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L.K.Advani fears another emergency, says forces that can crush democracy are stronger"


Jul 23, 2014
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New Delhi:
At a time when his Bhartiya Janata Party is in power at the Centre, veteran leader LK Advani has sought to ruffle feathers by saying that an Emergency-like situation in future could not be ruled out.

“At the present point of time, the forces that can crush democracy, notwithstanding the constitutional and legal safeguards, are stronger,” Advani said, in remarks that are bound to create controversy as his tumultuous relationship with Prime Minister Narendra Modi is no secret.

The senior BJP leader made the remarks in an interview with The Indian Express, just days ahead of the 40th anniversary of the imposition of the Emergency on June 25, 1975.

Advani said the country's political system has still not come to terms with the Emergency of 1975.

Since the imposition of Emergency during 1975-77, “I don’t think anything has been done that gives me the assurance that civil liberties will not be suspended or destroyed again. Not at all,” Advani told the English daily.

“Of course, no one can do it easily… But that it cannot happen again — I will not say that. It could be that fundamental liberties are curtailed again,” he added.

Stating why the same situation could arise again, he said: “I do not see any sign in our polity that assures me, any outstanding aspect of leadership. A commitment to democracy and to all other aspects related to democracy is lacking.”

Advani said he was not implying that the Indian political leadership was immature. However, he added that because of its inherent weaknesses he is not able to have faith in the political system.

“I don’t have the confidence that it (Emergency) cannot happen again,” he stated.

Noting that the Emergency was imposed in 1975 by the then prime minister Indira Gandhi despite having constitutional safeguards in place, the veteran leader stressed that “there aren’t enough safeguards in India in 2015”.

But he did add that the Emergency of 1975 could save India from recurrence of such a situation. “The aftermath of the Emergency having been an election in which the party that imposed the Emergency lost very badly, would always be a deterrent for future rulers who think of repeating what was done in the 1970s.”

Emergency can happen again, fundamental liberties may be curtailed: LK Advani | Zee News
India is already under informal emergency. Today the power is concentrated in one man(or troika) and inner party democracy is weakening. Not only the party and leaders even the supporters are intolerant to any criticism. Bad mouthing radicals are free to spread venom in society.
No wonder people will feel regret on what they have done in 2014 general elections.
India is already under informal emergency. Today the power is concentrated in one man(or troika) and inner party democracy is weakening. Not only the party and leaders even the supporters are intolerant to any criticism. Bad mouthing radicals are free to spread venom in society.
No wonder people will feel regret on what they have done in 2014 general elections.
so how it should be? power?
Looks like paranoid fear mongering by a old timer facing irrevelency.
Woahh.....He is our Indian version of Gen. Pervez Mussharaf.
India is already under informal emergency. Today the power is concentrated in one man(or troika) and inner party democracy is weakening. Not only the party and leaders even the supporters are intolerant to any criticism. Bad mouthing radicals are free to spread venom in society.
No wonder people will feel regret on what they have done in 2014 general elections.

one family ran this country for decades , where was the inner party democracy then ? a man with no knowledge of the country or administrative experience is made prime ministerial candidate just because he belonged to the family and talking about intolerance well you should remember what loyal supporters of indira gandhi did when their leader got killed. All that is not visible for you because you are obviously blind to anything done by non-BJP parties. Authoritarianism is good to maintain discipline , focus and bring better coordination and i don't have a problem with that if the person has rose to that position by his work like modi & shah rather than bcz they belonged to one family , its necessary to preserve what has been built over years. Janata party came to power when elections were conducted after removal of emergency but it fell like a pack of cards & that was mainly because of lack of discipline & authority in one hand. Most of the parties in india are family shows.
interfering in the working of opposition government in state, special attention on cases of opposition leaders but silence on its own corrupt leaders & remaining soft on hate mongering or radical propaganda is certainly not a definition of power.

and you think congress never did all of that ? again you must be blind
India is already under informal emergency. Today the power is concentrated in one man(or troika) and inner party democracy is weakening. Not only the party and leaders even the supporters are intolerant to any criticism. Bad mouthing radicals are free to spread venom in society.
No wonder people will feel regret on what they have done in 2014 general elections.
Except BJP & Communist all Parties are family run enterprises ( I am not counting AAP as it has not old enough to judge them).
I discount communist due freedom & communism don't go hand to hand.
looks like media in order to corner NaMo sarkar have used there "shakti astr" too early advani ji you have wasted a great opportunity no wonder sonia was able to rule india with impunity for 10 years
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