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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan

Your case is relatively new and unique, you came to their land as a foreign minority and kicked them out(which I believe was the plan from the beginning), Greek and Turkish minorities left their countries as part of the agrement and have no intention of returning as they accept the countries they live now as their home, but Palestinians were the majority who are forced to leave their homes, Yours is far different from a regular case of minority persecution or something.

But yes as I said allowing them to return is not possible right, it will only happen if some Israel is destroyed.
Palestinians left as result of the war they started. Mostly because of false rumors they created.

And what about Cyprus? Greeks were kicked in 1974. How will u react if they install Grad rockets jnow in midst of Nicosia and start firing them all over North Cyprus protesting the "occupation"?



imo it would have been better if it stayed that way since 2005, it would have given Israel more legitimacy in its case.
It stayed that way. We forced to launch the operation only after they refused the truce.
850 K Jews were cleansed from Arab countries. Many thousands were killed in war and terror started by the Arabs.

So who should say sorry first? Besides saying sorry was never a big deal for Israel, it simply wont change anything.

Actually Hamas still refuses to say that Israel has right to exists and as we talk they are firing dozens of rockets at my town.

Question: Why did those Jews leave Arab lands and end up in Israel? If they had been living there for many generations, what happened that their neighbors did not want them there any longer? Also, what proportion left on their own, what proportion were encouraged to migrate to Israel by Israel itself, and why were/are there still Jews living in Arab countries? You expect sympathy for Israel when Israel pushed out millions from their homes, dispossesed them and has killed so many?

Stick to one thing. Either argue for Jews or argue for Israel. People like me make sure to disconnect Judaism from Israel because that is a necessary distinction. When you talk of Jews in order to support Israel (and by extension Zionism), you are mixing too many things. You really should not complain when many Muslims refuse to make a distinction between Jews and Israel.

Most Israelis are simply too arrogant to consider anything resembling an apology. Their actions support my contention. Did you come across the tweet by CNN reporter who reported that Israelis were enjoying Gaza bombing from a vantage point close by? That she was forced to delete that tweet is another matter, but I bet those people enjoying the show would not want to consider apology. You have your Israeli ministers openly advocating ethnic cleansing while IDF bombs indiscriminately. How can you say that Israelis can do anything like apologize. They can not quit bombing and you are talking about apologies?

Yeah, what would an apology do anyway. Its not like you are prepared to give them their rights.

Hamas could refuse, unless it has something to show. With no concessions from Israel whatsoever, their refusal is not surprising. But I've been seeing successive Israeli governments use this rhetoric to gobble up more and more of Palestinian rights, lands, and lives.

And you will continue to argue along all those predictable and pathetic lines. What an enduring shame.

If I remember correctly I asked you this before, what were you expecting ? some foreign people comes to your lands and wants to establish a state, they don't even want to be part of you, they want their state, you think they would be say "ok then" ? anybody would fight back and they have right to do.

If Greeks fired rockets they would also have a point, because its true we are holding the northern part illegally with force, they don't fire rockets but that doesn't changes anything, we are still there and they have the right to don't want us there(and they do). Now I don't support Hamas or rockets as it doesn't helps but cause of Palestinians is rightful, If was them I would also oppose Israel to the end and fight if there was a possibility of winning.
Jews were third class persecuted for centuries.

Yeah, in EUROPE! But not in Muslim countries.

Jews were living peacefully in tranquility with their Muslim neighbours in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Arabian peninsula.
Many Jews that were being persecuted in the pogroms, sought refuge and protection in the Muslim world.
The Turks saved you from the Spanish inquisition etc.

And this is how you repay the favor?

Zionism has caused unimaginable damage to Judaism.

If I remember correctly I asked you this before, what were you expecting ? some foreign people comes to your lands and wants to establish a state, they don't even want to be part of you, they want their state, you think they would be say "ok then" ? anybody would fight back and they have right to do.

If Greeks fired rockets they would also have a point, because its true we are holding the northern part illegally with force, they don't fire rockets but that doesn't changes anything, we are still there and they have the right to don't want us there(and they do). Now I don't support Hamas or rockets as it doesn't helps but cause of Palestinians is rightful, If was them I would also oppose Israel to the end and fight if there was a possibility of winning.

The Greeks aren't firing rockets,just as we (Romanians) don't fire rockets against Russians in Moldova ,for 2 simple reasons:

1.Firing them onto a superior foe is pointless and will only invite trouble for the civilian population.

2.What's done in the last decades ,remains done-in the sense that civilian population (Israeli,Turk,Russian-by case- can't be ethnic cleansed in this day and age,we (all) just have to learn to live with each other).

Now,my biggest problem with Israel right now is the continuous expansion of settlements instead of being satisfied with what they allready have,a problem to which @500 hasn't given a convincing answer.

Trying to force out a superior foe with military means is pointless,the Greeks found it out in Northern Cyprus,we found it out in War of Transnistria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,the Palestinians seem not to get the lesson,despite 65 years of setbacks.
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The Greeks aren't firing rockets,just as we (Romanians) don't fire rockets against Russians in Moldova ,for 2 simple reasons:

1.Firing them onto a superior foe is pointless and will only invite trouble for the civilian population.

2.What's done in the last decades ,remains done-in the sense that civilian population (Israeli,Turk,Russian-by case- can't be ethnic cleansed in this day and age,we (all) just have to learn to live with each other).

Now,my biggest problem with Israel right now is the continuous expansion of settlements instead of being satisfied with what they allready have,a problem to which @500 hasn't given a convincing answer.

