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ISI chief cancels UK visit

India fill British pockets with bucket full of pounds and Pakistan fill it by bucket full of protests,which weigh more

Are you suggesting that India has bribed the UK ? And what is your concern if Pakistan looses anything ? This is about the cancellation of the DG's trip to the UK . Does our DG require to seek permission from the Indian government to do so ? Your post is totally derogatory and mount to trolling. Stop this non sense.

I have already posted this in another thread but let me repeat myself. The bulk of Pakistan's assistance comes from the US and not UK, on the other hand the bulk of human trafficking, drug interdiction and counter terrorism Intel going to GCHQ, Mi6 and SOCA comes from Pakistan.


In the long run it is the UK who stand to lose out as a result of this stupidity and they are just beginning to realise they have opened a can of worms.

Good going Mr. Cameron

Very well said Ranger,
and let me add that UK as a country has to survive on trading no other country's resources.
it has NONE of it's own.

Thus Mr Cameron had to get on all four and his mouth did the job Indians liked.

if we were diligent enough on our side then cutting off any deal by USA or UK would hurt them only.
Well Done D.G ISI ,
& It would be much better/pleasure for us if , President of Pakistan Janab Asif Ali Zardari cancelled his visit too.?
THE Comments,
While we will pay increased taxes , sky high electricity and patrol prices , while poor people commit suicide alongwith their children , while Khyber-Paktunkhawa is devastated by floods and people await food and supplies because we are short of helicopters . His not-so-right highness Mr.Bilwal should have the party of his life and we will all pay for this . ...
Well Mr Zaradari is not in position to make UK unhappy....cuz his whole wealth is their..His wealth is more important then country integrity...

Who cares Pakistan?
So why does the ISI cancel the visit? Are the the vanguards of the Pakistani establishment? Please do not take my quesiton otherwise. The normal way of rebutting such humiliation would be calling back first secretary / consul or the civil government / foreign office making a strong comment. The foreing minister is silent, the foreign office only whimpered, the prime minister is silent, the president is silent, not too much hulla bulla even from the active/effective opposition party, but an army officer is cancelling a visit!!!!

What is the message in that?
Very well said Ranger,
and let me add that UK as a country has to survive on trading no other country's resources.
it has NONE of it's own.

Thus Mr Cameron had to get on all four and his mouth did the job Indians liked.

if we were diligent enough on our side then cutting off any deal by USA or UK would hurt them only.

I don't know about that. Pakistan is pretty dependent on US and EU for its trade. They both contribute to 80% of export income of Pakistan. While China import 1.5 billion worth of goods from Pakistan it exports 5.5 billions worth of goods to Pakistan, huge trade imbalance in itself and its growing.

Also EU-India FTA is around the corner. It'll effect 70-80% of Pakistan exports and are could be diverted to India. India and EU trying to double their trade to $250 billion in next 5 years.

What would you do if they start deporting Pakistanis in UK and not allow anyone from Pakistan to enter into their country? It would be a big loss to your country.
what's the point in beating the drum, im sure the message is passed very clearly.....

Well in that case, the message that I get from this action is that even the Pakistani civilian establishment agrees with what the world and Mr. Prime Minister stated at Bangalore. It is only the ISI which has qualms with it. Correct?
Pakistani Intelligence Agency Scraps Britain Visit

LONDON, July 31, 2010 (AFP) - Pakistan's intelligence agency has scrapped a planned visit to Britain in protest at Prime Minister David Cameron's comments on the export of terror, The Times newspaper reported Saturday.

The daily also said Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari was considering pulling out of next week's three-day trip to Britain over Cameron's remarks.

"The visit has been cancelled in reaction to the comments made by the British prime minister against Pakistan," a spokesman for the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) told The Times.

"Such irresponsible statements could affect our co-operation with Britain."

Cameron's comments, during his visit to Pakistan's rival neighbour India this week, sparked fury in Islamabad, considered a crucial strategic ally in the West's "war on terror".

"We cannot tolerate in any sense the idea that this country (Pakistan) is allowed to look both ways and is able, in any way, to promote the export of terror, whether to India or whether to Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world," he said Wednesday.

A senior Pakistani official told The Times: "It is a clear swipe at Pakistani security agencies, which have lost thousands of soldiers and officers in fighting terrorism," adding that the decision to cancel the ISI trip was taken by the "top military leadership".

Pakistan has been under intense scrutiny this week after leaked secret US military documents detailed alleged links between the ISI and Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.

The Times said senior ISI officers had been due to discuss counter-terrorism co-operation with British security services in London.

The cancellation will raise "grave concerns" that Cameron may have jeopardised crucial military and intelligence co-operation with Pakistan in his bid to boost commercial ties with India, it added.

