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Kashmiri women are strictly forbidden from nose piercing

Unibrows.... EEWWWWWWWWWWWW.... wtf..... why did you have to mention that??? :mad::mad::mad:

On the other hand I love one or two very small tattoos on girls...... near the ankle or just under the neck! :p:

Its the Truth . Also Nose piercing is becoming less common these days .

I detest Nose Piercing and UNIBROWS . ewwwwww
For us in punjab, it serves merely as our "tribe" or "caste" identification, we are the only people in punjab whose "caste" is acutally an expression based on a geographical region, is'nt it funny though.

There is another group. The Baloch in Southern Punjab. Their biradari is also based on Geographical region.

They are a sizeable group in Southern Punjab, like the Kashmiris in Northern Punjab.
If you speak of heritage, then please be respectful to the heritage of Kashmir, which is its Sufi Heritage. Hazrat Bal Shrine and the Shrines of NUMEROUS Sufis all over tiny Kashmir from Neelum down to Bhadarwah, are testimony to this fact

And in Kashmir we have a new movement in full swing to reject the Arabian heresy. New age wahabism is destruction of all culture in Pakistan.

No one can deny the fact that the Kashmiri People are the Prime Sufis in Pakistan, even MORE than what we know of Punjabis and Sindhis. Tradition in Kashmir, the language, the poetry, the anecdotal stories, the themes, the Islamic history is ALL Sufi in origin or influenced by Sufism.

That is why Allamah Iqbal was a Sufi, and took a Sufi, Sayyid Jamat Ali Shah, as a teacher.

Alhamdulillah that is changing. Kashmir is turning away from the false versions of sufism and are now turning to salafi manhaj.

Kashmir: Sufi and Wahabbi Islam in Conflict | Pulitzer Center

Kashmir: From Sufi to Salafi | Pulitzer Center
Unibrows.... EEWWWWWWWWWWWW.... wtf..... why did you have to mention that??? :mad::mad::mad:

On the other hand I love one or two very small tattoos on girls...... near the ankle or just under the neck! :p:

So you are a Unibrow :o::o::o::o: .

i also love small tattoos on women . One on ankle as you said and the other one on upper backside near right Shoulder .
I have noticed that Karachi people don't know much, if anything at all, about the Kashmiris living in Pakistan. Only Punjabis know us and our origins.
Alhamdulillah that is changing. Kashmir is turning away from the false versions of sufism and are now turning to salafi manhaj.

Kashmir: Sufi and Wahabbi Islam in Conflict | Pulitzer Center

Kashmir: From Sufi to Salafi | Pulitzer Center

Dafuq Man . Why are you hating on Sufis . They are the reason there are so many muslims in Indian Subcontinent today and they are the reason why hindus and muslims were living peacefully for centuries .

Ek Baat aur yaad rakh . Ye zameen Khwaja moinudeen Chisti ki hai abdul ibn wahhab ki nae .
Manhoos Wahabi....... brainwashing-machine........salay saudi khwarji....... :mad::mad:

I really hate when these people try to copy dest culture over our superior and fit for the land sufi culture . Even today Sufis are a majority in many areas in Indian subcontinent .
Dafuq Man . Why are you hating on Sufis . They are the reason there are so many muslims in Indian Subcontinent today and they are the reason why hindus and muslims were living peacefully for centuries .

Ek Baat aur yaad rakh . Ye zameen Khwaja moinudeen Chisti ki hai abdul ibn wahhab ki nae .

I do not hate sufis. I just don't like fake sufis. Who claim to be sufi but are really mushriks worshipping graves. True sufi sheikhs, if they were alive and saw their condition, would be shocked.

Deobandis are an example of real sufis. Barelvis are an example of messed up sufis.
I have a lion on my Bicep ...... this one ...... For ladies I prefer "butter fly".

I do not hate sufis. I just don't like fake sufis. Who claim to be sufi but are really mushriks worshipping graves. True sufi sheikhs, if they were alive and saw their condition, would be shocked.

Deobandis are an example of real sufis. Barelvis are an example of messed up sufis.

Sufis are neither Deobandis nor Barevlis . They are SUFIS .

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