arabians, themselves and each other. There is no unity and never was. It's all a illusion. PDF is a great example of this. Various nationalities fighting 24/7 and all are supposedly "brothers". Yeah, right. People on this forum rejoice when people from my country are killed and I am supposed to act like we are "brothers". Great joke.

You continue the fighting and hatred, I will focus on KSA first and foremost from now on. I want us to have our own house in order and those who want to have cordial ties with us and mutually beneficial relations are more than welcome but those who have only hatred to offer, complexes and what not, I rather waste my time on other people even if they do not share religion with me or ethnicity. No longer shall my country be used as a milking cow and as a bunching bag for the failures of others. MbS sees this and he will change it and those who have a problem with this can suck a certain large part of my body.
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Lets hope the official saudi response has more balls because their is a reason why muslims across the world are beginning to support iran and see saudi as stooges for the U.S and israel

Him being a hashemite or from Ahl Albayt, that city has much importance to them. The problem with @Saif al-Arab is he genuinely believes this is an internal dispute between Israeli's and Palestinians when this move is sending a message to all Arabs and Muslims. He doesn't live in the US and doesn't understand the religiously motivated right wing here. Indeed there is much on their plate, no one expects them to make moves alone. Just orchestrate something since they are asserting themselves as leaders of Arabs. There are also trust issues between Iran and Arabs, they need to be resolved and the people need to encourage their leaderships to go back on what they are on.

This was a timely move, they know that the region being occupied with internal conflict or economical woes will not be able to contest this.

I think all Muslims need such a shock so that they wake up and act to save all Palestine from Jordan river to Haifa not only Alquds...
on the individual level, I warned you and told you that voting for the idtior Trump is not in Palestine interest ...

Trump was good in the sense he is straightforward about US intentions in the region which other leaders/parties previously try putting on a fair broker face and fool the Muslims. I wanted Trump to win because he is not careful or focused to implement the agenda long term and hide the true intentions. I don't care about Palestinian interest, this goes farther and all the policies in the Muslim world are rather hostiles and world does not want us to prosper with pride.

Most muslims can't even figh for themselfs ...let alone for others...

What's the solution? Should we demonstrate against our leaders or what to do? Because we can't change their policies and at the same time we don't want to risk our internal stability with revolution.
I also stopped fooling myself in regards to KSA. The reality is that most Muslims hate KSA, Saudi Arabians, themselves and each other. There is no unity and never was. It's all a illusion. PDF is a great example of this. Various nationalities fighting 24/7 and all are supposedly "brothers". Yeah, right. People on this forum rejoice when people from my country are killed and I am supposed to act like we are "brothers". Great joke.

You are hopeless like everyone else here, we all wish change could occur. All Muslims are really in a difficult situation, I don't think any Muslims ever came across an era like ours. It's very unfortunate people are rejoicing about going at each other in arenas across the region. I hope people here can mature and realize what is going on is wrong and is a fitnah. That will not stop those parties in power from pursuing their interests, but at least it will be a start. We have to take to that step on an individual level. Otherwise we can't expect change.
Its not what it will give you Saudi it will be what it will take away from you

Well when it comes to ball measurement he will count every arabs gainst every one, 500 million arabs story:-). So when they lose tiny Palestin 2 million he must make it 498 Million Arabs. Saudi are living in healthy rich country like the other Gcc. Why would they make them hands dirty? Billions of dollar investment over the world, that rich part of KSA is liberal. Don't ask much from them.
You are hopeless like everyone else here, we all wish change could occur. All Muslims are really in a difficult situation, I don't think any Muslims ever came across an era like ours. It's very unfortunate people are rejoicing about going at each other in arenas across the region. I hope people here can mature and realize what is going on is wrong and is a fitnah. That will not stop those parties in power from pursuing their interests, but at least it will be a start. We have to take to that step on an individual level. Otherwise we can't expect change.

Why do your 'solutions' always include Muslims ultimately uniting and carrying out a genocide in Israel?

When you scrape away the frilly nonsense you spout about "returning to religion & God" - isn't what you're saying is you want a religious Islamic war against Israel?
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