Former prime minister Gordon Brown said up to three-quarters of the terror plots under investigation in Britain were linked to Pakistan.

Neither the PM's Downing Street office nor the Foreign Office would comment on the reported move from the ISI.

But the Foreign Office said Zardari's visit was still expected to go ahead as planned.

"Our understanding is that the visit is on," a spokeswoman said.

A spokeswoman for the prime minister said he was still expecting Zardari.

"This is about continuing our good relationship with Pakistan," she told The Times.

The newspaper said Zardari had been due to stay with Cameron at Chequers, the prime minister's country retreat.
Your claim....First tell me what your claim is....That US, UK find out we are working against them and the isolation will start....Isn't the news of Pakistan helping anti british and US elements coming from the day this war started....They why so late....?? Cameron is just liking the balls of indians to prove get a few million dollar deal.. But he didn't know what he'll loose by this...It worth more than those few millions.

FYI we've faced such isolation before and we can face it against..

Well if Prime Minster Cameron's remarks can be termed as licking balls for getting business deals, what do you call your aid obtaining process.

So let us just leave the expletives out like we do not want it for our governments.

And what do you think will he loose this time for calling a spade a spade? What is the great deprivation that UK is soon going to face for this reality check on the ISI and Pakistan? Will all Pakistanis living there in UK away from the nice scenario in their country leave UK and return to Pakistan? or will now there be another terror attack planning somewher in Pakistan on public places in UK that ISI will not inform the MI6 and UK about? Or will it be a case that your politicians will now start making some other place their favorite haunt, or will now Gen. Mussharaf adbicate UK with bag baggage and family?

Afterall what is UK going to be deprived of now due to this statement from Prime Minister Cameron. I mean besides the possibility of refusal of Aid by Pakistan. Surely, your Army via your government can tell UK that you do not need any more/higher aid and you can put a higher price on your self respect.....
Well if Prime Minster Cameron's remarks can be termed as licking balls for getting business deals, what do you call your aid obtaining process.

So let us just leave the expletives out like we do not want it for our governments.

And what do you think will he loose this time for calling a spade a spade? What is the great deprivation that UK is soon going to face for this reality check on the ISI and Pakistan? Will all Pakistanis living there in UK away from the nice scenario in their country leave UK and return to Pakistan? or will now there be another terror attack planning somewher in Pakistan on public places in UK that ISI will not inform the MI6 and UK about? Or will it be a case that your politicians will now start making some other place their favorite haunt, or will now Gen. Mussharaf adbicate UK with bag baggage and family?

Afterall what is UK going to be deprived of now due to this statement from Prime Minister Cameron. I mean besides the possibility of refusal of Aid by Pakistan. Surely, your Army via your government can tell UK that you do not need any more/higher aid and you can put a higher price on your self respect.....

Don't worry dear nothing would happen. Cameroon proved to be a loud mouth and he would soon give a u turn to his statement.

Your claim....First tell me what your claim is....That US, UK find out we are working against them and the isolation will start....Isn't the news of Pakistan helping anti british and US elements coming from the day this war started....They why so late....?? Cameron is just liking the balls of indians to prove get a few million dollar deal.. But he didn't know what he'll loose by this...It worth more than those few millions.

FYI we've faced such isolation before and we can face it against..

FYI, what happened then. Were you happy with your economic conditions? US and UK are using carrot and stick method, they are bankrupting Pakistan and demanding efforts for their aid. I am sorry if you couldn't realize that. Better you know Who is licking whose balls. We are watching with great interest from side bar.

Tell me what he's gonna loose. Except for some absurd rants from a remote forum claiming that he doesn't know what he loose. Pakistan can do nothing against UK. Not few millions but quite a few billions are there to loose.
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Don't worry dear nothing would happen. Cameroon proved to be a loud mouth and he would soon give a u turn to his statement.


That wouldn't help...
Even if he term indians as terrorists it will not control the damage done.

I expect him to pamper zardari clan and matter will be solved, without any sort of objection.

Do you not remember when su30 and mirrage-2K invaded pak airspace Qureshi said those lost there way!!!
Well Done D.G ISI ,
& It would be much better/pleasure for us if , President of Pakistan Janab Asif Ali Zardari cancelled his visit too.?

I hope it was your civilian government which instructed him to not go. If not, it points to a politicised ISI which should be a reason of worry for Pakistanis.
That wouldn't help...
Even if he term indians as terrorists it will not control the damage done.

I expect him to pamper zardari clan and matter will be solved, without any sort of objection.

Do you not remember when su30 and mirrage-2K invaded pak airspace Qureshi said those lost there way!!!

Yeah I agree with you. Zardari is going to UK and isn't postponing his visit. What else do you expect from Mr10% and fake degree holders.


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