Mate, as I said its different , because problem is in the middle of what Palestinians considers their home, lets say Russians decided that they should hold the strategic locations(economically or militarily) in your country instead of leaving, would you just let it go ? even if you can't win you would keep holding grudge. This is completely different then minority persecution.
Question: Why did those Jews leave Arab lands and end up in Israel? If they had been living there for many generations, what happened that their neighbors did not want them there any longer?
Jews always were third class citizens in Arab countries. When war between Israel and ARb states started that resulted in pogroms and persecution of the Jews. So they left, mostly leaving all their property.

You expect sympathy for Israel when Israel pushed out millions from their homes, dispossesed them and has killed so many?
Number of Arab refugees was 750k number of Jewish refugees from Arab countries - 850 K. 100 million people became refugees in 20th century, no one of them was pampered and received massive aid from UN like Palestinians (they still receive massive aid after 65 years!) I dont want their sympathy, I just want that they will stop leaving with past and leave us alone. Stop thinking: my grand grand pa was offended by the Jooz thats why I will launch rockets at ther towns.


If I remember correctly I asked you this before, what were you expecting ? some foreign people comes to your lands and wants to establish a state, they don't even want to be part of you, they want their state, you think they would be say "ok then" ? anybody would fight back and they have right to do.

If Greeks fired rockets they would also have a point, because its true we are holding the northern part illegally with force, they don't fire rockets but that doesn't changes anything, we are still there and they have the right to don't want us there(and they do). Now I don't support Hamas or rockets as it doesn't helps but cause of Palestinians is rightful, If was them I would also oppose Israel to the end and fight if there was a possibility of winning.
If u start thinking in that way who was first in this land and that its unfair that someone else settled, u will never end. You would need to return Americans to Europe, Turks to Altai, Persians to their motherland near Volga river. And eventually all humans to Africa.

There are 1.7 million Arab citizens in Israel and they are happy to live in Israel. Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza should get a state. But they refused when we offered them a state instead fired rockets and blew up buses.

Now,my biggest problem with Israel right now is the continuous expansion of settlements instead of being satisfied with what they allready have,a problem to which @500 hasn't given a convincing answer.
All these settlements combined are just couple percent of West Bank territory. Israel planned to evict most of these settlements in 2006, but this plan was foiled by massive rocket attacks from Gaza and Lebanon.

Israelis saw, that after evicting settlements from Gaza they are attacked and criticized even more.

Israelis fear that after eviction rockets will come not just from Gaza but also from West Bank.
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Fighting resumes in Gaza neighborhood, two-hour truce collapses
07/20/2014 14:30

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Fighting resumed in the Gaza neighborhood of Shejaia on Sunday less than an hour after a "humanitarian truce" was agreed to allow the evacuation of wounded from the area.

Israel's military said its forces were shot at shortly after the two-hour truce, facilitated by the Red Cross, had begun at 1:30 pm (1030 GMT), and that it had resumed combat operations. Hamas had no immediate comment on Israeli allegations it had breached the ceasefire.
Mate, as I said its different , because problem is in the middle of what Palestinians considers their home, lets say Russians decided that they should hold the strategic locations(economically or militarily) in your country instead of leaving, would you just let it go ? even if you can't win you would keep holding grudge. This is completely different then minority persecution.

Well,i won't go into historical details (maybe just a little) but current day Moldova + N. Bukovina (which today is in the Ukraine with Romanians as a minority after decades of ethnic cleansing loosing their majority status) was a strategical part of my country,because,you see it was the Principality of Moldova who first started the unification of today's Romania...and yes,it hurts to see foreign settlers acting as the masters in your historical heartland but you see,battle after battle lost with the bigger foe actually dwindled our native population there:they first started settlements when they came in 1812,we got it back in 1859 but when they got it again in 1878 they realised the danger and brought even more colonists to have a loyal population.We got it back in 1918,lost it in 1940 ,back again in '41 and lost again in '44.The end result ? My people in cattle trains bound for Siberia and more Russian colonists in to change the demographics.+ Northern Bukovina taken (which was never Russian by than) as "war compensation"---you see,loss after loss,despite the struggle.

It is the same in Palestine.....After each war they loose,Israel will have the excuse and the determination to tighten the grip:more settlements,more colonists,more land taken...this would not have happened if the 1948 resolution would have been accepted.The more you struggle,the more you sink in the quicksands of fighting a bigger,meaner opponent.Sad reality.
All these settlements combined are just couple percent of West Bank territory. Israel planned to evict most of these settlements in 2006, but this plan was foiled by massive rocket attacks from Gaza and Lebanon.
Israelis saw, that after evicting settlements from Gaza they are attacked and criticized even more.
Israelis fear that after eviction rockets will come not just from Gaza but also from West Bank.

Exactly what I thought and said.Continuos violence from the Palestinian side will only give Israel the resons and excuse to tighten the grip.

So ? what does Jewish refugees from Arab countries have anything with Palestinians ?

Nope, I told you your case is new and unique, there are alive people who still remember the very first days of this issue, you didn't simply kicked a regional minority to their own country, you took the heartland of a people of millions , you can't simple tell them "leave us alone".


Thats the reality for sure, it would be more benefical if they accepted the first offer, but what I'm telling is they have a point opposing it, you also opposed Russians and in the end you lost some regions you mentioned, ok you gave up on it, but they lost their heartland, majority of Palestinians today are either refugees or a minority in their own land, thats not something you can simply forget about, But as I said I don't support Hamas, I'm just stating Palestinian cause is rightful in its core and Israelis don't have the right to play persecuted innocents.

And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: Ye verily will work corruption in the earth twice, and ye will become great tyrants.(17:4)

So, when the promise of the first one comes to pass, We would send against you servants of Ours who are very powerful, thus they managed to breach your very homes, and this was a promise which has come to pass.(17:5)
They say in Israel arab live in north close to Haifa and Eilat and white Ashkenazi European live in south close to Egypt
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