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Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

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Kim Jong-Il's eldest son 'under Chinese protection'


SEOUL — The eldest son of North Korea's late leader Kim Jong-Il has arrived in Beijing as Pyongyang prepares a state funeral for his father, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported Monday.
Citing what it called a source familiar with Kim Jong-Nam's activities, it said he arrived in Beijing from Macau a few days ago and "has been placed under Chinese protection".
Seoul's National Intelligence Service said it had no information on the report and there was no other confirmation.
It was not clear whether the son would attend Wednesday's funeral in Pyongyang, Yonhap said.
Kim Jong-Nam, 40, has lived abroad -- mainly in the Chinese territory of Macau -- for years after apparently falling out of favour with his father for trying to enter Japan on a false passport in 2001.
Kim Jong-Il eventually backed his youngest son from another marriage as the next ruler. The North proclaimed Kim Jong-Un the "great successor" after his father died of a heart attack on December 17.
Kim Jong-Nam's whereabouts have been the subject of intense speculation since his father's death.
"He's moving here and there. It has been hard to track him down," said Ricardo Pinto, publisher of Macau Closer magazine.
"It appears that he lives at his house sometimes, and sometimes he stays at different hotels."
In a January interview with the Tokyo Shimbun, Jong-Nam was quoted as voicing opposition to the planned dynastic succession.
"Even Chairman Mao Zedong of China did not enforce hereditary succession," he was quoted as saying.
"(Hereditary succession) does not fit with socialism, and my father was against it as well."
yeah chinese likes white skin from the beginning of chinese civilization.

No Wonder The White Man did not have to fight with you guys.

Show the White Skin and Put some Opium down your Throat and Raped your Country! :lol:
China Uses Abortion as Female Genocide
Cases of Forced Abortions Surface in China : NPR
Chinese woman dies during forced abortion: was six months pregnant | LifeSiteNews.com

Barbaric third world country. China should start acting like a civilized country if it wants to be respected.

This is another interesting read


32 million extra Chinese males. I guess that explains all the drooling, mentally imbalanced and ultra insecure Chinese nationalists here.
Freakin hilarious comment.

That would be like someone beating you up as a kid. Years later when you are living in the same house with the bully, you make the claim that you didn't get beaten up because you are now living in the same house as the bully.

Fact is the Manchus conquered China, raped your people and MURDERED TENS OF MILLIONS of Chinese men, women and children. They ruled you for nearly 3 centuries and enacted brutal and authoritarian rule over your countrymen. How convenient it is for a Chinese person to claim that Manchus are Chinese therefore the rape of CHina never happened.

you are stupid .how many times i have said we have ruled them for hundreds years before qing dynasty?
the one who killed the most han is han himself,we killed and ruled each other then we became han .who cares how many chinese qin dynasty have killed? qing is the same.
manchus are not special,they want to become our brother,and we want to become their brother nowadays.they even lost their own language.
And what is the business of korean here?
you are stupid .how many times i have said we have ruled them for hundreds years before qing dynasty?
the one who killed most of han is han himself,we killed and ruled each other then we became one .who cares how many chinese qin dynasty have killed? qing is the same.
manchus are not special,they want to become our brother,and we want to become their brother.they even lost their own language.
And what is the business of korean here?

WHo cares if you once ruled the Manchus. The fact is hundreds of millions of Chinese couldn't stop a tiny Northern barbarian tribe from subjugating, enslaving and genociding your population. Tens of millions of Chinese were slaughtered. You lost all sovereignty for nearly 3 centuries.

Its like 20 guys beating up on a tiny 5 year old kid. Years later the former 5 year old kid grows up to become the Terminator and kicks the crap out of those 20 kids. He enslaves them, beats them, emasculates them and takes away all their lunch money everyday.

But all of that doesn't matter because a long time ago, those 20 kids once beat up a 5 year old kid correct? LOL.
WHo cares if you once ruled the Manchus. The fact is hundreds of millions of Chinese couldn't stop a tiny Northern barbarian tribe from subjugating, enslaving and genociding your population. .

We are all Chinese,it's Chinese fighting Chinese,it happened sometime in the history,you mean Han Chinese and Manchu Chinese,right?
For a piece of land that has been China's affiliate for thousands of years and paid tribune to China empire almost entire of his land history, I am amazed that a guy from there still boast himself with nonsense.

We are proud to say China is a multi-ethic country which consists of not only the majority Han, but also other 55 at least minorities. We are not like the koreans who always say they are purely one. :) Anyway, what a joke.

Historically, we have been invaded by many tribes, races or countries. In the end, they have all been defeated. That is what makes China stronger and proud.

The Huns, The turks, the Huis, the mongols, the manchus and the japs, they have all been driven to somewhere else or back to where it comes from.

Idiots like you from a country that has followed Chinese culture and system for thousands of years, almost entire of your history, question the wisdom of your forefathers??? You think you can do better than them???

You always like to put a big on your country's name, e.g. big korea this/that, in the end, isn't it still that piece of small land there?

