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Kashmir torture trail - Channel 4 documentary

Pakistan needs to start supporting the Kashmiri freedom fighters militarily and openly to stop this aggression...nothing else is the solution
Keep our mouths shut and our pockets open
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Hafiz Saeed better than Nawaz Sharif when it comes to Kashmir. Nawaz Sharif is a man without courage when it comes to Kashmir. He cant formulate any policy. But look at Hafiz Saeed. He is not only raising funds for Kashmir, he is also raising his voice.
You think you are not doing that already, You also did it in Bangladesh and succeeded. Now you are trying to do the same thing in Baluchistan but are failing miserably.

BS .
We didnt even warmed up let alone failing .Fact is our govt didnt interested .Due to several reasons including our concentration in economy and diplomatic image .

Pretending to be good/humble when you're not? Stop your drama...you're not writing those words because you'll be banned from forum not because it is uncivil....It doesn't make difference whether u type those "words" or not....No body expect any civility coming out from mouths of Indians anyway....:-)

Lets just live in peace, together along with Kashmiri folks......Happy South Asia....:agree:

Then donot interefere in our matters.
Stop interfering in Kashmir....I say the same..Get your fuckin troops out of that valley then we'll let Kashmiris decide who was their criminal...Pakistan or India....

What a irony....Pakistanis ruined Kashmiris' lives? who is saying, Indian?........Indians? who were happy and enjoying whole episode when Indian forces were on mission of blinding Kashmiris.......:angry:

Indeed Pakistan destroyed the life of Kashmiris .
They had Pandits support before 1990's ,the day when pak agencies introduced jobless mujahideens in Kashmir,Game was already over
He is just a troll. Never heard anything useful from him.

Troll only for trollers .And I have seen you nowhere except troll threads .

Not even the indian members take this guy seriously :lol:

Of Course we have our fair shares of dumbs like you that cant do anything except religion shits and stupid comments
Troll only for trollers .And I have seen you nowhere except troll threads .
There is no such thing as a troll thread but its the action of the posters that can turn it into a fruitful and positive discussion or just the trolling. People go off topic, drag other topics and irrelevant information/questions to effectively derail the discussion. In my experience, a large number of Indian pdfians systematically do that and you are one of them.
Are you saying that you are NOT trying to do that right now or have never done that before?
This is a moot point. Pakistan is not the one who is creating the situation of oppression in Kashmir which made those people stand up for freedom.

I have seen Kashmiri people being compared to ISIL or AlQaeda!! That is the greatest misconception.

We did that kind of activities decades ago .Then there is a Gujral came .He trusted your leaders .He dismantled all assets of our agencies in foreign soil .some of them are exposed .
Do you know what was in his mind ?India is the big country , so we have to give concessions to our neighbours .And next bait was Vajpayee . He initiated all peace process then what happened ,your soldiers occupied Kargil heights .
Even the Chinese didnt stand with you in that treachery .

We tried our best .And got nothing in return ,so we changed our plans once and for all .

And considering the difference between the before 1990's and after 1990's it was your nation's involvement that destroyed the life of common Kashmiris .Kashmiris had genuine demands and had some points in there claims even Pandits supported them .But those jobeless mujahideens destroyed the minorities in valley ,driven all of them out .Threatened them after Friday prayers .Then began to torture ,rape and kill minorities in there
It was only after that AFSPA implemented in valley .
Had it been a peaceful way other Indians might have been helped them .
But when they see those refugees in their motherland due to the majority terrorism with cross border help ,nothing can do about it .
We cant allow anytype of bad precedent now or never .

What would you call a group of people that raise IS flags in your land ?

There is no such thing as a troll thread but its the action of the posters that can turn it into a fruitful and positive discussion or just the trolling. People go off topic, drag other topics and irrelevant information/questions to effectively derail the discussion. In my experience, a large number of Indian pdfians systematically do that and you are one of them.

Then I would say this is a troll thread also .
Nowhere in the documentary mentioned about Syria .

And FYI I dont need your contact certificate.

Yes You Have Tried And Miserably Failed

Dont think so .
Proof :Bangladesh
Pretending to be good/humble when you're not? Stop your drama...you're not writing those words because you'll be banned from forum not because it is uncivil....It doesn't make difference whether u type those "words" or not....No body expect any civility coming out from mouths of Indians anyway.

Where on earth I was pretending to be civil or good? I was saying it to your face...civility for only civilized people..
Ahhh still not over 100s years of rule, does it still hurt? Now we can not change history, Yes everyone went to India to find a job and it was.... lets say it together... Rule HINDUstaaan. Back to bollywood. :lol:

Nice post :D
I suggest you go to Kashmir and see for yourself. The reality is so strikingly different (pun intended).
Sir reality is even different from what common indian perceive here & there...
It is on the verge of becoming religiously motivated conflict zone.... Hats off to the paid(by whabi) mufti/mullah/terrorists/sympathiser/separatist for turning ppl resentment against India, all that happened right under the nose of all so called successive nationalist gov in Delhi which allowed the situation to go from worse to worst....
I have been every nook & corner of the valley, situation in few pockets of the valley is so worse that days of 1989 seem eventual....
Pakistan needs to start supporting the Kashmiri freedom fighters militarily and openly to stop this aggression...nothing else is the solution

Pakistan already does so.

