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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan

Exactly what I thought and said.Continuos violence from the Palestinian side will only give Israel the resons and excuse to tighten the grip.
Its not the excuse its cause. Israel vacated settlements from Gaza and got more violence and hate. We will vacate settlements from West Bank, they will start firing rockets from there and what? Again everyone who justifies them now will find excuses to justify them more.


So ? what does Jewish refugees from Arab countries have anything with Palestinians ?

Nope, I told you your case is new and unique, there are alive people who still remember the very first days of this issue, you didn't simply kicked a regional minority to their own country, you took the heartland of a people of millions , you can't simple tell them "leave us alone".
As I said there were 100 million refugees in 20th century. Including 850 K Jews from Arab countries. They all were absorbed and moved on. Only Palestinians are still dreaming about revenge and destruction and so on.

And thats nonsense that they still remember. Palestinian society is extremely young. 60% are kids. They are 4rd generation and cant remember anything. BTW large portion of those Palestinians were migrants themselves. For example Qassam, whos name carries Hamas military wing was migrant from Syria and Arafat was migrant from Egypt.

You keep ignoring my point, this is not same as losing a Northern edge of your country, or a small group of your people being forced to leave their land, you got their heartland are you honestly saying its normal to forget about it and live as refugees scattered around the world ? what a beautiful world, take their land and tell them to leave us alone.

I'm pretty sure if you didn't killed all of them there must be people born before 1948, even if there are none doesn't means they should forget about it, if they didn't saw it their fathers and grandfathers saw it, they still live it, memory is intact.
Erdogan just spat in face of 50 million victims of Nazism.

It,s funny how a cold blooded killer point out other killer. You people surplus Hitler many times over in term of brutalities and annihilation.
Killing civilians has always been part of Israeli doctrine.

The Israeli army has always struck civilian populations, purposely and consciously. The army has never distinguished civilian from military targets, but has purposely attacked civilian targets. Mordecai Gur(Israeli politician and the 10th Chief of Staff of the IDF) There was a rational prospect, ultimately fulfilled, that affected populations would exert pressure for the cessation of hostilities, satisfying Israel’s goals.

You keep ignoring my point, this is not same as losing a Northern edge of your country, or a small group of your people being forced to leave their land, you got their heartland are you honestly saying its normal to forget about it and live as refugees scattered around the world ? what a beautiful world, take their land and tell them to leave us alone.

I'm pretty sure if you didn't killed all of them there must be people born before 1948, even if there are none doesn't means they should forget about it, if they didn't saw it their fathers and grandfathers saw it, they still live it, memory is intact.
I got ur point. Palestinians lost war in 1948, some of them became refugees, thats why they have right to fire rockets at Israeli towns today. Thats interesting point of view. By same logic billions of people would have a right to attack each other. U just coined an universal justification of terror.
Thats the reality for sure, it would be more benefical if they accepted the first offer, but what I'm telling is they have a point opposing it, you also opposed Russians and in the end you lost some regions you mentioned, ok you gave up on it, but they lost their heartland, majority of Palestinians today are either refugees or a minority in their own land, thats not something you can simply forget about, But as I said I don't support Hamas, I'm just stating Palestinian cause is rightful in its core and Israelis don't have the right to play persecuted innocents.

Actually,no,we didn't give up,we just changed tactics to peacefull ones,thousands of Moldovans educated in Romania,money for Romanian language televisions,literarure ,etc and now the chickens are coming home to roost:Moldova has a pro Romania leadership,the country switched from Russia towards the EU,union opinion gets bigger every year.

That's the course Palestinians should have stayed on,you could see in the last year public opinion in the EU switching towards them but now ? Throwing rockets at Israel ? ....it's all going down the drane and they're labeled as terrorists.
Stop shooting from your @ss..... what a liar you are...

Rmi, you can't solve violence with more violence.... Israel killed hundreds of civilians,kids women....which will trigger more hatred from Palestinians...

Also...what is the purpose of this assault ? To wipe off Palestinians from existing ? %80 civilian casuelties say this...

my dear friend , Israel has an embassy in Turkey and has economic ties with it .... and their economic ties grows everyday ....

Turkish-Israeli trade ties break records
Despite diplomatic tensions, mutual trade volume between the two countries increased in 2014 to record $5 bln

Figures published by Turkish newspaper Today's Zaman, citing the Turkish Statistics Institute, reveal that despite the government's official questioning stance of trade relations with Israel, business ties between the two countries are blooming – and continued growth is expected this year.

The mutual trade volume of the Middle Eastern countries increasing $5 billion, compared to $3.4 billion in 2008 – despite a lengthy period of severe tensions between Israel and Turkey in those years, with a substantial diplomatic crisis triggered by the 2010 Gaza flotilla raid.

