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Kabul bomb blast: Afghanistan blames Haqqani network and Pakistan's ISI for attack

There is a saying when you stop hurting your enemy, your enemy starts hurting you, During tenure of Mrs. Bhutto military and Political leadership decided to stop helping Sikh freedom fighters and provided India with details of fighters which resulted in 1000 of killings rest flee to other countries and India got free to hurt back Pakistan which previously busy in Punjab.
During Gen. Musharraf era Pakistan stop send reinforcement of Kashmiri fighters and resulted in civilian killings of Kashmiri since Indian forces got free to fight better equipped and trained fighters so they focused on stone pelters.

Pakistan should start helping separatists fighting in India and believe me Indian would forget about Pakistan and they would consume internally.

If that is true, revenge will come soon.
By whom?
RAW and India?
as expected not surprising at all :lol:
Then help us seal the border no more people to people contact no more transit trade deal? :devil:

They have no interest in peace as northern Alliance is made up of mostly weapon and drug smugglers closing the border with Pakistan will hurt their bottom line

They are milking the international community for millions, a well-planted bomb here and few there is good for business plus brings in more dollars
Don't know, it is a vicious circle. You start a blast....the other responds, then you blast again and the cycle goes on.
This vicious circle started and being played by R&AW and NDS to put pressure on Pakistan.
Hi The real reason for yesterdays blast is not Pakistan infact Germany and Chinese joint investments
Source Chinese Xinhua news
China, Germany agree to speed up talks on China-EU investment agreement
It appears that Afghanistan will be proxy land for all super powers and its easy to blame Pakistan ,US using India and India doing all dirty work for US in return She gets to destabilize Pakistan .


China/Germany/Russia pretty much knew what is happening and who is doing what ,
This vicious circle started and being played by R&AW and NDS to put pressure on Pakistan.

Who knows who started it? You say RAW started it and we say ISI started it...Now it does not makes any sense!
But yes, it is to be seen who stops first!
Don't know, it is a vicious circle. You start a blast....the other responds, then you blast again and the cycle goes on.

i think we are playing wrong game, we should let Afghan harm us, we should answer in Gangaland instead.
evidence plz.
hope Afghans know how to read and write so that they may know who accepted responsibility. ISI or ISIS.
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