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LIVE: President Trump Gives a Statement on Jerusalem

We have a Jewish people that have lived there for 3,800 years, spoken the same language and had the same religion for all this time. There aren't many countries in the world like that.

There's no archeological evidence that there ever existed a Jewish state.

Jerusalem has a sorry history to claim any statehood.

These stories are just like what Indians cry about all the time here about the Mahabharata or Vedic times.
There aren't any honest brokers. Russia aren't, EU aren't, Arab league aren't.

But Trump has the bollocks to think out of the box. Come up with new ideas. Already rumours about some land in Sinai being made into a palestinian state because Gaza isn't viable. Too small and crowded.

Trump is a moron

Sinai is Egypt not Palestine

He cant broker peace by placating zionist As the population of arabs/muslims rises across Gaza/Israel and the West Bank they will require more space and end the occupation of their lands
Trump is a moron

Sinai is Egypt not Palestine

He cant broker peace by placating zionist As the population of arabs/muslims rises across Gaza/Israel and the West Bank they will require more space and end the occupation of their lands
He is diverting attention
He can shove his speech up into his a**, the undivided Alquds is the eternal capital of Palestine...
These eastern Eropean settlers must go back to their original countries

Will you saudis respond by buying even more weapons from the USA, will your in the shadows alliance with israel be ended or are you just spouting bull crap
the saif ul arab has already explained why this decision isnt important at all

Pakistani troll that has nothing to do with this dispute, I am yet to comment on this decision.

However quite frankly I stopped bothering. This conflict has nothing to do with religion but land dispute between two peoples. It's used as religious blackmail by both parties. They are the guilty ones due to not having been able to solve this conflict for 70 + years. We (civilian Arabs and non-Arabs in the religion and outside of it) have nothing to do with this conflict. We did not start it nor do we fuel it. Both parties are trying to use external actors who only lose on involving themselves.

KSA and the Arab world have fought wars against Israel, donated billions of dollars, been hosting millions of refugees, spoke up at all times, pressured world powers but all this is meet with hostility, conspiracy theories and in some cases hatred. I am no longer going to be a part of this freak show and it seems that the Pakistani state has never been that either aside from a tiny amount of Pakistani volunteers (pilots) ages ago and the same tiring comments by your politicians and leaders. Nothing will happen unless those two parties solve their dispute. We cannot solve it for them.

And no, it has nothing to do with religion. No holy sites have been demolished of any 3 Abrahamic religions nor are there any plans of such. Locals have access to all those holy sites.

Keep fighting on the internet for all I care, we have enough on our own plate and nobody is helping us. I don't see Israelis or Palestinians involving themselves emotionally in our struggles at all. Why should we then? We have done that for decades and that has only been meet with hostility, blame games and what not.

Unfortunately I am in the minority in KSA so idiots in KSA will continue to engage themselves in a conflict that they have not started, do not fuel nor can solve on their own.
War is inevitable! May Allah help guide us and unite us!
USA recognize Jerusalem as Israel Capital and therefore move the embassy...

Let's see what "Brothers" will do now in the Region... May the Big mouth and the Cowards show themselfs... and let's hear their "Escuses" :-)
Enjoy the incoming show...

I am hearing the sound of war. This is kickoff of world war 3. I hope i am wrong in this case but i think WW3 is near
Pakistani troll that has nothing to do with this dispute, I am yet to comment on this decision.

However quite frankly I stopped bothering. This conflict has nothing to do with religion but land dispute between two peoples. It's used as religious blackmail by both parties. They are the guilty ones due to not having been able to solve this conflict for 70 + years. We (civilian Arabs and non-Arabs in the religion and outside of it) have nothing to do with this conflict. We did not start it nor do we fuel it. Both parties are trying to use external actors who only lose on involving themselves.

KSA and the Arab world have fought wars against Israel, donated billions of dollars, been hosting millions of refugees, spoke up at all times, pressured world powers but all this is meet with hostility, conspiracy theories and in some cases hatred. I am no longer going to be a part of this freak show and it seems that the Pakistani state has never been that either aside from a tiny amount of Pakistani volunteers (pilots) ages ago and the same tiring comments by your politicians and leaders. Nothing will happen unless those two parties solve their dispute. We cannot solve it for them.

And no, it has nothing to do with religion. No holy sites have been demolished of any 3 Abrahamic religions nor are there any plans of such. Locals have access to all those holy sites.

Keep waiting for all I care, we have enough on our own plate and nobody is helping us either.

Lets hope the official saudi response has more balls because their is a reason why muslims across the world are beginning to support iran and see saudi as stooges for the U.S and israel
Lets hope the official saudi response has more balls because their is a reason why muslims across the world are beginning to support iran and see saudi as stooges for the U.S and israel

As if I care the slightest. What will this support give you? More Pakistani Shia cannon fodder being killed in Syria and Iraq and a valuation that is slightly above that of used toilet paper?
Dry your eyes guys. Even your Koran recognises Israelites and their claim to this land.

Please follow your holy book. Insha'allah

NO! ... Quran does not recognize Israelites claim to this land. There is not a single verse to confirm this. In fact the Quran does not recognize anyone's claim to any land at all.
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