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Kabul bomb blast: Afghanistan blames Haqqani network and Pakistan's ISI for attack

I wish there was a naswar that could make afghans relaize that by allowing india free access they have invited cancer into their country! And the early they realise the better for them!
Don't care about few desperate afghanis crossing over. But does army check trucks or cars before allowing them in? Anyone of them could bring truck bomb waiting to explode in middle of Peshawar.

Bomb trucks are not something they can bring over the mountains, they will come through roads and check posts. Just hope army or FC is checking everyone of them.

If ISIS indeed is former TTP then these people are ruthless and don't care about civilians. In fact they only target civilians. They will infiltrate afghani army, police etc
didn't saw any truck stopped for checking. May be they check it after they reached the truck terminal
These ungrateful insects should go and f themselves. The way pakistani govt handles all this nonsense crap is so frustrating.
Yet, here you are. Who should we believe? You and your American ally who keep begging us to do more? Talk about desperation. Who can take India and the US seriously nowadays?
Well, India is not a non-NATO ally of US in the region. You know who is. The question is who support you in any actions against India. Even failed to gather China's support.

Decisions of US carries a weight. Speaking of begging, everybody knows who always run to DC for help during war times.
Indian immigrant baboons on this forum like to think that their RAW is in control in Afghanistan. The reality is that it is not. Neither is NDS. Over 60% territory has already been lost to Afghan Taliban. The new entrant IS-K is targeting major installations in highly guarded zones with considerable ease.

India is frustrated and the indian immigrant baboons here on the forum also display that same frustration.

Frustration 1: Kashmir is out of India's control.

Frustration 2: India's investment on assets for terrorist activities in Pakistan including in Baluchistan has gone down the drain.

Frustration 3: Serving Officer of RAW captured by Pakistan and being dangled in front of the world.

Frustration 4: Pakistan has successfully strategically aligned itself with China's strategic interests, vis-a-vis, OBOR and CPEC, as a result of which, Pakistan's internal and external security has become China's concern.

Frustration 5: Russia has begun to open up towards Pakistan.

Frustration 6: All efforts of Modi and Gang to so-called "isolate" Pakistan have been a waste.

Frustration 7: More and more humiliation internationally for Modi & Gang due to increasing incidents of minorities suppression, hindu fundamentalism, rape and molestations and related issues within the largest democracy in the world.

The above explains the pain in rectum of Indian members here.

My simple answer to their brain farts is..... Go screw yourself indiots. You and your bran-farts mean nothing to us.

My dear fellow Pakistanis,

Pakistan is progressing on many front and our enemy is having a very hard time digesting this.
like afghanistan was land of honey and milk before pakistan ? they are fighting each other like this since centuries and they will keep fighting
Of course. Every neighbor of yours complain about you. Including China.
Isn't it same for India ? Pakistan, Nepal, Sirilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan ...

By the way when did China had problems with Pakistan,,,, on the contrary China, Russia, KSA and Turkey are looking for Pakistan's expertise for counter terrorism ...
Isn't it same for India ?
Sorry to disappoint you but no. Nobody complains about Terrorism emanating from India. Except Pakistan for obvious reasons.

When you are using proxies against India, remember that at some point they become uncontrollable and will bite you back.

By the way when did China had problems with Pakistan,
China had problem during this

Sorry to disappoint you but no. Nobody complains about Terrorism emanating from India. Except Pakistan for obvious reasons.

When you are using proxies against India, remember that at some point they become uncontrollable and will bite you back.

China had problem during this

THere is a difference of origin of attackers and state sponsors of terrorism ... otherwise ISIS members in Afghanistan are more of Indian origin then Pakistan ...

Such articles you can find about India as well ,,,
Deadly Kabul Bombing: ISIS or Haqqanis?
Global Village space

The dastardly suicide raid in Kabul on May 31, 2017, must be condemned by all civilised societies and nations. Over 120 people have been killed to date and more than 460 injured in the deadly truck bomb attack in the green zone of Kabul. No one has claimed responsibility for the lethal raid; yet even before the explosion debris has settled down the premier intelligence agency of Afghanistan the National Directorate of Security (NDS) has declared the bombing was planned and conducted by the Haqqani network with the aid and assistance of Pakistan’s intelligence agency the ISI. Zalmay Khalilzad, a former US diplomat of Afghan origin has repeated the NDS assertion, urging his adopted country to take Pakistan to task.

What is the reality of NDS accusations of ISI behind the attack
How has the NDS arrived at such a conclusion so quickly, one wonders. Do they have any smoking gun to link the bombing to the Haqqanis and the role of the ISI in coordinating and facilitating the attack? And if they do, why have these details not been revealed so far? Why do the American and other western intelligence agencies in Kabul still maintain the real perpetrators of the crime are yet to be determined? These are queries that need further deliberations to arrive at the truth.

How has the NDS arrived at such a conclusion so quickly, one wonders. Do they have any smoking gun to link the bombing to the Haqqanis and the role of the ISI in coordinating and facilitating the attack?

NDS accuses the ISI of funding the Taliban and the Haqqanis. Perhaps it should go through the findings of various American and Afghan scholars about the subject. Writing for the Wall Street Journal of May 31 2017 Eric D. Prince has revealed that the Taliban “control most of Afghanistan’s economic resources including lapis, marble, gold, pistachios, hashish and opium.” The booming illicit drug trade where even the Afghan National Army commanders are said to be involved generate enough resources to cater for all the war contingencies of the Taliban. Selling off sophisticated weapons and military hardware by members of the Afghan National Army in exchange for drugs or at a pittance allow the Taliban to stock their armoury with western military hardware without the need to approach the western carpetbaggers who are ever willing to sell arms to any customer willing to pay the price. From purely a financial viewpoint, the Taliban have far more resources and funding than the much maligned ISI.

read full story: Deadly Kabul Bombing: ISIS or Haqqanis?

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