The flotilla, which was planning to sail from Cyprus to Gaza, breaking its naval siege, was stopped in international waters by Israeli naval commando operatives. The commandos boarded the ships, but encountered resistance from some of the passengers of the Turkish ship MV Mavi Marmara, which escalated into a firefight which resulted in the deaths of nine of the ship's passengers, eight of them Turkish nationals. Ten soldiers suffered injuries during the on-board riot.

But despite calls on both sides to sever economic ties, with some Israelis proclaiming, for example, they will no longer vacation in Turkey – a popular low-cost budget destination for Israelis – an organized boycott never materialized. In fact, the opposite happened, with Today's Zaman naming Israel Turkey's 17th largest export (in 2013, it occupied the 24th spot).

Last week, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan said that the process of normalizing Turkish-Israeli ties cannot continue as long as Israel continues bombing the Gaza Strip. Later, Israel recalled diplomatic staff from Turkey after a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul turned violent and had to be dispersed by riot police.

But while Turkey – and chiefly Prime Minister Erdogan - may be increasingly slamming Israel over Operation Protective Edge, Turkish trade and exporters unions restrict themselves merely to express solidarity with Gaza and express readiness to send material support to the Strip, without any calls to disrupt the mutually beneficial ties.

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, who normally maintains hawkish and ultra-hawkish positions, was cited by Today's Zaman as affirming hopes that 2014 will be a "record-breaking year" for Israeli-Turkish trade.

Turkish-Israeli trade ties break records | i24news - See beyond

and look at these link as well

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy

Economic ties grow despite political fluctuations between Israel, Turkey

maybe you turks ( and your Soltan Erdogan ) could fool some naive and uneducated Arab with his harsh words toward Israel but others aren't blind to see the truth ...
maybe you turks ( and your Soltan Erdogan ) could fool some naive and uneducated Arab with his harsh words toward Israel but others aren't blind to see the truth ...

Please don't insult all Turks, there are nearly 80 million of us and there are people like me ;) But yes, the overwhelming majority of the population (like people everywhere on earth SADLY) worship their own state. They don't care one bit about truth and justice, not in the slightest.
I got ur point. Palestinians lost war in 1948, some of them became refugees, thats why they have right to fire rockets at Israeli towns today. Thats interesting point of view. By same logic billions of people would have a right to attack each other. U just coined an universal justification of terror.

Thats why I mentioned I don't support Hamas and their ways in all of my comments, I don't support the way Hamas uses, I'm stating the cause of Palestinians is rightful.

@Hasbara Buster

Are you Turkish ?
my dear friend , Israel has an embassy in Turkey and has economic ties with it .... and their economic ties grows everyday ....
and look at these link as well
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy
Economic ties grow despite political fluctuations between Israel, Turkey
maybe you turks ( and your Soltan Erdogan ) could fool some naive and uneducated Arab with his harsh words toward Israel but others aren't blind to see the truth ...

What you said was;

Erdogan :
in front of microphone " blah blah Israel "
behind the scene : signings economic contract with Israel ....

And you still didn't saytwhich economic contract has been signed with Israel ???

Don't waste people's time with you lies kiddo.
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Wiki says that there have been 21.500 casualties in the Palestinian struggle so far. Is the number correct ?
I got ur point. Palestinians lost war in 1948, some of them became refugees, thats why they have right to fire rockets at Israeli towns today. Thats interesting point of view. By same logic billions of people would have a right to attack each other. U just coined an universal justification of terror.

Biggest bs İ have ever heard. Don't get me wrong but the understanding of justice by some of you guys keeps me amazing.

What's your point?

A terrorist organization fires rocket in to your state and kills your citizens, in return you kill their citizens. So basically when someone kills innocent civillians, it gives the other side the right to kill innocent citizens.So basically what your saying is that al-qaida was right with what they did at the world trade center, since U.S.A probably killed some innocent arab/muslims before that event :cheesy:

For God's sake man Hamas is a terror organisation, İsrael on the other hand is a state that has to uphold laws and rights.

Can you just point out to me the differences between the actions of Hamas and İstael regarding the respect of innocent lives?
Erdogan is a great leader. Wish Pakistan had one like him.

Lol....for what ?? For his empty talk ?

Look at this fake news which is made by our @Quasar
breaking news!!!!
Erdoğan announced that Turkey will block the Azeri oil which is going to Isreal trough Turkey. and Turkey is unilitarly withdrawing from the free trade treaty with isreal. and after defining the current stiuation as a new crusade he told that Turkey will reconsider the status of the NATO radar base in malatya. erdoğan is the bigest muslim leader ever man Allah bless him.

Can you see the difference between this fake news and and Erdogans speech ???
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