Hafiz Saeed better than Nawaz Sharif when it comes to Kashmir. Nawaz Sharif is a man without courage when it comes to Kashmir. He cant formulate any policy. But look at Hafiz Saeed. He is not only raising funds for Kashmir, he is also raising his voice.

Yes, most of the notorious terrorist mavens are known. Eliminating them is a matter of time.
Keep Telling Yourself That If It Gives You A Good Nights Sleep

Arunachal (or NEFA then) was occupied by Indian Army in 1959. It was under Tibetan control till then. Claimed by Chinese on that basis since it was 'south tibet' for tibetans.

Get your facts straight.

Balochistan was a case of Indian spy agency flaming 'insurgency' there by funding and encouraging terrorists there. This is Indian design to create pressure point on issues that does not even exist. If only we have an honest government that is not compromised by corruption and self interest, it can be easily exposed.

Lets keep this thread to Kashmir only. Kashmir is the issue we need to discuss as it is a dispute recognized under international law.

Every weapon against occupation is legitimate. All freedom fighters in Kashmir at every level should be helped.

Update for you : no one mentions it as such since 2010. Read your news.

I love Kashmir! Always know that we are here.



Sri Lanka wants to secretly join India, but is being held back? Interesting....

Balochistan wants to join Iran or Afghanistan? Interesting. Let's hold a plebiscite in the Baloch areas in both countries and see what country they choose. Go ahead, India should give them a call. See how they respond. Who knows, Pakistan might gain territory. Unlike India, we are ready for a plebiscite in AJK and G-B.

Azad Kashmir?!... :crazy:

I was simply trying to state that the above poster was making an apples to oranges comparison. You don't have to agree if you don't want to. But that doesn't mean there was anything wrong with my post.

Also, try not to be condescending. Smileys don't help much.

In short .. will an uncivil "dumb post" suffice?

No body expect any civility coming out from mouths of Indians anyway....:-)

Too broad. Non-sense will be ascribed me to your fellow country citizens .. but then that is incorrect, painting with a broad brush.

Not even the indian members take this guy seriously :lol:

Wrong. I take him very seriously .. that is why I respond to his posts and try and correct them. For me, there are quite a few members from Pakistan also who are equally, if not more, ludicrous

I make the effort to engage all .. its required.

Sir reality is even different from what common indian perceive here & there...
It is on the verge of becoming religiously motivated conflict zone.... Hats off to the paid(by whabi) mufti/mullah/terrorists/sympathiser/separatist for turning ppl resentment against India, all that happened right under the nose of all so called successive nationalist gov in Delhi which allowed the situation to go from worse to worst....
I have been every nook & corner of the valley, situation in few pockets of the valley is so worse that days of 1989 seem eventual....

Are you sure?

What are your views on the killing of rival nominees for panchayat elections in Kashmir?

Yes, most of the notorious terrorist mavens are known. Eliminating them is a matter of time.

Won't agree with you about that. We don't want them eliminated actually.

The same reason we kept Ajmal Kasab as our guest in best of health. Diplomatically, that was a coup. Even Americans would shut up when they would talk of Pakistan being a key player in WoT and Afghanistan. Now they lamely call it a key player (in order for them not to have another foreign policy failure after Libya-Iraq-Syria-Egypt-Ukraine-Georgia). And call it part of the problem ... it took time .. but this helped us get them to the point.

@Azlan Haider : @Joe Shearer will be answering you on the points you have carried over from the other thread. Your posts are good and they deserve a good reply, not the derision reserved for majority of Pakistani posters usually on the subject

But I do want to know your views on you recognising a part of territory as International Boundary under the Karachi Agreement by recognising Ceasefire Line from Manawar (due North of Jammu-Kathua-Sambha) thereby effectively recognising the IB in Jammu ... thereby recognising accession

http://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/IN PK_490729_ Karachi Agreement.pdf
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Of Course we have our fair shares of dumbs like you that cant do anything except religion shits and stupid comments
You need to watch your mouth idiot where did i talked shit about someone's religion?
oh really so you're a stalker too now? btw you didn't told me when did i commented shit about someone's religion?

Dont interested in digging old posts and that is off topic here .
You can search your own post if you want .

My pot was obvious in mentioning some residential trollers and I didnt named anyone .Suddenly you becomes defensive .Thats says a alot.
You started it so you prove it otherwise shut your trap at least try to behave like an elite member

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