I have no idea what makes you so arrogant. Your dad: U.S.A. is not even that arrogant as you are when dealing with China.
India and Korea have both been independent for longer and have won more military victories then China could ever hope for. China was the whipping boy of Asia. China has been a slave to pretty much everyone. Manchus, Mongols, Khitans, Jurchens, Brits, Japanese, Russia, France, US, Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy have all at one point controlled China in the last 1000 years. China has suffered military defeat after military defeat to various countries. Koreans are particularly jovial every time we remind you guys how a few thousand Koreans murdered 302,300 Chinese warriors in a single battle while sustaining next to no casualties. Do you know why you guys suffered such humiliating losses to a much smaller army? Its because your army was made up of cowards. When things got rough, your entire army began running in terror. Most of the Chinese dead was due to Korean archers and cavalry chasing those cowardly Chinese and slaughtering them. You didn't even put up much of a fight. Now thats pathetic.

Battle of Salsu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You Chinese were especially humiliated by the Manchus, a small Northern barbarian nation who ruled China's several hundred million population for almost 3 centuries. 3 FREAKIN CENTURIES. 3 centuries of foreign domination and foreign rule. The Manchus even demanded that all Chinese men shave their heads bald and wear a ponytail. This hairstyle known as the queue was to symbolize Han Chinese subservience to their Manchu masters. Any Chinese man who did not comply with it was summarily executed. Korean records at the time mocked the Chinese for having such a stupid looking hairstyle


I guess it just goes to show that Kung Fu sucks and Chinese men do not possess the bravery, cunning or strength to stop much smaller nations from devouring it.

---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 AM ----------

Provide what source? Its common knowledge that your country is a third world country where 99% of the populace works as slave while the wealthy 1% are billionaires. Even your countrymen would admit to that. Sadly, you're just another delusional Chinese kid living in a western country enjoying western concepts such as freedom of speech and democracy.

WHo cares if you once ruled the Manchus. The fact is hundreds of millions of Chinese couldn't stop a tiny Northern barbarian tribe from subjugating, enslaving and genociding your population. Tens of millions of Chinese were slaughtered. You lost all sovereignty for nearly 3 centuries.

Its like 20 guys beating up on a tiny 5 year old kid. Years later the former 5 year old kid grows up to become the Terminator and kicks the crap out of those 20 of those kids. He enslaves them, beats them, emasculates them and takes away all their lunch money everyday.

But all of that doesn't matter because a long time ago, those 20 kids once beat up a 5 year old kid correct? LOL.

They were nomads ,stupid korean kid. rooting and killing were their daily job. No agricultural people was able to defeat and rule them except the han and tang dynasty.Numbers just doesn't matter that much.
Do you know why germans and slavs moved from asia to europe?
they were droven by the huns.
han dynasty kicked nortern xiongnu's *** so hard that they have to run to the west,and that lead to a big chain reaction,A bunch of different people had to run to the west to save their own lives,including the ancestor of your master germans and slavs.
And southern xiongnu was forced to immigrant to china.
in tang dynasty ,the emperor of tang was also the ruler of northern nomads,he was called "tian khan"(the heavenly king) by the turks.
But yes, they have ruled us several times too.
We are equal opponent ,you pathetic korea is just a joke.
WHo cares if you once ruled the Manchus. The fact is hundreds of millions of Chinese couldn't stop a tiny Northern barbarian tribe from subjugating, enslaving and genociding your population. Tens of millions of Chinese were slaughtered. You lost all sovereignty for nearly 3 centuries.

Its like 20 guys beating up on a tiny 5 year old kid. Years later the former 5 year old kid grows up to become the Terminator and kicks the crap out of those 20 kids. He enslaves them, beats them, emasculates them and takes away all their lunch money everyday.

But all of that doesn't matter because a long time ago, those 20 kids once beat up a 5 year old kid correct? LOL.

And next time, when japanese invade your country again ,don't call us to help you,we have saved your *** two times in tang and ming ,and you still haven't siad thanks to us.
Of course it is your fault.

Beautiful brides from Vietnam up for sale in China. | NowPublic News Coverage

What a feeble attempt to spin this as a Viet problem. First one of you said it was an 'honor', now it is an issue of illegal immigration.

Face it, buddy. Chinese men are suffering from serious cases of Sperm Retention Headaches (SRH) along with the typical 'blue balls' condition of men not getting laid. What a double whammy.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Wifeless future for China's men

The future does not look good for you, buddy.

It is Vietnamese traffickers that do this. China has nothing to do with it. There are also many who claim to be trafficked but are illegal immigrants.

Baby traffickers arrested on China-Vietnam border - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

You don't need to worry about me, worry about your ancestors in Vietnam being exploited by their own traffickers.
Given the so-called Chinese 'men' here, their exodus to my bed contributed to the lack of women in our Chinese friend's village.

This statement sounds really, really Gay. You have Chinese men migrating to your bed?
And next time, when japanese invade your country again ,don't call us to help you
And who are you? You claimed to be Japanese national in your flag, yet you say "Don't call us to help when Japan invades"???

Another false flag mainlander. Gee, what's with these people, they claim to be so proud of China yet they false flag.
I am a chinese studies in japan.
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