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Kashmiri women are strictly forbidden from nose piercing

I have noticed that Karachi people don't know much, if anything at all, about the Kashmiris living in Pakistan. Only Punjabis know us and our origins.

you claimed I was a Rajput from Rajasthan originally. Did a Jinn tell you that? :lol:
you claimed I was a Rajput from Rajasthan originally. Did a Jinn tell you that? :lol:

I was not referring to you. Another man from Multan who was Rajput and from Rajasthan originally said that to me once.
That is rubbish. The British governor changed the spelling at the last British Indian census in the Punjab.

Blame goes to people for corrupting the surname, in entire India still the original surname Bhatt is used.
I do not hate sufis. I just don't like fake sufis. Who claim to be sufi but are really mushriks worshipping graves. True sufi sheikhs, if they were alive and saw their condition, would be shocked.

Deobandis are an example of real sufis. Barelvis are an example of messed up sufis.

Barelvis are not Sufis nor do they claim as such, their practices are derived from different sufi dargahs but they are not loyal to said dargah. Grave worshiping is not something they allow either half the time people read surat fatiha at the grave of their forefathers and you salafis go crazy calling it grave worship LOL.
Blame goes to people for corrupting the surname, in entire India still the original surname Bhatt is used.

BuTTs are Kashmiri Brahmins Pundits, who accepted Islam due to the efforts of Sufi Saints

Nawaz Sharif is a Kashmiri Wani, Khatri Shaikh
I think some of the attachment to our kashmiri ethnicity comes from the Kashmir conflict and our being denied the chance to go there.

Most boys in my nanaboo's mohalla who went to jihad there were ethnic kashmiris
So in simply put words, we are seen as foreign?

I remember this man from Multan (he is Rajput from Rajasthan originally) saying that Butts were criminals.

Felt disgusted hearing his racist opinion.

No Kashmiris are NOT seen as "foreigners" in any other part of central punjab, they are considered as one of the tribe within punjabi society.
Unibrows.... EEWWWWWWWWWWWW.... wtf..... why did you have to mention that??? :mad::mad::mad:

On the other hand I love one or two very small tattoos on girls...... near the ankle or just under the neck! :p:

LOLOL unibrows are a huge thing in Tajikistan, they find it attractive. :rofl:

BuTTs are Kashmiri Brahmins Pundits, who accepted Islam due to the efforts of Sufi Saints

Nawaz Sharif is a Kashmiri Wani, Khatri Shaikh

We are NOT any pandit shandit, Kashmiri Batt/Butt are a large collections of kashmiri muslim settlers whose origin is from diverse tribes of kashur speaking muslims of kashmir valley. We kashmiris in punjab use "Batt/Butt" only as a surname for all kashmiris, it is same as "khan" used for all pashtuns.
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So in simply put words, we are seen as foreign?

I remember this man from Multan (he is Rajput from Rajasthan originally) saying that Butts were criminals.

Felt disgusted hearing his racist opinion.

Unfortunately many Gangstas from Lahore (Gogi butt, Tipu truckanwala etc. ) and Gujranwala (Saen palwan, Achu pandeyawala etc.) did hail from kashmiris, so there is some misconception among other punjabis in central punjab that kashmiris have a tendency to be gangsta people. Almost all the famous punjabi wrestlers from Lahore and Gujranwala (Great Gama, Bholu, Jhara, Rahim Bakhsh Sultani wala, Aslam butt, Goga Butt etc.) also hailed from local kashmiri families. But most kashmiris are definitely not in "Badmashi" , some definitely are.
We are NOT any pandit shandit, Kashmiri Batt/Butt are a large collections of kashmiri muslim settlers whose origin is from diverse tribes of kashur speaking muslims of kashmir valley.
:hitwall: :hitwall:

Bhat (Urdu: بھٹ‎) or Butt (Urdu: بٹ‎), both of which are a shortened rendition of Bhatta (Kashmiri: भट्ट (Devanagari), Urdu: بھٹا‎)), is a Kashmiri surname, found among individuals native to the Kashmir Valley of Kashmir, as well as Kashmiri émigrés who have migrated to the Punjab, a region in Pakistan. Kashmiris bearing the surname Bhat belong to the larger Bhat caste of Brahmins.

1. Explore Kashmiri Pandits. Dharma Publications. Retrieved 2010-12-02.

2. A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province. Nirmal Publishers and Distributors. Retrieved 25 March 2007. "The most important Kashmiri element in the Punjab is found in the cities of Ludhiana and Amritsar, which still contain large colonies of weavers, employed in weaving carpets and finer fabrics."

3. Kashmiris’ contribution to Ludhianvi culture. The Tribune. Retrieved 25 March 2007. "In fact, the Ludhiana hosiery industry owes its origin to Kashmiris. According to the Ludhiana District Gazetteer, during a devastating famine in the 19th century a number of Kashmiris migrated to Ludhiana. They are known world over for their handicraft skills. They started weaving woollen fabric here. Slowly the trade got popular and Ludhiana started to be identified with hosiery only."

4. The Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, Volume 52. The Survey. Retrieved 2010-12-02. "The But/Butt of Punjab were originally Brahmin migrants from Kashmir during 1878 famine."

5. Madras journal of literature and science, Volume 4. Athenæum Press. Retrieved 2010-12-02. "Bhatt (vulgarly Butt) is the distinctive name of a class of Bramins in the north; and in the south the same class bear the distinctive title of Pattar."

6. The quarterly journal of the Mythic society (Bangalore)., Volume 96. The Society. Retrieved 2010-12-02. "Even today most common family name in Kashmir is Butt, a distortion of Bhatt, a Hindu surname common amongst the Brahmins in India."

7. HA Rose, Glossary of Tribes and Castes of the Punjab (Lahore 1883), quoted by Pradesh

8. For definition of ब्राह्मण brāhmaṇa, with last syllable showing a Vedic accent, used as a noun as "m. (having to do with Brahman or divine knowledge), one learned in the Veda, theologian, priest, Brāhman, man of the first four castes"; and definition of ब्राह्मण brāhmaṇa, with only first syllable showing a Vedic accent, used as an adjective as "a. (i) belonging to a Brāhman, Brāhmanic", see: Macdonell 1924, p. 199.
We are NOT any pandit shandit, Kashmiri Batt/Butt are a large collections of kashmiri muslim settlers whose origin is from diverse tribes of kashur speaking muslims of kashmir valley.

Yes, but Kashmiris converted from Hinduism. Kashmiri Valley had primarily only two tribes: Brahmans, and Khatris.
Isolated valleys in Himachal, india, have similar breakdowns

In Southern Punjab, we have the Baloch, another major tribe in Punjab based on Geographical origin.
yes. I noted this too.

Kashmir is the land of Sufism. It is a culture synonymous to Sufi culture.

We should say instead, sad how cut off some Pakistanis are from their culture!

This guy is equating sufism with Deobandis/Barevlis . He should maybe read more on Uttar Pradesh , birth place of these two cults . It is also birthplace to Rabid Hindutva nationalism culture . Up should be barbed and fenced and if possible shipped to somewhere middle in the ocean away from Indian subcontinent .
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